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"Welcome To My Reality"

"Welcome To My Reality"

We take so many things for granted when it comes to first-world problems. Case in point – we’ve never been so thrilled to do laundry as we are this week, since we finally replaced our broken washer with a new one. It’s been nearly four months of either running hampers across the street to my Dad’s house – thanks for being such a good sport, Dad – or the laundromat. And with three dogs and a boy prone to the occasional accident, the laundromat became a fairly regular part of our routine

Chris Brewster

Chris Brewster

Something New

Something New

It’s been a minute … sorry about that. Life, you know?  We’ve been dealing with some family stuff, work stuff. No different than anyone else, but unfortunately it manifests itself for me in neglecting my writing. Or at least my “unpaid” writing, since writing is what I’m doing full-time right now. Without anything much but lament to share personally, I wanted to share a piece of fiction I did for a writing contest. By way of background, this particular one is a flash fiction conte

Chris Brewster

Chris Brewster

"What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?"

"What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?"

From as early as I can remember, I wanted to play center field for the Mets. Any time anyone asked the typical, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” - whether it was a teacher, or my grandma, or one of my friends - that was always the answer. And yeah, it’s more realistic than John C. Reilly’s doctor father wanting to be a dinosaur in “Step Brothers,” but not by much. I was blessed with enough athletic talent to be good at most sports but not enough to be great at any of th

Chris Brewster

Chris Brewster

Making Time

Making Time

I love to write. I need to write. But when? First, thanks to everyone who read my first post. I thought it would be fun to throw some thoughts down and see if anyone paid attention, and while it’s not massive numbers - yet - it was more than I expected, so thank you. That leads directly to my latest frustration. I feel strongly that writing is what I’m meant to do when I grow up - I enjoy it, I have an aptitude for it, so why not do something you love and make a living at it, right?

Chris Brewster

Chris Brewster

This Is Me

This Is Me

And no, it's not about that song.  I’ve been writing for decades, professionally and otherwise, but this is the first time I’ve decided to write about myself. That’s because - as every writer learns - you write what you know, and after all these years, I don’t think I know myself at all. I’ve tried a lot of things to introduce myself to myself, and I feel like I’m getting closer. That’s all we can do, right? Meditation is probably the best, but also the scariest because it almost force

Chris Brewster

Chris Brewster

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