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Race For Mayor In Elmira Is Set

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On 5/24/2023 at 9:51 PM, Hal said:

Was it “ jitters “ or was Mr Hassell just plain unprepared … not that any of the questions were Earthshaking  nor were the ensuing answers riveting. 
What ?! Was I expecting too much ? 😂

It's not clear what you were expecting. I agree with you that the answers were not riveting. Not from either man.

Jitters played a large part in Jim's first-ever debate performance, and, yes, he was unprepared. How do you prepare for a debate when you have no idea what questions you will have to answer? The incumbent has a huge advantage as he can - and did - respond to many questions that "we are already doing that". Which may or may not be true.

Jim is an excellent candidate with a vision to restore pride in the city and build community.  For him, being mayor is a mission, not just a job.

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It was all too clear to myself as I expect a candidate to come into a debate with a good knowledge of the concerns of the constituency. This is how you prepare for the questions that may be posed . The Incumbent in this case has as much advantage as any other holding the office and the Candidate should have countered the Incumbents answer “ we’re already doing that “ with “ can you elaborate on that please “ . 
But hey … I would be the first to agree with any constructive criticism of the current Mayor if I thought it just that , constructive. 

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Having thought about it some more, I think holding a mayoral or any other kind of debate so far ahead of the actual election is absolutely stupid to begin with. 

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18 hours ago, Hal said:

It was all too clear to myself as I expect a candidate to come into a debate with a good knowledge of the concerns of the constituency. This is how you prepare for the questions that may be posed . The Incumbent in this case has as much advantage as any other holding the office and the Candidate should have countered the Incumbents answer “ we’re already doing that “ with “ can you elaborate on that please “ . 
But hey … I would be the first to agree with any constructive criticism of the current Mayor if I thought it just that , constructive. 

And how does a candidate find out the concerns of the constituency before he gets out and talks to them? The structure of the debate did not allow for direct questioning of the other candidate. They seldom do, making them more like pop quizzes than debates.

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Politician motto "I stand for ____________ insert whatever may get me elected and once elected ill sit and do nothing but collect my check.  

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I agree that such an early debate has less weight than the one planned for October, but I wouldn’t say that we should expect either candidate to not have a good grasp on the concerns of the constituency by April when they submitted their party petitions.

Of course, that Galactic person briefly announced plans to run as a “lark” after only living here a few months and had no idea of the issues the city has faced (she was not qualified and rightly withdrew from the race).

But these two....living in the community for decades should presumably have a good idea of the matters and current events that compelled them to run. Perhaps even participation in local organizations, etc where they’ve been involved in projects and/or community issues.  Not to mention the ample opportunity they had to discuss concerns while gathering signatures since February.

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3 hours ago, Elizabeth Whitehouse said:

And how does a candidate find out the concerns of the constituency before he gets out and talks to them? The structure of the debate did not allow for direct questioning of the other candidate. They seldom do, making them more like pop quizzes than debates.

I’ll just defer to MsKreed on this one . 👇🏻👍

1 hour ago, MsKreed said:


But these two....living in the community for decades should presumably have a good idea of the matters and current events that compelled them to run. Perhaps even participation in local organizations, etc where they’ve been involved in projects and/or community issues.  Not to mention the ample opportunity they had to discuss concerns while gathering signatures since February.


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That's not how petitioning works. It is about getting on the ballot. Yes there are times when one has a good conversation about issues, but seldom does anyone say I'll only sign if you promise to do something about whatever their pet issue is.

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I didn’t imply in my response that I think petitioning is some tit for tat based on any “promise” from the candidate.

The earlier point was how does a candidate find out the concerns of the constituency before he gets out and talks to them?”

But on any occasion when I have been asked to sign a petition, no candidate has ever implied anything like “I have no interest in hearing what any of your concerns are, but please sign this so I can run for office”.....that approach would be tacky and insulting.

They’ve always introduced themselves and expressed (or at least feigned) sincere interest in “me” and asked questions about my concerns as a voter.


Mr. Hassell didn’t bother to stop at my house at any time during his legislative campaign, either when gathering signatures for his IND line or all the way up to November.

I do hope now that he's an Elmiran again, those voters find he has more engagement (or any at all?? LOL)

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Possibly you are neither a Democrat nor an Independent, because I can assure you that between us we knocked on every door in the First district. Maybe you weren't home. Maybe you were engaged in some sort of activity that prevented you from coming to the door. Are you happy with Ms Morse as your representative?

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I will say this: If a candidate comes to my door asking for my signature so they can run for office, they better be able and have time to answer a few questions. My signature on a form implies support, and I assure you I have turned people away because I would not support them. 

For what it's worth, I think the time has come for the candidates to be more specific about what they intend to do if elected. All I hear and read so far are statements such as, "The problem is..." Well yeah, we all KNOW what the problem is, what makes YOU the one to fix it? What do you propose as a solution?

Frankly, I think it's stupid to have both a mayor and a city manager in Elmira. Combine the two into one position. Make the mayor take on the role of city manager so that if he or she does a lousy job, they can be fired next election cycle. Enough paying for a ribbon cutter. 

But then again, I don't live or pay taxes in the city, so it's not up to me I guess. 

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2 hours ago, Zapp Brannigan said:

Politician motto "I stand for ____________ insert whatever may get me elected and once elected ill sit and do nothing but collect my check.  

Yes. That is a politician speaking.  That is not Jim. I don't get it. I would be very surprised to find that this is a Republican website. But Democrats do not support their own. Why is that?


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2 minutes ago, Elizabeth Whitehouse said:

I would be very surprised to find that this is a Republican website

This is a news/ conversation website. As I told you in PM, this website doesn't endorse candidates or one political party over the other. This site is open to ALL viewpoints. That doesn't mean those viewpoints won't be disagreed with.  

Even my own, BELIEVE me! LOL

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4 minutes ago, Chris said:

I will say this: If a candidate comes to my door asking for my signature so they can run for office, they better be able and have time to answer a few questions. My signature on a form implies support, and I assure you I have turned people away because I would not support them. 

For what it's worth, I think the time has come for the candidates to be more specific about what they intend to do if elected. All I hear and read so far are statements such as, "The problem is..." Well yeah, we all KNOW what the problem is, what makes YOU the one to fix it? What do you propose as a solution?

Frankly, I think it's stupid to have both a mayor and a city manager in Elmira. Combine the two into one position. Make the mayor take on the role of city manager so that if he or she does a lousy job, they can be fired next election cycle. Enough paying for a ribbon cutter. 

But then again, I don't live or pay taxes in the city, so it's not up to me I guess. 

This country is supposed to be a democracy. Ha ha. As such, it is not up to you decide who is eligible to run for office.

On the other hand, I completely agree that we do not need a city manager.

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19 minutes ago, Elizabeth Whitehouse said:

This country is supposed to be a democracy. Ha ha. As such, it is not up to you decide who is eligible to run for office.

The way New York State election law works.....a designated number of registered voters agreeing to sign a petition is a requirement for eligibility. That pretty much means, by definition, it is up to those voters being asked to sign a petition to decide who is eligible to run for office.


And I also agree that having a Mayor and City Manager is pointless.  But I have not formed any opinion on which position should be eliminated.

The Mayor's $11k salary reflects the fact that there are no requisite Business Management or Administrator CV requirements....and, accordingly, they do not have any real administrative or supervisory duties. As it is now, the Mayor isn't much more than a part time glorified council member elected "at large" rather than representing a specific district, and serving as Chair. 

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39 minutes ago, Elizabeth Whitehouse said:

As such, it is not up to you decide who is eligible to run for office.

Yeah, about that…. It is up to me to decide who I will and will not support. My signature implies support.

Your mileage may vary.

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1 hour ago, Elizabeth Whitehouse said:

Yes. That is a politician speaking.  That is not Jim. I don't get it. I would be very surprised to find that this is a Republican website. But Democrats do not support their own. Why is that?


I dont believe in politics or the government. Ive been a member here for a bit now and this site does not lean towards any side. All opinions and views are welcome here. This is not Facebook or Elmira is crazy be prepared for intelligent conversation.

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1 hour ago, Chris said:

This is a news/ conversation website. As I told you in PM, this website doesn't endorse candidates or one political party over the other. This site is open to ALL viewpoints. That doesn't mean those viewpoints won't be disagreed with.  

Even my own, BELIEVE me! LOL


7 minutes ago, Zapp Brannigan said:

I dont believe in politics or the government. Ive been a member here for a bit now and this site does not lean towards any side. All opinions and views are welcome here. This is not Facebook or Elmira is crazy be prepared for intelligent conversation.

I really like this site. And I would like to have some intelligent conversation. You go first.

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1 minute ago, Elizabeth Whitehouse said:


I really like this site. And I would like to have some intelligent conversation. You go first.

Oh I didnt mean from me.

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2 hours ago, Chris said:

Yeah, about that…. It is up to me to decide who I will and will not support. My signature implies support.

Your mileage may vary.

 I disagree. Your signature on a petition allows the person to run.  It does not signify support. Even the weirdest kook should be able to run. You don't have to vote for him.

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2 hours ago, Chris said:

Yeah, about that…. It is up to me to decide who I will and will not support. My signature implies support.

Your mileage may vary.

I don't really agree with that.  I believe everyone deserves the opportunity to petition to serve.  Signing a petition does not imply support.  It implies the encouragement of the candidate to run.  This gives them the opportunity to then do what they need to do to get elected.  

Everyone should have the opportunity if they want it.

You vote in November.  Just because you signed the petition doesn't mean you have to vote for them.

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