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Be Still and Know

Be Still and Know

With the arrival of new snow to admire yesterday morning, I was reminded of this poem and reflection written several years ago during a big storm. Within this peaceful blanketing of snow lies the image to me of stillness before God, and contemplation of His goodness, grace and mercy, and blessings to each of us. And my prayer is that you are each blessed in pausing to contemplate the love of God toward each of us on this path called life.  As we gaze out at those white flakes floating down

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda



Watching snow come down Wednesday afternoon, it resembled slushy raindrops that evolved into large flat white flakes that turned into a beautiful white covering Friday morning… and it reminded me of an old familiar hymn from childhood. “Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole; I want Thee forever to live in my soul; break down every idol, cast out every foe; now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Whiter than snow, yes, whiter than snow, now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.” (Psa

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

You’ve Blessed Me

You’ve Blessed Me

As this year draws to its conclusion, I began pondering all that I’m thankful for… among the many blessings God has showered on each of us. It’s been a good year of making new friends and appreciating friends from the past, of joining a new-to-me Reformed church group and their band, able to use my aging voice to share a love of singing praise to our Lord, of treasured memories of loved ones who were a special part of our lives for a time, of family who grace our lives with their love and presen

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

One Holy and Silent Night

One Holy and Silent Night

Christmas… the most wonderful time of the year!  We all have special memories wrapped up like treasures from holidays past - the smell of fresh pine when just the right tree is brought in and set up, strands of beautiful colored or pure white lights, decorations from gorgeous and fancy to simple and elegant in an array of colors and styles, scrumptious cookies and candy being made with their aromas wafting through the house, busy days of shopping and either making or looking for just the right g

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

Broken Beauty

Broken Beauty

During this holiday season, so many among us struggle with difficulties and losses. They seem to make the holidays harder to face as we perhaps miss the joy once shared with loved ones, struggle with losses from devastating storms, or were given a difficult health diagnosis.  Yet, we don’t have to face life’s turmoil alone.  There is one who will be at our side - Jesus, our Lord and Savior.  He’s the very reason we celebrate Christmas.  He brings love to our heart, guides our path, and gives us

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

Seeking You

Seeking You

I’ve shared this essay previously, part of a speech given at a local women-of-faith retreat. Yet, there are times my heart is lifted up by re-reading words from another time and place… reminding me anew of God’s unfailing love in difficult circumstances. As I wrote in my Christmas letter a year ago, I have felt so blessed by God in so many ways since Ed’s passing. I’ve also been blessed over the years by visions, words or nudges from God, including after our daughter Jenn passed with a visi

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

No Room

No Room

I had a big disappointment as a kid one Christmas, but kept it a secret for decades.  I’ve never forgotten that Christmas when I was 5-1/2 years old. We’d left a favorite Marion, NY farm to live in Clifton, NJ, again, the city where I was born.  I was a big girl though, walking all by myself several blocks to kindergarten - PS#15 overlooking scenic Weasel Brook Park.  My sister and I with our toddler brother loved to visit Grammy and PopPop (our Dad’s parents), and that Christmas was especially

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

Thanks-Giving Day

Thanks-Giving Day

Thanks-Giving Day… a time of reflection, appreciation, gratitude… recalling blessings even among the difficulties of a most unusual year… and memories shared from years past as we recall what touched our hearts deeply… remembering our loved ones who are no longer here among us… recalling extended family gatherings with delicious food and lots of it… endless football games (sorry, not my favorite)… hunting (let’s go!), especially if there’s fresh snow for tracking… all felt with grateful hearts!

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

A Vessel of Worth

A Vessel of Worth

I love to sing, always have, since I was a kidlet.  In my childhood, it was the old Hymns of Faith whether in Christian elementary school, church, choirs, in the backseat of the car singing with my sister as our family went for a drive, or as she and I sang an occasional duet in church.  As a teen, I sang along with old country/western and then rock songs of the early ‘70s on 99.1, the WAAL.  Yet, I’ve always enjoyed the old hymns, simply for the truth of the words and the joy of singing, though

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

Your Word

Your Word

I suspect we’ve all heard, “There but for the grace of God go I.”  Truth be told, I think we all know how true those words are.  This world has so much to offer with its many enticements… and how easy it is for any one of us to be swayed aside… but for the grace and wisdom of God.  I’m thankful to God for preserving me from being enticed to follow a path that seemed so good, so right when young… which, in reality, would lead to destruction.  Studying the book of Proverbs is an eye opener. 

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

Where Are You Lord?

Where Are You Lord?

Life isn’t fair… or so we think.  We see nothing but tragedies all around us… wars without end, killing of the innocents and young innocence... while evil seems to freely flourish.  We struggle to converse with respect and an understanding of opposing points of view.  We sow words of hate and distrust among friends for thinking or believing differently.  Disease and death stalk our loved ones. What was once considered morally wrong is readily accepted as right.  And we wonder where a loving God

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

A 50th Anniversary...

A 50th Anniversary...

As some of my readers know, yesterday would have been my 50th wedding anniversary. Wanting to do something special to carry the memory forward, I invited another widowed friend to share a few hours at Wayne Myers’ Gardens in North Spencer.  (Look them up online.)  But Wayne's tour and knowledge is utterly impressive of the ways of our ancestors.  He has built numerous buildings including a sluiceway for a waterwheel in a grist mill, a covered bridge, and several other old-appearing outbuildings

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

Changes Without and Within

Changes Without and Within

Change… whether visible on the exterior or inside and unseen, can be a hard adjustment to make.  I don’t like change.  Those who know me, know that aspect of me well.  Change has not always been kind to me.  But, once I wrap my brain around it, understand and accept said change, I roll with it and move forward.  Because, as I’ve grown older, and wiser with the years, I’ve learned change is inevitable, has value for the lessons it teaches, and I’ve learned not to fear change.  Perhaps some of you

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

I Cannot See

I Cannot See

Since October 15th is always National White Cane Safety Day, I thought it might be fitting to again share Ed and my journey with his blindness. (Written in 2016 with his wise input and approval.) Unless you’ve experienced what someone else has dealt with, you cannot make a valid judgment against them.  We take so much in life for granted… especially in what we can see and do.  But reflect with me for just a few minutes on what it would be like without one, or more, of your senses.  What if

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

The Palette of Life

The Palette of Life

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month.  This poem and reflection were written in 2014 when I had cancer and pondered the various aspects of my diagnosis.  I urge you not to neglect your own self-screening and medical exams… because, if it wasn’t for Ed’s insistence that I take care of myself, I planned to cancel that mammogram… because he was in the midst of several new health crises with procedures and surgery.  I just didn’t think I had time in my hectic schedule of working full time and ru

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

Once Upon A Day

Once Upon A Day

Sitting in my East Garden a while ago, I absorbed the warm sunny rays while viewing the garden’s fading beauty, enjoying the colorful zinnias now more beautiful with recent cooler days and refreshing rain, gazing out beyond the garden proper to encompass the yard, our house, and the road beyond… listening to the golfers’ chatter and excited shouts of joy... spying birds flutter among the hidden branches above, hearing their gentle twitters – tuhweet, tuhweet… watching a gentle breeze stir the br

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

A Peaceful Solitude

A Peaceful Solitude

We often find peace in a quiet place of rest whether it be our church Sanctuary or outdoors in nature.  There, alone, unencumbered by life’s trappings, we can meditate on and seek our Lord in prayer.  Away from the hustle and bustle of life’s busyness and grueling schedules, we can focus our thoughts and attention as we pray for God’s wisdom and for blessings upon our family and friends.  Because we are so like those sheep that David settled down to rest in peaceful green pastures, we can meet o

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

Something I’ve Learned

Something I’ve Learned

With school either having started for some, or about to start for others, I pondered the realization that there was so much I thought I knew when younger, but really didn’t… for education isn’t only that which is gained in a classroom.  Over the years, I’ve learned I can’t turn the clock back to undo or redo what’s been done.  Life doesn’t have a rewind button for our editing... so we inevitably move forward in a relentless flow of time.  And in that flow, learning becomes an emotional

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda



Recently, I’ve seen several memes quoting, “History is not there for you to like or dislike; it is there for you to learn from it.  And if it offends you, even better, because then you are less likely to repeat it.  History is not yours to erase or destroy.  Teach that to your children.” In an editorial, Dianna Greenwood penned, “that doesn’t mean we tear the monument down or run around crying about how it victimizes us.  Instead use them as teaching tools, to tell the current and next gene

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

I Searched

I Searched

Even those of us blessed to grow up in a church may go through a time of searching, especially in our younger days.  We search for fun, happiness, joy, peace and love in many places and in many ways… and sometimes we search in vain… for what we don’t know.  Been there… done that, right?!  But did you know that our hearts are born to seek?  All the while we grow up and mature, we’re seeking and learning, trying to find our place and priorities in this great big world. We wonder if our life m

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

I'll Be There...

I'll Be There...

Some of us know the depths of depression and despondency.  Some of us know the lack of physical healing or the pain of incurable disease.  Some of us know the sorrow and grief of losing a precious loved one.  Some of us know family dysfunction.  Some of us know abuse that no one else can see or fathom.  And we question how this could be…  How could a loving God leave us in pain by not healing us, even after much prayer?  How could a loving God allow so much evil to go on all around us? 

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

You Are

You Are

I grew up in a great church full of my “own kind” – i.e. Dutch immigrants and their first- and second-generation families born in the U.S., the Christian Reformed Church.  I felt a bond and a love for my family and friends from both communities in Clifton, N.J. and East Palmyra, N.Y.  As my family moved back and forth between the two church and Christian school communities, friendships were made with some lasting a lifetime. I treasure the churches of my earliest memories.  I treasure ha

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda



What is our worth, our value?  How do we even measure such an entity?  Have we been so downtrodden that we feel like a failure… like we’re unworthy of the love of others?  Or do we hold our head up knowing we have inherent worth among the rest? Feeling unworthy is not new to any of us.  We’ve all been there at times throughout our life.  Haven’t we at one time or another made a simple mistake, yet were left feeling so ashamed we just wanted to disappear?  I have.  Frequently belittled in th

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda



Somewhere deep down inside, each one of us has regrets… for something we said… something we did… something we did not do or say… and we long to go back to do it all over again… only better this time.  But we can’t go back.  What’s done is done.  It’s marked in indelible ink on the pages of time.  Yet, there is One who offers forgiveness and peace when we bare our soul to Him of hurts and pains… as we take responsibility and ownership of our mistakes and sins.  For years, my errors festered

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

Compassion's Love

Compassion's Love

I was as shocked as anyone else at last night’s happenings where our former President Trump was shot in an assassination attempt.  And I thank God that his life was spared by a fraction of measurement.  My heart and prayers go out to Donald Trump and his family, to the family of the innocent gentleman in the crowd who was killed, and to the two who were critically injured.  We need to get back to respecting everyone, regardless of who they are. ~~ “Am I my brother’s keeper?”  Unequivoc

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

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