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Hal last won the day on July 12

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  1. I would not worry about it becoming anything but an abatement situation with the City holding the demolition bill !
  2. Like a really local or County tax bill , in a township perhaps🤔!
  3. No snark intended … do you really think a No Trespassing sign is going to keep these people from living under the bridges? So they get arrested , they will be back on the street and living back under the bridge before the ink is dry on the arrest report . They don’t care , they have nor want responsibility for anything , at least a good portion of them that is .
  4. All due respect to you for caring. But in this case the owner , term used loosely , is known by some of us here locally and was last located out of State with an unknown and iffy tax status . The owner ( cringe ) is almost guaranteed to not to really care if it is seized or under abatement by the City .
  5. Would anyone like pictures of the condition of this gentleman's last/other/ or current property? Then you would understand the “ why” behind Code Enforcement’s action . Warning … do not allow tax dollars to be used for Anything to do with this property !!
  6. So , did I post that I believe we should get rid of EOP ?! Again go back , read the post without being so myopic .
  7. I have extra triple ten here if you would like … too late now but packaged for next year , I’ll get it to ya .
  8. Paraphrasing here , his First and Best decision was to pick Harris as his VP ?! Nothing like setting the bar low from the get go !
  9. Just a quick clarification please Andy ? Does your employer mandate you to view these videos as a condition of employment? Knowing you , I don’t see you needing to be reminded of how not to show unconscious bias or discrimination from watching a video .
  10. In my somewhat simple World, DEI means to me one Has to be hired not on merit or experience, but because race, color, creed or sexual preference , similar to EOP in years past leading us to DEI but the difference ( in my mind ) being the Opportunity part has been changed to Forced . Making the EOP into Equal Forced Opportunity . Oversimplifying? And is everyone aware that ending statement used to read , Regardless of ***, ***, ***, or Vietnam Veteran? Just throwing it out there …
  11. I learned that it Does pay to be proactive on upkeep of ones generator and thanks to Hafele crew I now know how to get internet and TV up and running during power outages when on generator. Oh yeah … And have a Buttload of extension cords , long heavy duty , extension cords !
  12. Beautiful! Can’t wait for full flowering here and neither can the Dragonflies and Tree Swallows apparently lol , from the barn porch we watch them swoop and dart for hours on end .
  13. Pollinators … where would we bee without them ?! Answer , IN A WORLD OF HURT thats where ! One of the most difficult things that I have had to give up in the last couple years was keeping bees ! Truly , once one gets familiar with the way of these amazing little creatures the more interesting they beecome . Too much information to go into here but most of you , of course, know what they do for us . But there are many more fascinating things one finds out about the bee as one works with them closely, but as usual I digress lol . I am of the opinion that most folks don’t realize , through no fault of their own , that there are many , many types of pollinators and some more interesting and amazing than others , right Ann ? And yes , I too plan to expand our plot as well , the colors alone are worth the work but if not expanding there will be other things added to entice more birds and “ Good Bugs “ .
  14. After a closer look at the pictures, I see there are paths/walkways cutting through the plot . Then compared to MsKreed’s pictures of WGSP ( although on a much larger scale ) I see just about the same landscapes. I will add here the trend of having a well manicured , perfectly colored yard with every plant set just so , although still around , was how we in Landscape and Nursery Management school were instructed. But thankfully that trend is slowly turning to more Natural Settings as people are seeing the benefits of such landscapes. As an aside , the Wife and myself were watching four “ Hummingbird Moths “ in our plot for the last few days , the sight and her amazement at them was worth all the time , work and money spent on it !
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