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KarenK last won the day on September 13

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  1. My last trip through PA a few weeks ago really supported that it's Trump country. A sign in every single yard. Not sure how Dems keep getting elected as Gov.
  2. KarenK

    Brand Park Pool

    That ship has sailed. Has the county backing, the state backing and the city backing.
  3. I saw that. The guy has been basically underground for over a year. No one has seen him at all.
  4. Honestly, I suspect that is who they have really been after all along
  5. Our club has to follow all NYS laws for anything we sell.
  6. Well, at least I have heard of the guy from Cleveland
  7. The penalties last night were off the charts. They are going to have to really show up now. Titans at home which is one there is no reason for us to lose, but then the Seahawks in Seattle. That will be a miracle.
  8. Hits more than he misses. What is the alternative?
  9. I just find some of them silly. A toe injury? I've been watching football my whole life and don't recall a lot of folks out with a toe injury
  10. Completely agree with this. I was going to mention the sketchy truck lot on Water in my prior comment which is right practically right smack across the street from an apartment complex. Stopping at a TA or other big truck stop is my preference when traveling. They are clean, have good choices for food and very well lit and attended. I have never had a concern about one ever. Middle of no where roadside rest areas also give me the creeps.
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