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Everything posted by Hal

  1. I would dump it in a heartbeat but I keep up on family and Associates with FB and Messenger . That and some Pages that are informative to me . Some days I now only look in for a couple minutes and scroll quickly , give a Like here and there and i’m out .
  2. But it’s so difficult! LOL . Up until three weeks ago my average time suck was close to 5 hrs a day . Geezus it was like giving up smoking ! The trick for me was to , as advised, to simply scroll through Fart Book without commenting then shutting of the IPad completely and putting it down to the side of the recliner instead of on the arm of the chair . Now , it shows me at an hour tops and this being the only site to which I have commented and even then sparsely.
  3. Gonna break my internet hiatus to jump in here on two things that just bug Hell out of me ! #1 just how are reparations going to make things “ right “ in Anyone’s “ best interest “ ? And if not Reparations ( cash ) just what do you think will make things right ?! And to be clear , I sure as hell am not in favor of reparations as I am not guilty of owning slaves . And while we are at it lets discuss the Blacks back in that period that “owned “ slaves … Say what ?😮 # 2 Now let’s discuss all the Union Soldiers that were killed in the Civil War , remember that ? What reparations are they … Me “entitled “ to ? Oh yes , an ancestor of mine fought and died at Gettysburg with the Pennsylvania Regiment, my proof , his name is on the Monument along with the Others that were killed there ! For what did he die ( other than States Rights ) . So tell me Pvt Snowball , what will make that “right “ by my family ? And to What or How much am I Entitled?!
  4. After watching the plans for this nightmare unfold … there just so many things wrong here ! #1 - right next to an elementary school #2 - ingress and egress will be a Charlie Foxtrot , #3 - imagine the traffic at school bus and work time traffic coming from 86 and Jerusalem Hill merging into one lane to get to Church Street , now add in truck traffic . #4 - a “ walkway “ across from Beecher school , not to mention the walking trail on Newtown Creek … walk ways … for what , or shall I say whom ?! The hookers , drug dealers and street urchins will be the only ones benefiting ! This is NOT the location for a truck stop City Officials , but they are already counting the tax dollars they believe will be just flowing in ! But hell in a few years the County Taxpayers will help the City by shouldering the City’s screw up Again… can you say First Arena !!
  5. Hey Zapp… why is it I keep hearing Hank Williams Jr singing 🎼 “ Family Tradition “ ?!
  6. Just to clarify: “It’s voluntary.”
  7. Oh wow … a committee on homelessness. Well shit , that should do the trick!!
  8. Full disclosure, as Adam has stated in the past “ they are called Leaves for a reason “ , leave em ! And truthfully I rather enjoy seeing how fine I can chop them up with the mower .
  9. Mr Capriotti has done so much in his efforts to rejuvenate Elmira , and with the money he has invested… this is a no brainer !
  10. “ The talk “ ? Like about sex ? Kidding of course Pvt. but do you make sure to tell them that not everyone is backward thinking relative to what ( i think ) “ the Talk “ is ?!
  11. Yes Pvt Snowball , there are still people out there that can’t look beyond skin color .
  12. Unfortunately yes ! But what is that saying… pride goeth before the fall ?!
  13. Yes , he deserves whatever punishment he gets . I’m thinking there may be some mental issues here as he doesn’t seem to realize he took that just too , too far !
  14. I’m not going down the “ my Right to Not vote road “ with you . Don’t need to explain the why of it , only to say that I have 2 Government Documents showing I Paid my dues and answer to No one . Now , I get what you’re saying , if one doesn’t vote , one can’t complain afterward . I’m good with my decision either way .
  15. Both Great points . The dad is paying for his mistake in buying his son a gun , and given the other factors in the family All weapons in the household should not have been available to the child . The saddest part is just look at how many other families had to suffer the loss of Loved Ones because of this mans stupidity and ignorance .
  16. Hold on right there … It is a persons Duty and Right to Vote yes and maybe you should word it that way . But it is Also a persons Right of Choice to Not vote ! Bottom line is … I don’t gotta vote and IF I decide to vote it sure as hell isn’t going to be for a Candidate that has had a Term in the White House to to show some potential and has shown us nothing , nix , nada !! Just another DEI hire …
  17. The reason for the escalation was perfectly clear . He refused to comply with a lawful order , he was told to leave his window down , he put it back up . He knew /knows he was in the wrong , he did admit it , after the fact but admitted to it nonetheless ! Game over … nope lets get those violent , bully cops in trouble for wanting his hands where they could see them !
  18. I didn't intend to watch the whole thing and didn’t . It was as expected from the get go , a scripted pissing match , just thought I would give my opinion .
  19. 10 minutes in and I’m tagging out ! The thing is this , when a speaker chokes on their words or has to swallow on key words , that is a signal to me that that person is lying or is really trying to actually believe the shit they are spewing . And she is really choking out those words so early in the game . Plus she has been schooled on how and when to poke the bear … I’ll catch the highlights in the morning .
  20. You have those nice big window sills to put pots on , me … crowded on the one !
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