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Somewhere deep down inside, each one of us has regrets… for something we said… something we did… something we did not do or say… and we long to go back to do it all over again… only better this time.  But we can’t go back.  What’s done is done.  It’s marked in indelible ink on the pages of time.  Yet, there is One who offers forgiveness and peace when we bare our soul to Him of hurts and pains… as we take responsibility and ownership of our mistakes and sins.  For years, my errors festered
Compassion's Love

Compassion's Love

I was as shocked as anyone else at last night’s happenings where our former President Trump was shot in an assassination attempt.  And I thank God that his life was spared by a fraction of measurement.  My heart and prayers go out to Donald Trump and his family, to the family of the innocent gentleman in the crowd who was killed, and to the two who were critically injured.  We need to get back to respecting everyone, regardless of who they are. ~~ “Am I my brother’s keeper?”  Unequivoc
You Are So Good To Me!

You Are So Good To Me!

Oh, the countless blessings of God!  He is so good to all of us in so many ways!  And my heart sings in praise and thanksgiving for all that He has done in my life! Recently, I flew out to visit my daughter and her family. And I gotta tell you, they were so good to me!  I don’t like flying, but the flight from ELM to DET left way more than a bit to be desired.  Taking generic Dramamine, I learned the hard way it is not as effective as the real deal. So, gripping that little white bag kindly
The Stalwart

The Stalwart

The old red barn stood tall on an open flat, alone against the gray sky, testament to a long life.  It had weathered countless storms, looking a tad bit worn… another great photo by my childhood friend's husband.  And once again, the picture painted a thousand words that raced through my thoughts. For some time now, I’ve felt like writer’s block has taken away my ability to write reflections, never mind the poems where words used to flow through my fingers almost faster than I could write o
I Remember a Dad

I Remember a Dad

Father’s Day… a time to remember the dads we treasure.  They’ve taught us well in the ways of life.  I remember a lot about my dad.  In fact, it would be fair to say that I had put him on a pedestal while growing up… not a wise placement for anyone. But it seems he could do anything and everything, a jack-of-all-trades, almost perfect in my little girl eyes.  Though none of us can measure up all the time, there is One who is perfect… who forgives all our failings… our heavenly Father. But,
What Is Beauty?

What Is Beauty?

Beauty – we all admire the aesthetic and beautiful in both people and nature, though beauty is in the eye of the beholder they say.  Often, as our young girls strive to look beautiful, they imitate the actresses and models they admire on the “silver screen” or magazine covers.  But youthfulness fails to realize the images are a façade, made more beautiful and glamorous by makeup and the air brush.  It’s not a true beauty.  And a pretty face may not always have a heart of love and compassion.  Fo
When Doubts Assail...

When Doubts Assail...

With Memorial Day celebrated last weekend, my thoughts were of those who gave their lives in war that we and so many around the world might live in freedom.  Their battles on the field and in the mind are not what we who have never been there can truly fathom.  We can listen to or read survivors’ stories, hear of their fears amid tales of bravery, empathize with the sadness and trauma as they share the loss of buddies and who and what they might have become, consider questions relating to the wh


Blessings are simple gifts given with joy and appreciation to another. Like this week, I was blessed by one of “my” students.  Opening the door to welcome each one as they arrive, I heard how much a young lady appreciates my smiles and personal greetings every day, as she reached out to give me a big hug.  That touched my heart deeply as I thanked her with tears in my own eyes. Blessings are gifts given with no expectation of payback.  They arrive unexpectedly from many sources… from our de
My Journey with Tourette Syndrome

My Journey with Tourette Syndrome

I’ve had Tourette’s since age 10-11, starting within a year after my family moved from farms in upstate New York to city life in Clifton, New Jersey… the city where I was born and my dad grew up.  It was an extremely emotional, disruptive time in my life to leave behind my close friends and the country life I loved and preferred. I’ve shared my story before, but it bears repeating because I am not alone and I wish to encourage others. And actually, I have been contacted privately by a few w
I Am A Woman

I Am A Woman

“You never think of your parents as much more than parents. It isn’t until you are older yourself that you begin to realize they had their hopes, dreams, ambitions, and secret thoughts. You sort of take them for granted and sometimes you are startled to know they were in love a time or two…. You never stop to think about what they were like until it is too late…” (Louis L’Amour in “Tucker”)  Oh how true!! The tomboy that I was while growing up in my teens, working and learning beside my
You're The Friend

You're The Friend

There’s a friend who holds your heart over many years, and over many long and weary paths. The friend who freely forgives when you admit your words or actions were wrong. The friend who’s there when life gets tough and you think you’ll never get back up to face another day. The friend who shares your joy as if it were their own.  The friend whose loving heart picks right up where you both left off when distance, time, and commitments take their toll. The friend who shares your dreams and helps y
Spring's Debut

Spring's Debut

It’s common knowledge that spring is my favorite season!  I love earth’s awakening from those long and dreary winter days… though this past winter seemed like it just didn’t want to release its hold on the cold and snow.  But now, the sun shines brighter, the sky is bluer, and there’s an obvious warmth that’s beginning to penetrate every fiber of every living thing.  There may be a good deal of rain mixed in now ‘n then; but, with that rain, slowly and surely new growth takes shape as tiny leave

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

Meant For Good

Meant For Good

Something bad happens to you… and you can’t shake it off.  It’s overwhelming… it’s unfair… it’s painful to think about… and you don’t deserve this.  But down the road, you look back and see all the good that came out of such a bad situation.  How can that be? While working on her master's degree in school psychology, our daughter, Jenn, was treated rudely by peers.  What did she do to cause this disrespect from her peers?  She declined to go to bars with them after classes, but would simply

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

To Walk In Your Steps

To Walk In Your Steps

There was a time we longed to know more about our loved one, wasn’t there?  When we were dating, we wanted to know everything there was to know about our beloved’s life… from childhood to adulthood… who they were in the depth of their heart, and what made them who they are today.  We often come to know each other so thoroughly that we can finish their sentences!  We know how they think, and why they do what they do.  And we eagerly follow their leading.  How well I remember following Ed in the b

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

The Pruning

The Pruning

I know change doesn’t come easy to me. But, change, like pruning of bushes and trees, is necessary.  Inevitable change without and within, As time marches forth on its forever path. But what of our heart when the depth is exposed? Are we bitter in change or more gentle and kind? Pruning is vital.  It cleans out dead branches on a bush or tree.  It clears out heavy overgrowth.  Pruning is a necessary step for fruit trees and grapevines, enabling them to produce a bountiful crop of top-
Ode To A Thief

Ode To A Thief

There is a way that often seems best to us.  It’s characterized by a life of fun as we grab all the gusto this world has to offer.  We deserve it!  After all, we only go ‘round once!  Right?  Except… there’s another way.  It follows our Lord’s path, different from a worldly perspective.  And how often don’t we see the two worlds on a collision course between absolute values and whatever goes… whatever feels right… at any given time. Just a thief on a cross, one of two who hung on either sid

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

Besides... I Love You!

Besides... I Love You!

Easter is always a special time of year.  It reminds us that warmer weather is arriving after the long winter’s cold, and spring is beginning to show its colors!  It’s a time of renewal as new plant life exemplifies rebirth by poking through the covering of a late snow, leaf buds begin to swell and emerge from their long winter’s sleep, and early flowers showcase their gorgeous array of colorful blooms.  It’s a special time for children as they have fun decorating eggs, enjoy the search fo

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

The Adulteress

The Adulteress

Reading several pages of a book by Laura Hillenbrand to my students, I knew I needed to read the full story.  “Unbroken - A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption” is a bio of Louis Zamperini. Holding records for running the fastest mile, he remains the youngest Olympics qualifier at age 19, placing 8th at the 1936 Berlin Olympics in the 5,000 meter race. Though he didn’t medal, he put on a burst of speed to run the fastest final lap among the competitors in an amazing 56 sec

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

Tattered Rags

Tattered Rags

Idols - we all have them... we just may not realize it.  Idols are anything or anyone which takes precedence over our relationship with God.  And yes, I have them, too.  We tend to see the obvious idols in the "things" we clutch closely... especially that which we enjoy doing or collecting - like our hobbies, collectable antiques, our "toys,” and even people.  They fill a void within us and give us an emotional high… for a while.  None of these are evil in and of themselves, but it’s where and h

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

The Master's Voice

The Master's Voice

Little lambs are so soft, cuddly and cute!  In my mid-teens, my siblings and I were given a lamb which I promptly named “Lambie.”  Very original, huh?!  It was only intended until something better came to mind, but nothing ever did.  She was a twin, abandoned by her mother and given to us by our cousin, Robert, from his flock.  I don’t know the breed, but she had light gray wool with a black face and black legs.  As Lambie’s main caretaker, I took responsibility to make sure she was fed. 


G.R.A.C.E. - This acrostic idea did not originate with me; unfortunately, I don’t even remember who I heard preaching about it… nor do I remember all of his words intended for the title of G.R.A.C.E.  In any event, this is my original poem and thoughts, having heard only the tail end of that sermon. Grace can be defined as an elegance, a refined charm.  Speaking of a practiced ballerina, or champion ice skater, brings to mind a picture of elegance and graceful beauty in motion.  But grac

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

Ode To A King

Ode To A King

Analogies give us a glimpse of similarities and truths of a story tucked within a story.  Thinking about this concept after my poem below was written brought to mind Mark Twain’s book, “The Prince and The Pauper,” published 1881 initially in Canada, and subsequently in 1882 in the U.S. In Twain’s beloved story, a young prince and a pauper (who happen to look a lot alike and were born on the same day) trade places in life.  The prince experiences the roughness of a lowly life just as his co

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

A Tender Young Love

A Tender Young Love

“Young love, first love, filled with true devotion…”*  Glimpses of memories linger from sixth grade at Passaic Christian School of a former farm girl whose family had moved back to city life in Clifton, NJ.  It was where life began for her, and where her father’s Dutch immigrant family had lived since the Great Depression era of the 1930s.  She was tall at 5’7” in sixth grade, tallest student in the school actually.  With a natural springing high jump, long arms and legs, she had the strength to

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

What's My Purpose?

What's My Purpose?

What’s my purpose in life?  Who am I meant to be?  And what am I meant to do?  If you’re like me, you’ve pondered those thoughts every now ‘n then over the years, especially in our younger days.  With life ahead of us, we often wonder what part we’ll play in society.  What career should we go into?  Who will we love and marry?  These thoughts carry evidence of the weighty questions from our heart regarding our basic needs, and for who we will become… as we seek to find our place in the wor

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

Peace in the Storm

Peace in the Storm

It’s hard to realize a full year has gone by since my husband passed away January 25th. It’s been a year of learning to live more independently while seeking God’s guidance, relying on wise counsel from others, a year of missing Ed’s wit and wisdom and his big hugs which left me feeling so loved and protected… yet times of missing him so much, shedding a few tears, while savoring precious memories of our 49 years together, thankful for the many blessings through the years and now… and it’s also

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

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