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Senator Tom O'Mara's ( R- NY 58th ) weekly column. 

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New York State Government Can't Have It Both Ways

New York State Government Can't Have It Both Ways

“We believe every family deserves to keep their hard-earned money in their pockets in a state they can truly be proud to call home,” Governor Hochul said in her recent State of the State message to New Yorkers, adding that it’s her goal “to make New York safer, healthier, cleaner, more affordable for you and your family — and that is what we’re doing with the initiatives announced as part of my 2025 State of the State.” The trouble is that New York State doesn’t allow families to keep their

Senator Tom O'Mara

Senator Tom O'Mara

The Warning Signs Are Already Flashing

The Warning Signs Are Already Flashing

When lawmakers gathered at the State Capitol last week for the opening day of the 2025 legislative session, talk of “affordability” was in the air and ringing through every hallway. Especially from state leaders. From Democrat Governor Kathy Hochul, “My top priority is tackling New York’s affordability crisis.” From Democrat Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, “We have always kept our focus on affordability.” From Democrat Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, “I think pe
Will There Finally Be A Redirection Of New York's Priorities?

Will There Finally Be A Redirection Of New York's Priorities?

In the earliest days of the upcoming 2025 legislative session, the spotlight will be squarely on Governor Kathy Hochul while she begins setting the stage for a new year in state government. Beginning with her State of the State message to the Legislature on January 14th and continuing with the unveiling of her proposed 2025-2026 state budget shortly thereafter, it will be up to Governor Hochul to show what direction she intends to lead this state throughout the coming year. Many of us hope

Senator Tom O'Mara

Senator Tom O'Mara

Approaching A New Year In New York State Government

Approaching A New Year In New York State Government

I hope this week’s column finds you and your families and friends, and communities and neighbors, doing well and doing your best to have a memorable and meaningful holiday season. Approaching the start of another new year in New York State government, it’s of course time to start looking ahead to the debates and decisions that always await the Governor and the Legislature – and there are many difficult challenges and crises facing all of us on education, economic development, energy and env

Senator Tom O'Mara

Senator Tom O'Mara

Taxpayers Deserve More Than "Inflation Refund" Giveaway

Taxpayers Deserve More Than "Inflation Refund" Giveaway

The new year in New York State government is already off to an enormously expensive start. What a surprise. Early last week, with great fanfare, Governor Kathy Hochul rolled out a plan to deliver a one-time “Inflation Refund” check of up to $500 to an estimated 80 percent of New York’s taxpayers – at a total cost to the state of at least $3 billion. “My agenda for the coming year,” the governor proclaimed in a round of news conferences and staged events, “will be laser-focused on

Senator Tom O'Mara

Senator Tom O'Mara

New York Faces Another Soaking From Albany Mandate

New York Faces Another Soaking From Albany Mandate

There have been some memorable political rallying cries throughout American history. “Give me liberty, or give me death!” “Union, liberty, peace.” “Happy Days Are Here Again.” “The Buck Stops Here.” “I like Ike.” “It’s Morning in America Again.” “Kinder, Gentler Nation.” “It’s the economy, stupid.” “Change We Can Believe In.” And most recently, “Make America Great Again.”   Now out of Democrat Albany comes this one: “Mandate a sprinkler system in every new home!” Yes, you rea

Senator Tom O'Mara

Senator Tom O'Mara

A Season To Remember The Importance Of Farming

A Season To Remember The Importance Of Farming

One of the time-honored traditions throughout this holiday season is to gather around the table to share a meal, express thanks, and count blessings in the company of family, friends, neighbors, and even sometimes the community at large. It’s a chance, as well, to reflect on the contributions of farmers and the entire agricultural industry here at home in the Southern Tier and Finger Lakes regions, throughout New York State, and across America. A recent state report, “A Profile of Agricultu

Senator Tom O'Mara

Senator Tom O'Mara

Millions Of Criminal Records Will Be Swept Clean In NY

Millions Of Criminal Records Will Be Swept Clean In NY

We continue facing an era in state government that will forever be defined by a “no consequences” approach to law and order. And in a state that remains, at least for the foreseeable future, under one-party, all-Democrat control, there appears to be no let up on that approach. In fact, one of the first post-election actions for New Yorkers is the implementation of a new law known as the “Clean Slate Act” – which took effect on November 16th and directs the state court system to begin the pr

Senator Tom O'Mara

Senator Tom O'Mara

Remembering Our Veterans, Now And Always

Remembering Our Veterans, Now And Always

It’s best to start this column with a memory. In the end, that’s what this week is all about: remembering. With that in mind, I’ll recall these words from former President Ronald Reagan, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.” Fought for. Protected. Handed on. Travel through this region’s individual communities and it’s striking to ref

Senator Tom O'Mara

Senator Tom O'Mara

Let Your Voice Be Heard On Elecetion Day And Beyond

Let Your Voice Be Heard On Elecetion Day And Beyond

First and foremost, I will take this opportunity to urge everyone – if you haven’t already taken advantage of early voting – to get out and cast your vote on Election Day, Tuesday, November 5th. There is not a single more important or fundamental right and responsibility that we have as citizens of this nation. To be reminded of the importance of voting, recall the words of so many former Presidents of the United States: “We do not have government by the majority. We have government

Senator Tom O'Mara

Senator Tom O'Mara

Bail Reform Failure Keeps All Of NY In Danger

Bail Reform Failure Keeps All Of NY In Danger

It was just over a year ago, shortly after the enactment of a state budget that paid Albany Democrat lip service to the need to end New York’s failed and dangerous bail reform experiment, when Governor Hochul declared, “We are done with bail. We accomplished what we needed to do.” Since then, it sure has looked like the governor meant what she said. She and the Legislature’s Democrat majorities have done nothing to fix a continually failing and exceedingly dangerous law that they put in pla

Senator Tom O'Mara

Senator Tom O'Mara

State Government Needs To Renew Its Committment To New York

State Government Needs To Renew Its Committment To New York

While this state – more specifically, while citizens, communities, families, taxpayers, workers, and others, in every corner of New York – remains under one-party, all-Democrat control, we can never allow that to mean there’s no room for other voices, other ideas, or, most importantly, other commitments to a way of legislating and policymaking that can head this state in a better, stronger, more effective and successful direction. It's a role and a responsibility that I, together with all m

Senator Tom O'Mara

Senator Tom O'Mara

What Are We Waiting For?

What Are We Waiting For?

Over the past few months in New York State government, we’ve witnessed constant reminders why this state is headed in the wrong direction under one-party, all-Democrat control, with no turnaround in sight. Exhibit A: Energy mandates. Serious doubts have been expressed, from many quarters, on the affordability, feasibility, and reliability of New York’s current clean energy strategy. A July report from the Hochul administration itself admitted that their timeline to achieve 70 percent renewa

Senator Tom O'Mara

Senator Tom O'Mara

The Foundation Of America Will Again Stand Strong

The Foundation Of America Will Again Stand Strong

A plaque on display at the National 9/11 Pentagon Memorial shares the following post-9/11 words from then President George W. Bush: “Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings. But they cannot touch the foundation of America.” At this week’s 9/11 observances here at home and across our state and nation, the foundation of America will again stand strong.   The years keep passing, twenty-three now, yet Americans never forget. More than two decades later, never f

Senator Tom O'Mara

Senator Tom O'Mara

Will Energy Summit Move NY Toward A Better Future?

Will Energy Summit Move NY Toward A Better Future?

Governor Kathy Hochul this week convenes a two-day “Future Energy Economy Summit” in Syracuse to begin what many of us hope will be a long-overdue, sincere, and transparent rethinking of New York State’s energy future. This rethinking is badly needed. Over the past few months doubts have exploded over the Albany Democrats’ current approach -- an approach that has been built on rapidly imposing radical and sweeping clean energy mandates on all New Yorkers following the enactment of the Clima

Senator Tom O'Mara

Senator Tom O'Mara

Restoring Affordability Must Be A Priority

Restoring Affordability Must Be A Priority

The straightforward fact remains that every time New Yorkers go the grocery store, or the gas station, or to buy back-to-school supplies for their children, or to the mailbox to retrieve their next property tax or utility bill, it’s a reminder that New York State is one of the least affordable states in America. One recent ranking of the least and most expensive states in the nation, the 2024 Cost of Bills Index compiled by Doxo, an online bill payment service, delivered more bad news. The

Senator Tom O'Mara

Senator Tom O'Mara

We Are All In It Together In Times Of Crisis

We Are All In It Together In Times Of Crisis

These are the times and the crises when communities across the Southern Tier and Finger Lakes regions always have – and always will – show what we’re made of. Throughout the years that I grew up here and for the decades that I have spent representing the area in the State Legislature, we have never been strangers to devastating storms and flooding. And it happened again recently with the remnants of Hurricane Debby slamming the region with heavy rains and devastating flash flooding, especia

Senator Tom O'Mara

Senator Tom O'Mara

A Failure To Address Accountability, Justice, And Preparedness

A Failure To Address Accountability, Justice, And Preparedness

Several weeks ago, I highlighted in this column that a long-awaited report on New York State’s COVID-19 pandemic response, first commissioned by Governor Hochul more than two years ago, was finally released. It’s a report that cost state taxpayers more than four million dollars and it hasn’t exactly drawn rave reviews. Far from it, in fact. Remember that the governor released the report at the beginning of July with very little fanfare, to say the least. No press conference. No reassur

Senator Tom O'Mara

Senator Tom O'Mara

Moving Forward On The Future Of New York State

Moving Forward On The Future Of New York State

State government spending has continued to spin wildly out of control over the past several years while, at the same time, it has failed to address many key priorities for all New Yorkers. One of the top priorities, in my view, is the future of local roads and bridges. A recent state comptroller’s report found that one out of every 10 locally owned bridges in New York State is rated in poor condition. “Ensuring safe and reliable public infrastructure is an ongoing concern for local gov

Senator Tom O'Mara

Senator Tom O'Mara

Doubts Continue To Grow Over New York's Climate Mandates

Doubts Continue To Grow Over New York's Climate Mandates

The drumbeats of doubt have continued to grow louder throughout the past few weeks as reality sets in over the ongoing, utopian plan by Albany Democrats to impose sweeping clean energy mandates on all New Yorkers. Since the enactment several years ago of a far-reaching climate agenda known as the “Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act” (CLCPA), as well as the approval of other mandated actions since then, the governor, her energy czars, and a Democrat-led state Legislature have be

Senator Tom O'Mara

Senator Tom O'Mara


Affordability Still An Unsettled Concern For New Yorkers

Not that we needed another poll to tell us that New York State is getting increasingly more unaffordable, but recent statewide polling from the Siena Research Institute offers a telling look at the state of affordability in New York. It’s a concern, of course, that many of my legislative colleagues and I have steadfastly pinpointed throughout the past few years as New Yorkers have consistently let it be known that the prohibitive cost of living in this state is driving them away. The t

Senator Tom O'Mara

Senator Tom O'Mara

New York's All Electric School Bus Mandate Needs An Overhaul Too

New York's All Electric School Bus Mandate Needs An Overhaul Too

Now that Governor Hochul and Albany’s band of Green New Dealers appear ready to finally begin rethinking their strategy to impose far-reaching energy mandates on all New Yorkers, it will be important for the rest of us to keep highlighting exactly what needs to go back to the drawing board. At the top of any list, in my view, is a concern we spotlighted earlier this year that could very well be the most costly unfunded state mandate ever imposed on New York’s local school districts and scho

Senator Tom O'Mara

Senator Tom O'Mara

NYS Acknowledges Too Far, Too Fast On Energy Mandates

NYS Acknowledges Too Far, Too Fast On Energy Mandates

You’ve heard it and read it time and again over the past several years since the enactment of New York’s far-reaching climate agenda known as the “Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act” (CLCPA): Governor Hochul and her energy czars are moving too far, too fast to impose sweeping clean energy mandates on every state citizen. Since the CLCPA’s approval in 2019, we’ve watched Albany Democrats move at world record speed to pile one unaffordable mandate on top of another unworkable man

Senator Tom O'Mara

Senator Tom O'Mara

Four Million Dollars Later And Still No Answers

Four Million Dollars Later And Still No Answers

In case you missed it – which would be no surprise since its release was largely kept quiet by Governor Hochul -- a long-awaited report on New York State’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic has finally gone public. It arrives two years and more than four million taxpayer dollars later after the governor first announced its undertaking. Here’s the verdict from the Empire Center for Public Policy: “Hochul had commissioned a $4.3 million after-action review of the crisis, saying she wante

Senator Tom O'Mara

Senator Tom O'Mara

Help Make This Summer A Page Turner

Help Make This Summer A Page Turner

Former First Lady Laura Bush once said, “I have found the most valuable thing in my wallet is my library card." Or recall the words of former President Harry Truman, “Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.” Once again this summer, I am happy to be joining my colleagues in the State Senate, in partnership with the New York State Library – and together with so many local libraries across our region and statewide -- to help promote summer reading. This year’s theme

Senator Tom O'Mara

Senator Tom O'Mara

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