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  1. Today
  2. We’re watching the show now and right out of the gate they start with a completely idiotic, unfunny sketch. The kind that made me stop watching SNL in the first place.
  3. Yesterday
  4. I always thought those anglerfish that live miles down in the ocean were huge. Turns out their actually quite small. Someone got one on camera that came to the surface for some reason ( to die I guess ).
  5. and school will start to end in July instead of late June...With Lunar Day, Juneteenth..our school year has been extended by 2 days this year. We still have to get 180 days of instruction i and 5 days of in-service. So these holidays we have to follow are just a pain.
  6. Rep. Tenney will just have to stand in line to kiss The Donald's ass like everyone else has.
  7. No, there’s enough Federal Holidays
  8. I've opposed adding new "federal holidays" for decades and truly believe most of the existing ones should be revoked. They're a waste of taxpayer money and insulting to the working poor. All of the civic/historic people and events they claim to "honor" would be better accomplished by keeping kids in school to participate in observances rather than sitting home playing video games.....while paying billions of dollars to government employees to not work (and paying the essential employees double time and a half to show up). And how about the lower economic class? How nice that the working class can "celebrate" the holiday by waiting on all the government employees their taxes support. Because a lot of those government employees spend their holiday shopping or eating out. Those non-union service and retail workers don't really benefit from having a "federal holiday". They're still working, or losing a day's pay if they don't come in. Since their kids' teachers are all having a paid day off, they have to lose wages or find childcare.
  9. These mandates are completely unrealistic but by the time anyone figures that out, the people who made these laws will be long gone from office. They'll have made their money on it though, you can bet on that.
  10. This doesn't surprise me. And it's a very real possibility for any backyard chicken owner. Any poultry that are allowed to go outside will be exposed to wild birds, it's just that simple. And of course keeping them locked inside isn't possible, so...
  11. The only thing Mitch is "free" from is concerns about re-election. And go figure, he suddenly develops a conscience when it's something that matters to him personally. Screw him.
  12. It was a year ago this week when I joined legislative colleagues and school district representatives in Albany for a “Pump the Brakes” news conference to begin calling more urgent attention to what we now know could be the most costly state mandate ever imposed on school districts and local property taxpayers – if it keeps moving forward on its current timeline. That’s right, the costliest mandate ever. It’s important to keep sounding the alarm because, on multiple fronts, this state’s all-Democrat leaders keep blindly moving ahead to impose outrageous energy mandates on all New Yorkers, including this one. In 2022, Albany Democrats enacted a new law mandating that, starting in 2027, all school buses purchased in this state will have to be electric. Despite our constant warnings over the past year, and despite more and more school districts and other local leaders joining the chorus of voices in opposition to the electric school bus mandate, the all-Democrat leaders of the state in Albany keep moving forward. Key reminders are in order: It will be enormously expensive. Electric buses cost up to three times as much as conventional diesel buses. Additionally, schools will be required to undertake significant electrical infrastructure and distribution line upgrades, as well as address major workforce transitions. The cost of the conversion has been conservatively estimated at between $8 billion and $15.25 billion more than the cost of replacing them with new diesel buses. It’s simply unworkable right now. The existing electric grid can’t support it. Electric vehicles are showing an inability to operate or charge in frigid temperatures, and it does get cold in New York. Designed to operate best in 70-degree temperatures, electric vehicles lose up to 40 percent of their traveling range in extreme cold and the time required to charge them is much longer. A pilot program in Vermont found traveling range decreased by 80 percent in some instances. It will have yet another, enormously costly impact on the upkeep and maintenance of local roads. A diesel school bus weighs about 10 tons per axle while an electric school bus carries about 14 tons on its front axle and 25 tons on its rear axle. We have seen estimates, for example, that a town’s cost for pavement maintenance would increase from a range of $20,000 to $50,000 per mile to about $550,000 per mile for reconstruction. New York’s towns could see at least a ten-fold increase in the cost of maintaining their roads from this mandate. In short, the current timeline raises far too many troubling questions on affordability, as well as on reliability and safety for student transportation. It continues to seem reasonable and fair to reassess and reexamine the current timeline and its potential impact on school districts, students and families, and local communities. Toward that end, I continue to join Assemblyman Phil Palmesano to sponsor legislation (S1980/A5168) to delay the mandate on school districts until 2045 or until all state agencies convert their own fleets of vehicles first, so that we could at least have the experience of that conversion before dumping this mandate on schools and ultimately the school property taxpayer. Additionally, the legislation would: Authorize the state Commissioner of Education, in consultation with the state’s top energy regulators, to override the mandate if it is determined that zero-emission school buses are not feasible for a particular application Direct the state Commissioner of Education to complete a cost-benefit analysis for each school district that considers the costs necessary to comply with the zero-emission school bus mandate; and Direct the New York State Energy and Research Development Authority (NYSERDA) to consult with the state Office of Fire Prevention and Control to develop appropriate fire suppression and safety procedures related to lithium and hydrogen-based fires. In our view, the current plan is not affordable, feasible, or reliable. To say nothing of realistic. Senator Tom O'Mara represents New York's 58th District which covers all of Chemung, Schuyler, Seneca, Steuben, Tioga and Yates counties, and a portion of Allegany County.New York
  13. Offensive Lineman Tommy Doyle has announced his retirement.
  14. Deb Maxwell, founder of the group "Smile Through The Storms," is holding a food and needs drive to benefit the Elmira Animal Shelter in memory of her son David "Bub" Shugart. Smile Through The Storms is a local support group for those who have lost a loved one to suicide. A list of suggested items can be found on the flyer below. Maxwell says tems can be dropped off at her home, located at 529 Budd St Elmira, and ordered online shipping directly to her. Or, if necessary, Maxwell cays she can pick the items up.
  15. What is wrong with people, I just don’t understand this at all. From what I’ve seen on news reports there doesn’t seem to be any rehabilitation that works. I’m beginning to think some of the human herd needs to be culled
  16. Blessed Are You… The Beatitudes, Jesus’ words of blessings to all who seek Him. They give us guidance on qualities of spiritual life that we should strive to live out daily. In effect, they are the reverse of what the world might consider valuable assets. In Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, He told the crowds who were listening that they should “watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them… A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree bears bad fruit… Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.” (Matthew 7:15-20 NIV) The Apostle Paul explains that “…the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. (Galatians 5:22-23 NIV) In aiming to follow our Lord’s guiding wisdom, we seek an intimate relationship with God in reverence. Sharing love generously like Jesus, we don’t compromise values or morals, maintaining a listening ear to the Holy Spirit’s guidance within us. And we remember Jesus’ words to “’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than this.” (Mark 12:30-31 NIV) But left to my own devices, I indeed fail. I need to follow wisdom far greater than my finite mind. In writing my poem below, my hope was to rephrase Jesus’ words of perfect love for us into thoughts from my own understanding... not to take anything away from what our Lord said, but simply to add contemporary meaning and dimension as I focused on His guiding words. Continuing to read Matthew chapters 5 through 7, more paraphrasing into poetic verse came to mind. From there, further rephrasing of Scripture from Philippians 4 seemed to fit the context of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. Contemplating Jesus’ teaching through the “Beatitudes” to His disciples and the crowds of followers, how might we relate His great words of wisdom as we go about our day… among family and friends, and at work or in school? Again, it is not my intent to take anything away from God’s Holy Word, but to add dimension for our hearts to contemplate as we bring His words into our daily life… an exercise illuminating how great His love is for each of us. Blessed Are You Linda A. Roorda (Based on Matthew 5-7 and Philippians 4) ~ Blessed are you with no hope left but God For you will know acceptance by Him. ~ Blessed are you whose heart has been broken For you will find your comfort in Him. ~ Blessed are you with humility mild For you will show His love from your heart. ~ Blessed are you whose heart seeks His will For you will share the wisdom of God. ~ Blessed are you when hurting and stressed For you will have a life filled with mercy. ~ Blessed are you untainted by vice For you will have a pure heart before God. ~ Blessed are you who humbly seek peace For you will be a true child of God. ~ Blessed are you when mocked for your faith For you will stand firm with the Lord at your side. ~ Rejoice and be glad as salt of the earth For you shine forth His light from your heart. Then be reconciled to those you offend That peace may abound in the hearts of all men. ~ Love your enemy as your neighbor dear That you may be called a child of our God. And blessed are you on forgiving those When they have sinned against you and our Lord. ~ And worry not what the future holds For your Father knows the needs of your life. Ask, seek and find, knock to open doors For our Father waits to bless through His will. ~ Broad is the path to destruction goes But narrow the gate that leads us to Life. For as the good tree will bear its best fruit So we shall see the fruit of our deeds. ~ Thus, he who hears must show in his life The wisdom found in the house which he builds. For that upon sand cannot withstand storms While that built on rock stands firm in the Truth. ~ Do not be anxious, but think on these things And with thanksgiving send prayers to our God That content you’ll be regardless the task Knowing you can work through His strength alone. ~ Stand firm in the Lord, press on to the goal Guard well your heart and mind in the Lord For He gives peace beyond understanding Rejoicing always in His gentle spirit. ~ For whatever is true, whatever is honest, Whatever is right, whatever is pure, Whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, Whatever is excellent, whatever worth praise… Think on these things and blessed you shall be. ~~
  17. Last week
  18. The problem is the number of burned buildings still standing. There’s one on Washington Ave years after the fire destroyed the home. I don’t understand why they are not demolished in a reasonable time period.
  19. Maybe the vacant buildings should be patrolled by the police...If people are squatting there they should be arrested for trespassing..Or let the homeless get rid of our vacant buildings one at a time at a much faster rate than we could without them. With how long it took to demolish Brand Park imagine the paperwork and studies that would have been required to demolish that church before the fire.
  20. I know it’s not unusual, but I still don’t care for it
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