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Elizabeth Whitehouse

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  1. Kevin. "Working splash pads are great", but not nearly as great as a pool. Yeah, splash pads allow one to cool down, but they do not create a community. Brand Park is dismal, and a splash pad would not be an improvement. With the current climate, a pool could be used for at least five months. Life guards do not have to be college students. Quite a few of the older generation can swim, and would be happy to take CPR certification and VOLUNTEER at the pool.
  2. He knew that when he bought the building. It doesn't seem as if he has any interesting restoring it. Probably plans to develop the property into some mall-like venture. Yuck.
  3. That airport is disastrous money pit. How much money was put into expanding the terminal building? For three flights a day.
  4. I'm not sure that anyone talked about addling more levels.
  5. Apartments is the first thing that comes to mind. Boutique shops on two levels is another. With a bit of time, I'm sure I could come up with others. Use your imagination.
  6. No, absolutely not. And the city is suffering because of that. I only lived in Elmira for a short while, but got to know it very well. (Two political campaigns). The City has two options - preservation or "mallification". It seems to be going for the latter. A once-great city is becoming increasingly ugly.
  7. Nobody is suggesting that it be re-opened as a church.
  8. I rather think that demolishing privately owned property without permission is just as "unconstitutional" as putting it up for auction. Then there is the as yet unasked question of what would happen to that property. Another Dollar Store? A parking lot? A replica of Langdon Plaza? One could make mirror images of modern commerce replacing history. Wouldn't that be an asset for the city?
  9. "We would have had as much to say fifteen years ago as we do now. " I was talking about the clock tower. To summarize the three buildings being discussed: The clock tower belongs to the City. In fact it is atop City Hall. It has been known to be deteriorating for some years but the City did nothing until they got COVID money. The Church is privately owned,, but the owner cannot be located. Because of its historical and architectural significance, and its prominent location, the City should take responsibility. Raise the necessary money any way possible, stabilize it and give the bill to the owner. Brand Park pool is eligible to be on the National Register of Historic Places. It is a landmark in Elmira. Not only that it has been - and could be again - an immense asset to the city. It is a meeting place for residents of all walks of life, recreation, physical (and commercial) activity, fun. With the changing climate, it could be used from June to at least the end of September.
  10. I'm not sure anyone said do not allow tax dollars to be used for Anything to do with this property !! But the City will pay a considerable amount to demolish it. Better to seize it and put it up for auction.
  11. I enjoy the interaction on this site, but I find it hard to reply to comments. This is intended for Chris. That is my point exactly. If the City had acted 10-15 years ago, the cost wold have been much less. That said, what do you want? Just let it fall down?
  12. I haven't seen the FB article. Did it really say that the City should fund and fix up this building? And, yes, it is historic. It was built in the 19th century when Elmira was a city of some importance. Perhaps you don't want to be reminded of Elmira's magnificent past. Perhaps you would rather it become a downtown mall. I know of no-one who objects to fixing the clock tower. Any "fit" is about why it has taken the City so long to act.
  13. Not quite sure how to respond to that. Builders of the past built to last, but modern America thinks that 50 years is an adequate life-span. To tear down magnificent buildings is a shame. Yes, change is good, but only if it is for the better. What do you imagine will happen to that space?
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