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Zapp Brannigan

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Zapp Brannigan last won the day on May 17

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  1. They were talking about this on WSKG radio channel this morning. I came in at the tail end..
  2. I am pretty excited for 4 more years of Trump as President.
  3. The bottom plate looks good. The top plate not so much. I have kind of avoided trying them as the stuff they have pictures of on Facebook does not really look all that good.
  4. Yeah just because they are family doesn't mean they can make the same recipes. Generally the first thing "new" people do to an established business is try to cut costs by changing things. Like I said I knew it was family of some sort but just don't care how they are related. Sorry you missed out on Dog Eat Dog all those other hot dog places are complete garbage compared to what he used to serve.
  5. No tried them a few years ago when the current people took over (family of some sort don't really care who they are.) I talked them up to a fellow food junky and took him down to try them and the meat sauce was bland and was a waste of a trip. The best Hot dog this area had in the recent years was Dog eat Dog in Horseheads. Even after he closed Dane would not share the meat sauce recipe. Mcconnells is bad BC is bad Ill be fair and give M&Ms another shot.
  6. I would be willing to give them a 2nd chance at those prices. I gave BC 2 chances and both times the meat sauce was bland.
  7. respectable prices considering what some of these places are charging for a hot dog.
  8. NY definitely screwed the pooch and the whole litter on this one. It should be 100% illegal to drive while smoking and I'm sure it is. Should be DUI and equivalent of open container in vehicle. On a side note you have actual product that has been tested by the state with 600 times the legal limits for mold somehow still making it to shelves in legal dispensary's. Product getting packed before its cured properly and mold/yeast starts to grow. Not to mention they inflate the percentage of THC in the product to charge higher prices.
  9. Also hard to donate to some of these charities when the heads of said charities are living large.
  10. Hanover square is not that bad. Id take the square over those stupid roundabouts anyday.
  11. Their food always looks delicious
  12. What about spraying some predator urine around the garden I am pretty sure you can buy it.
  13. Will he be able to pardon himself when he is elected again?
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