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  1. 3 points
    For the record.... Although I believe it’s wrong for Moss to shirk the ACFR reporting, I tend to agree with the other point he made in his letter: If the County taxpayers are stakeholders (“owners”) of any facility or venue that has operating expenditures and revenue, the operations and financials of said facility need full transparency and accountability. This has been the case since.....forever. The Airport, Park Station and the Nursing Facility are county-owned "operations" that draw revenue from utilization. And all of their personnel decisions and expenditures are transparently reviewed and approved by the Legislature. Their revenue/expense books are transparently included in County financial reporting. Example: The Aviation Director's appointment (and his salary) are approved by the Legislature, and if he wants to pay someone to wax the floors at the Airport.....that process is subject to oversight and approval. The same premise should apply to the Arena (as well as the Fairgrounds Community Center, once it comes to fruition). However under CCCR, we don't know who appointed Robert Kramarik Marketing & Sales Director for First Arena. Is the “operating team” made up of volunteers or are they salaried positions? We also don’t know how events like “Cabin Fever” are funded. We know they had “carnival activities” (like inflated attractions and giant games). But no idea if those attractions were donated by a sponsor, or if the Arena put out for bids.....or if the Marketing Director has the authority to hire Bobby K Entertainment if he wants. On a final note: Just as Moss seems determined to clash with the Legislature, there are also a few Legislators who continue to look for reasons to clash with Moss. I think most of the public has had enough of the bickering and tit-for-tat attacks between the local branches. And we do appreciate those Legislators who don't engage in that petty power struggle.
  2. 3 points
    Absolutely. It is not prepared by the auditor. It is prepared by the treasurer’s office and it can be included in the audit booklet or as a separate document. The auditor would have to review it to make sure it complies with the GASB standards . The ACFR is not required by law to be prepared, only the basic financials are but the preparation of it does represent the best practice of government finance. For those that are not aware of the difference between run of the mill financials and the ACFR, the ACFR gives more detail. You get guided through the financials, you are given statistics and analysis. You are also given a comparison to how the actual matched up to the budgeted. For basic financials you are just given the income stmt, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows and left to understand it yourself.
  3. 3 points
    Nope, nope, nope...thats like putting salt on watermelon or syrup on corn-fritters and sausage Well theres nothing worse than expecting one texture, then suddenly experiencing the ear piercing crunch of a finely chopped(poorly hidden) onion Im amost thinking we Should just change the topic to "Adam's Opinions" instead? lol
  4. 3 points
  5. 3 points
    by Jeff Minick “A society that loses its sense of outrage is doomed to extinction.” So stated New York State Supreme Court Justice Edwin Torres over 30 years ago in a private communication. From the bench, Judge Torres added this lament: “The slaughter of the innocent marches unabated: subway riders, bodega owners, cab drivers, babies; in laundromats, at cash machines, on elevators, in hallways.” We find the judge’s remarks, which read like today’s headlines, cited in Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s 1993 article “Defining Deviancy Down.” By normalizing what was once abnormal, Moynihan argues, we eventually ensure “the manifest decline of the American civic order.” He uses as his data points soaring rates of crime and gun violence, disintegrating families, a chaos of ideas about sexual practices and marriage, failing schools, and the closure of facilities for the mentally ill. Moynihan outlines his argument in this way: Now, flash forward 31 years. Those of us old enough to remember the 1990s may recollect that time as idyllic when compared to our present troubles. The Soviet Union had collapsed; the national debt in 1993 was around $5 trillion compared to today’s more than $34 trillion; our southern border was relatively secure. San Francisco was famed for its beauty rather than for its homeless population, crime rates in New York City were declining and would continue to do so over the next decade, and drug overdose deaths in 1993 were less than 10 percent of what they are today. Fortunately for the future of our country, some Americans of all ages are in fact outraged by today’s cultural radicalism and deviant behaviors. In “Culture Shock with Lindsay Wigo,” for instance, the young, eye-rolling Ms. Wigo brings us a man who claims deep suntans are racist, a woman who boasts about being a stalker, and another woman who identifies as a pig. In the 1990s, our society would have looked on this trio as oddballs at best and, at worst, as suffering from mental illness. Another negative take on our decline into deviancy —and there are countless others, both online and in conversations with our families and friends—can be found in Naomi Wolf’s “Broken in What Way?” Here, Wolf recounts at length a recent visit to New York, a city she loves but which now seems to be in ruins. “I think if one lives here day to day,” she writes, “the shocking decline of the city is not so obvious. But to me, the change in the city was like seeing a beloved friend, who had formerly been beautiful and enchanting and witty, in a hospital bed, on an IV drip, half-unconscious.” Here Wolf puts a finger on another reason for our demise: the gradualism that moves society from condemnation of an idea or a practice first to tolerance and then to acceptance. So, where do we turn if we wish to reverse this decline into deviancy? In 1993, Senator Moynihan recommended several political solutions, yet given the federal government’s increasingly dismal performance in the 21st century—the massive debt, the lost wars, the broken border, the malfunctioning domestic programs—that rutted roadway promises only more failures. No—if we are to reverse our present decline, we are the ones who must take action. In some instances, such as reducing the deviant federal deficit, most of us have only a vote as our weapon. In other cases, however, such as combating neighborhood crime, seeking the best possible education for our children, or opposing society’s attacks on marriage and the traditional family, our power to effect change vastly improves. Here we must begin by reviving the old-fashioned concept of decency, which one online dictionary defines as “behavior that conforms to accepted standards of morality or respectability.” Those standards derive from our Greco-Roman, Judeo-Christian heritage, but they have been shoved aside in the last 50 years in favor of relativism, which is no standard at all. We find one glaring example of this sea change in the recent phenomenon of drag queen story hours in our public libraries. Billed as family-friendly events promoting diversity and foisted off on communities by the American Library Association, these performances for children aim at subverting the family, normalizing deviancy, and confusing preschoolers about gender and sex. At the same time, we must recognize that accepting deviancy as a norm comes with a tremendous cost. In many of our large cities, for example, crime and murder are now accepted as everyday events. The weekend casualty counts, assaults, and robberies out of places like Chicago and New York receive due notice in some media, but little if any effort is put into reducing these tallies of murder, rape, and theft. Once we understand that the deviant behavior found across the board in today’s culture is neither normal nor desirable, and we have the heart and the spirit to do something about it, we can take action. The field of education more easily demonstrates this power of the individual or a group of citizens to make a difference. More families are homeschooling now than ever before, and private academies of all sorts are springing up around the country. Parents are voting with their feet and leaving government schools. The Dylan Mulvaney Bud Light ad and the subsequent backlash that caused Anheuser-Busch InBev to take a major hit in sales was yet another demonstration of our power to make change. The lesson there was to stop supporting companies that are intent on radical cultural transformation. Public libraries have also become battlegrounds in the culture wars. From Prattville, Alabama, Lori Herring writes “How to Save Your Local Library From Cultural Marxists.” Pratt and a group of concerned parents spent nearly a year working to divest their public library’s children’s section of pornographic material, but they finally succeeded. Courageous people like them are making a difference. To take charge of our lives rather than looking to government is a tradition as old as America itself, and it can be applied to everything from cleaning up our city streets of trash to crime prevention. Participating in local elections, voting, becoming candidates ourselves, volunteering, staying engaged in local affairs—in these ways and more, citizens can have a direct effect on culture and community. Stout hearts, willing hands, and a sense of common decency can heal any number of the wounds inflicted on our society. Enough, then, of defining deviancy down. Let’s start defining decency up. Jeff Minick lives in Front Royal, Virginia, and may be found online at jeffminick.com. He is the author of two novels, Amanda Bell and Dust on Their Wings, and two works of non-fiction, Learning as I Go and Movies Make the Man. This article appeared on IntellectualTakeout.org and is shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
  6. 3 points
    Easter parades are over; a total solar eclipse before us. Birds are returning. I heard, in late February, that a friend had seen two bears, locally, and another friend mentioned the return of her bluebirds. The bluebirds were a welcome sign, but we hoped the bears would stay away until May. However, one or two have already come by, briefly, and so we will soon be moving the big seed cans into our storage shed. This means some inconvenience for me --- up our hilly lawn and around to the back of the out-building. But the exercise is probably a good thing and certainly better than allowing an ursine sunflower seed orgy on our sidewalk. Hopefully, those early bluebirds will find enough buggy food to satisfy their spring optimism. Do you know what a vernal pool is? In the woods on our farm, there were little pools that held water only for the spring season. By mid-summer they had dried up. But for a little while, they glimmered and rippled like tiny lakes, surrounded by mossy stones, and inhabited,just briefly, by tiny frogs, darting water insects and,maybe,possibly, wood faeries. They reflected carpets of violets and starry bloodroot blossoms. And on a nearby slope, in slightly drier terrain, there was a hillside of white trilliums. These 3-lobed trumpets must line the path leading to Heaven, they are so beautiful. In a slightly different terrain,the sandy soil in my brother’s woods (only 3 miles away) we used to find creeping arbutus, a delicate pink flower with a lovely fragrance. Vernal pools, opening wild flowers and a variety of mosses, all greening my little portion of earth. As lawns lose their winter brown, and the trees show the beginnings of leaves, it is good to just get outside. Andy Morris,* a regional poet, says this about the spring of the year in an aging world: “Kneeling down to feel the fresh green grass, I found, lying just beneath it, white as bone, a ghost of grass from a summer past, long since mown I held in my hand like so much paper, or even less than that, a milky vapor. And I thought of how age gives way to youth. And how truth is but the mulch for further truth. And I thought of how my life is but ashes, little more than a fading blade of grass. But when I looked again upon the scene, and remembered what I felt when at first, I knelt, and took the time to celebrate the green.” Celebrating the small bits of new life brightens my day. The seasons of fall and winter, and realization of aging may dim our spirits briefly, but we are restored by the whole, panoramic view of increasing “green”. “Green” is now what we all try to be in an attempt to be environmentally wise. We try to use products that do not pollute land, sea or air. Traditionally, spring cleaning has its own season. This endeavor, in the 1800s and early 1900s, involved rug-beating, scrubbing brushes, pails and pails of water, sometimes lye and white wash (and no latex gloves!). It was a labor-intensive series of tasks that truly was an actual “season”. Little House on the Prairie books give a couple of vivid house-cleaning scenarios. For them, it involved taking the old straw out of mattresses and replacing it with new straw, dragging the rugs outside to be beaten, and washing (with home-made soap) anything washable in the house. My only memory of anything resembling this, was when the inside of our dairy barn was swept down, hosed down and whitewashed, in the spring, after the cows had been let out to pasture. Today, vacuum cleaners, rug-shampooers, Swiffers and a whole array of cleaning products make house-cleaning all year ‘round a much easier process (though often quite polluting), and there is little need anymore, to tear up the entire residence. I think home-makers today may well wish to lift a glass of whatever to the new robotic cleaners, power washers and wipeable paints that make life so much easier --- and, if we are alert, safer too. As I thought about the tradition of spring cleaning, I was also reminded of other traditions with which I grew up. Sitting around a table for daily meals or for tea time is one custom that seems to be dwindling. TV trays, frozen dinners, and conflicting schedules have made meals less of a gathering-together event and more of a fast-food way of survival. We may be feeding our bodies, but are doing less in the way of nourishing our souls and connecting ourselves with family and friends. We did fairly well with sitting at table while our boys were home and in school but then college and summer jobs saw us sitting together less and less often. Now, Kerm and I do eat together but while watching the nightly news. Talk about inviting indigestion!! I have good memories of sitting around several tables. When we went home to visit, our first activity, after dropping our suitcases near the stairs,was to sit around my mother’s kitchen table for a cup of tea and molasses cookies. The table was placed before a large window with a bird feeder attached to the sill, looking out on a flower garden and a pond. So, there were plenty of beautiful things to watch and to encourage conversation. It was like taking a deep breath and relaxing for the allotted time of our visit. Then, at my brother’s house, the front door opened straight into the dining room. We shed shoes, and claimed a chair around the large dining table. We had cups of our favorite tea accompanied by considerable conversation and laughter as the stories flowed with who was doing what. There was a merry tale of a salad that was the “last straw” for Bob (not one for creative or odd foods) when he found a plastic curtain ring therein. There was the time I requested a wonderful potato soup recipe --- discovering that it was originally mine, but totally forgotten. Other family members often dropped in. As we talked, hands were busily doing bead work, blankets were being knitted, and one patient person was creating a needlepoint pillow cover. Coming home and being around a table was a mini-vacation from daily reality and created a sense of forever belonging. When we visited at Kerm’s home it was much the same feeling. I have old photographs of family sitting around the table at holiday time. The round table, pulled out, with leaves added, was laden with good food and filled the small dining room. Smiling faces indicated that we were in good company. Besides meals at that table, there were also riotous times of playing Monopoly or triple-deck pinochle, instigated by Kerm’s grandmother. Then the kitchen table was where we had delectable pancakes for breakfast and where we caught up with Kerm’s mother and what was going on in her life and the neighborhood. What we prideful, independent humans do not always realize is how much we need each other. Some of us mingle more reluctantly than others; we are introverts who find our peace in solitude and quiet. But even introverts need the company of others for healthy living. Good company, that is. I used to give my sister grief about not participating; about staying by herself (with a good book, of course) so much. In recent years, I’ve found myself behaving in a similar way. Given a choice, I’d usually rather stay home and read than go out and socialize, unless the people are near and dear. But when I do make the effort, I have felt completed and renewed by participating. Especially do I find this fellowship and encouragement in our small groups whether they be pinochle nights, Bible study or Spencer Singers. Small groups create a space where we feel safe and affirmed. So many people boast that they don’t need other people. But, of course, we all do. Every single one of us! Families, whether blood relatives or those we’ve built from friends, keep us connected to people who care about us and keep our ability to love, polished. There are two quotations that speak to the value of companionship. “Life is full of opportunities for learning love….the world is not a playground but a schoolroom. Life is not a holiday but an education. And the one eternal lesson for us all is how better we can love.** And, “Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed…….three are even better for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.”*** We need good people in our lives for support, for mirrors, and for inspiration. In April, besides finding companionship with people who make life better, the usual spring work is waiting to be done. As the buds on the lilacs and trees swell, so do the numbers of tasks on the “to-do” lists. We’ve had some rainy days this week, the upside of which is giving us a brief respite from the outside jobs. It is good to cross off some of the inside tasks ---- like taking down the glass snowflakes still decorating my porch and picture window, and sorting the immense pile of catalogs, letters and notes to myself. Whether inside or out, may your April bring you just enough showers to refresh, and may you rejoice in every bit of sunshine that comes your way. Be sure you notice the increasing, wonderful greening all around even as you carefully, with special glasses, watch the solar eclipse. Carol may be reached at: carol42wilde@htva.net. *Andy Morris ---from “Quiet Moments; Lessons In Life And Love” **Henry Drummond ---Scottish evangelist, biologist, and writer. 1851-1887. ***Ecclesiastes 4: 9 and 12b.
  7. 3 points
    Installing a bidet at home made college dorm bathrooms seem so much worse than they already were lol
  8. 2 points
    Note worthy, if you look into what the award is, it has nothing to do with the financial health of the county but rather shows that the county is putting together extra reporting during the audit process of financial disclosures in order to receive the certificate. Not being eligible because of the type of opinion issued by Insero doesn’t mean the treasurers office can’t still make the choice to produce the work for the required reporting. As I have looked into what this award means and does for the county, the only benefit to the extra work on an already overworked department is further transparency for the tax payers which can be achieved without the certification. https://www.gfoa.org/coa-award
  9. 2 points
    I saw this on Twitter ( I think ) recently, labeled"Brutal Truth about NY" or some such thing:
  10. 2 points
    I know I’ve been hard on the local media over the years, and for the most part, with good cause. But I’ve been thinking about it more, especially since the incident at Target with Sheriffs Dept. Investigator Theetge, that what’s largely lacking is those people who’ve been here for more than a year or two, and have earned the trust of the community and their place in it. So with that in mind, I wanna give a shout out to Renata Stiehl, Nick Quatrini, and Joe Veres for sticking it out here at home instead of using this as a stepping stone to a bigger market.
  11. 2 points
    Just need a little paint over the graffiti and some TLC. Pay no attention to the full grown trees growing in the pool floor (foundation of the structure), it's nothing that a few volunteers with a couple bags of Sakrete can't spiff up good as new.
  12. 2 points
    Or perhaps they could have pursued a trade or a field of study that they could actually put to practical use in the job market in the first place.
  13. 2 points
    Since eliminating gluten, I no longer eat macaroni salad......but any ‘mayo based’ salad (macaroni, potato, egg salad, or even tuna salad) should have some crunch in it. Otherwise its just a mushy pudding texture. Like baby food. 🤢🤮 Never had carrots, but it would be worth trying. Celery and/or onions – absolutely necessary. But they must be raw/fresh. because the only thing worse than having an intentionally mushy texture is mushy ingredients that are supposed to be crisp.
  14. 2 points
    Politics at work again. Was the “temporary” correction allowed to expire because of Trump’s involvement? Probably. Biden’s “forgive everyone” is a ploy to garner votes this November. Just my opinion of course. Thank you for the explanation MsKreed.
  15. 2 points
    Yesterday reminded me of the last in this series of Peanuts comics from 1963:
  16. 2 points
    I would have happily beheaded one of the hens if it brought the sun out. What a disappointment. (Wait, I was reminded by a young lady to stay positive.) It got dark, it got colder… I guess that’s something. (?) I will say, I enjoyed seeing the coverage in the news as the moon made its way between us and the sun. It was nice to see so many people sharing a positive moment, even if we didn’t get to experience it ourselves.
  17. 2 points
    Meanwhile, a lot of humans are freaking out about tomorrow being The Rapture or something.
  18. 2 points
  19. 2 points
    Makes you wonder how much emerging tech is more old school than they'd have us believe.
  20. 2 points
    Unless the State provides glasses for every single inmate in DOCCS, they will get sued by a thousands claiming they have 'eye damage' from NYS allowing them to be exposed to danger. And even if they do give them all glasses, there would still be a large number who wouldn't use them and require medical care. Woodburn Correctional is a partial eclipses (less than 95%) anyway. If they weren't expecting an eclipse, chances are they'd have just thought it was heavy cloud cover. By the way.....any word on where these guys were in 2017? Were they all in prison then, or did any of them feel a strong enough religious urge to bother to travel someplace and "witness that sacred celestial event"?
  21. 2 points
    I remember hearing once that the litmus test for things racial when it comes to an ethnic joke it, if you swap out the group for another, is it still as funny? So for me, the basis for comparison would be the same. If someone wrote this article and inserted "urban black Americans" or "suburban gay Americans", would it still be relevant? I don't think the professor here would be so quick to write this column in the first place and if he did, it'd be more of a celebration. Interestingly, this popped up on Mike Rowe's Facebook page this morning. It reads in part: While the celebrations are "open to all students", are they really when you put a qualifier on them based on race, creed or sexual identity? In all fairness, it doesn't bother me that these different groups are having their own little celebrations. It doesn't bother me if "X" doesn't want to be around or associate with "Y" for whatever reasons they may have, so long as they are not doing anything to harm the other. Hell, the Supreme Court even upheld freedom of association as part of the First Amendment: So I'd have to disagree with the professor, or anyone, who says someone is a "threat to democracy" ( could one be any more hyberbolic ) or "un-American" because of who they choose to associate with.
  22. 2 points
  23. 2 points
    So infuriating that NYS allows this creature to walk the streets without any bail.
  24. 2 points
  25. 2 points
    Wow. Are there consumers who really believe this line of BS? Not only do falling prices not discourage consumers....there is a direct correlation that lower prices lead to increased purchases. From cars to electronics.....consumers buy more as prices fall. Things that used to be "luxuries" only found in a few households that became commonplace for every family to own more than one. DVD players, cell phones, TVs – you name it. Remember when a PC cost $5-6k and only a few geeks bought them? And here's what the result looked like: Source
  26. 2 points
    She’s been caught. Sheriff William Schrom wrote the following on Facebook: UPDATE Fatiuna Massaline, driver of striking vehicle is in custody. I want to personally thank everyone who worked so hard today to track her down especially the members of our office, the New York State Police, and the Ithaca Police Department. Outstanding team work!!
  27. 2 points
    Have to wonder how those Troopers felt about being obligated to bring her to crash a solemn event, knowing that her presence would further add to the grief of the attendees. 🙁 And someone should ask her why a whole motorcade going round trip from Albany to Long Island wasn't all EV instead of gas guzzling SUVs .
  28. 2 points
    I get so confused about peoples attitudes on this. First there is nothing but crying about no affordable housing & crying because the city keeps knocking down historic buildings. So, they rehab 4 historic buildings and turn it into affordable housing and now everyone is crying because there will be nothing but riff/raff there. Can't win can they? I know Arbor takes Section 8 vouchers but low income doesn't necessarily mean people are dirtbags. Hell I know rich people who are dirtbags.
  29. 1 point
    It’s pretty common throughout human history for life-altering challenges to be “revelatory” experiences. Having to fight for oneself tends to inspire appreciation for what they have, as well as instilling a sense of "reverence" for self-reliance. And I am happy to see the change in him. Granted, it’s also becoming much more common for people to be encouraged to claim victim status and veer toward an entitlement mentality when faced with challenges. Fetterman “could” have that. Lots of people do. (“Whoa is me! I was dealt a shitty hand. Now the world owes me!”). But fortunately for him, it seems he may have discovered that, instead of “gimme” (because I’ve suffered) handouts that might make his handicap existence more tolerable.......his own motivation and perseverance has been far more effective in improving his circumstances.
  30. 1 point
    So, the County can still prepare/submit an ACFR report for the sake of transparency/accountability......even if ineligible to receive the “gold star” COA? Yeah.....This sort of makes me wonder if the decision to “likely not continue” could be reaction to the suggestions (made 2 days earlier during Monday’s meetings Monday’s meetings HERE), by Legislator Sweet that the Legislature should have the Exec’s actions scrutinized by lawyers and auditors. Around the 2hr23min mark, the Multi-Services Committee discusses an earlier tabled resolution ("Resolution renewing agreement with ClearGov Inc. on behalf of the Chemung County Department of Information Technology") This was tabled at last month's meeting for lack of Budget Committee approval. And tabled again this month because the Multi-Services Committee still "wasn’t sure" whether it had been addressed by The Budget Committee yet. The answer is yes....The Budget Committee did vote on (and pass) the renewal agreement for this software in their April 1st meeting HERE . However, it was noted that payment for this (unauthorized) renewal agreement had already been disbursed to the vendor in February. These are legitimate concerns.... the Legislator approved this software in May 2023 HERE, with the clear expectation that it was a “trial basis”, and the Executive team absolutely would need additional approval before renewing this agreement:
  31. 1 point
    Just struck me as an attempt to create more drama.
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
    Dumb asses broke up the bear family for selfies ?! Charges should have been levied just for being Stupid. As for a “teaching moment” mentioned in the interview, I agree with Zapp , I also would have liked to have seen momma bear take care of business which also would have played into MsKreeds Darwin comment and Chris’ FAFO .
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point
    I really enjoy these movies and am looking forward to this one.
  36. 1 point
  37. 1 point
    Generally no they do not. However I did have 1 mac salad that had carrots in it and that was pretty good
  38. 1 point
    On the evening of Friday, March 30, Chemung County Sheriff’s Investigator Mike Theetge, in pursuit of a suspect in a retail theft operation at a Target store in Big Flats, just two miles from my home, was struck and thrown by the getaway vehicle being used in the crime. Investigator Theetge, 35 years old, suffered a skull fracture and brain bleeding. As of this writing, he remains hospitalized in critical condition. First and foremost, please keep Mike and his family in your prayers. The outpouring of community support has been incredible. According to the Chemung County Sherriff’s Office, individuals or businesses wishing to make a direct donation to the Theetge family should contact the Sheriff’s office at 607-737-2950 (Road Patrol) or 607-737-2987 (Administration) for assistance in doing so. The prevalence of ever-rising retail theft across this state and nation reaches home here in the Southern Tier in a shocking and tragic way. This is not just a big city issue, it’s right here in our own backyard in rural, upstate New York. We are all being impacted by the consequences of no consequences resulting from the Albany Democrats’ soft on crime and punishment policies. It’s estimated that retail theft is costing New York State businesses upwards of $4 billion annually. Polls have shown that retail workers are fearful of being attacked at their workplaces. One recent survey conducted by the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, for example, revealed more than 80 percent of retail workers say that they are worried about an active shooter coming into their workplace. Yet, raise the prospect of increasing criminal penalties to crack down on retail thieves -- for example, legislation to make it a felony offense to assault a retail worker – and the response from leading Albany Democrats demonstrates the mindset destroying law and order in New York State. Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie recently said, "I just don't believe raising penalties is ever a deterrent." Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins joined her Assembly counterpart in expressing the same sentiment, “Both houses find that merely raising penalties, does not necessarily get at, you know, diminishing the amount of crime." Another leading Senate Democrat, Brooklyn Senator Kevin Parker added, “I don’t see any increase in penalties coming out of the state Legislature.” It’s preposterous. If retail thieves, if criminals in general, don’t fear the consequences of their actions – and they don’t in New York State today – there’s no stopping this explosion of crime and violence. You might just as well wave a white flag of surrender. “It’s better off to commit a crime than get a job in New York,” says the President of New York’s Bodega and Small Business Association “How do you deter crime except by penalty?” asks Nelson Eusebio, who heads the National Supermarket Association and Coalition to Save our Supermarkets. He’s right. For her part, Governor Kathy Hochul has acknowledged the growing retail theft crisis and put forth a $45-million plan to establish a new state-level task force to coordinate statewide responses. The governor also wants to: set up a New York State Police Smash and Grab Enforcement Unit dedicated to building cases against organized retail theft rings; increase funding for local district attorneys to prosecute property crime cases and to bolster the ability of local law enforcement to combat retail theft; and establish a Commercial Security Tax Credit to help business owners offset the expense of store security measures. That’s all well and good, but can any of the above be truly effective without being accompanied by tougher penalties for criminals? Yes, the governor has expressed her own support for increased penalties as part of the broader deterrent and enforcement strategy, but she failed to put it in her proposed executive budget, which is where she has the most power with the Legislature’s Democratic supermajorities. Consequently, it’s clearly going nowhere in the Democrat-controlled Legislature and the governor appears in no position to be able to sway their opinion. Writing in the New York Post, longtime New York City newspaper columnist Michael Goodwin reacted to Assembly Speaker Heastie’s “penalties are not a deterrent” way of thinking this way: “Because (Heastie) has a life-or-death grip on every piece of legislation that moves or doesn’t move in Albany, his admission illustrates why lawmakers have allowed and even encouraged the waves of crime and public disorder that are destroying New York. The lenient bail laws, the handcuffs on judges, the raising of the age from 16 to 18 for young offenders to be treated as adults — they all play a role in the coddling of criminals and the victimization of the innocent. The murder of (New York City) Police Officer Jonathan Diller by a career criminal who along with his partner had racked up at least 35 combined arrests underscores the devastating impact Heastie and his Democratic collaborators are having.” Goodwin hits the bull’s eye here. New York State under one-party control has spent the past several years coddling criminals and victimizing law-abiding, innocent citizens. The plague of retail theft goes on ravaging New York and other cities and, as I started this column, the prevalence of lawlessness is seeping into every corner of the state, including the horrific encounter that left Chemung County Sheriff’s Investigator Mike Theetge fighting for his life. Senator Tom O'Mara represents New York's 58th District which covers all of Chemung, Schuyler, Seneca, Steuben, Tioga and Yates counties, and a portion of Allegany County.
  39. 1 point
    Sounds fine for the Upper and Middle Classes that follow a “standard” 5-day, 40hr schedule. But workers with the luxury of working under that model are minority. Most are in the Proletariat Class, service and labor jobs that are part-time, irregular shifts and/or commonly have OT. Seems like Bernie is being pretty Bourgeoisie by throwing all those ‘deplorables’ under a bus.
  40. 1 point
    I know change doesn’t come easy to me. But, change, like pruning of bushes and trees, is necessary. Inevitable change without and within, As time marches forth on its forever path. But what of our heart when the depth is exposed? Are we bitter in change or more gentle and kind? Pruning is vital. It cleans out dead branches on a bush or tree. It clears out heavy overgrowth. Pruning is a necessary step for fruit trees and grapevines, enabling them to produce a bountiful crop of top-quality fruit. Pruning also helps plants put more energy into growing and showing off their abundance of gorgeous flowers. For those unfamiliar with the process, pruning helps a plant maintain optimum health. While dead branches, or an excessive amount, choke out the sun from reaching the inner depths, pruning opens up the heart of a plant. Removing or trimming back branches allows the sun’s rays to reach into the heart of the plant in order to revitalize the entire plant. It may seem harsh when beginning drastic cuts; but, when the task is done, we have a much healthier plant. Without pruning, any flowering or fruiting plant, vine or tree can revert to a more wild state, putting its energy into unnecessary overgrowth. With pruning, the focus is on nutrition, feeding and nurturing the plant so it produces the best flowers and fruit. Admittedly, I have failed to prune many plants over the years and have ended up with a messy overgrowth that is now a challenge of where to begin. And so it is with us. We need pruning… of our thoughts, words and deeds… a pruning of our heart and soul. With the trimming away of unhealthy vices, we are more open and receptive to change… change which brings out the best in us. As Jesus said, “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.” (John 15:1-2) We need pruning to let the Son’s light enter the depths of our heart in order to revitalize us as we begin producing our fruit of the Spirit – “…love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” (Galatians 5:22) We’re all branches in the tree of humanity, bearing fruit of various kinds. We each have something special to contribute to this world around us. Created unique, we’re endowed with individual gifts and talents. But, we often need pruning to clear away the destructive debris in our lives. We need pruning to allow the Son’s rays a chance to enter the depths of our heart… to cleanse and renew… to revitalize us… so that we can shine our fruit, our blessings, out into the world. And since God made each of us a unique one-of-a-kind creation, it brings joy to share our special gifts with our family, friends, and others beyond our close circle. In so doing, we bless them in ways we can’t imagine, so that they in turn are encouraged to use their gifts to bless someone else. The Pruning Linda A. Roorda He takes out his shears and sharpens the blades Ready to trim overgrown chaos. He eyes the tree, knows which branch must go, Which limb needs space as he trims and shapes. ~ Decisions are made to remove dead growth Prune overcrowding and bring in the sun. Yet not unlike my life’s debris trimmed When clutter is cleared, opened for the Son. ~ Bearing bad fruit shows a branch gone wild And bearing none how stagnant we are, What benefit then to remain untrimmed For lack of growth cannot show God’s love. ~ But if we abide as a branch alive Bearing our fruit for the world to see The evidence speaks our soul’s depth of love That we will prove the Father’s commands. ~ Abiding in love just as He loves us No greater gift has one for another For You, Lord, above have chosen us That we may bear fruit in lasting tribute. ~ Inevitable change without and within As time marches forth on its forever path But what of our heart when the depth is exposed Are we bitter in change or more gentle and kind? ~~
  41. 1 point
  42. 1 point
    I don’t usually read this genre of books, but, I believe Nora Robert’s “The Chronicles of The One” (which is a trilogy) fits here. It starts with a virus the decimates the world and unleashes something not typical in the usual post-apocalyptic books. Of course I also enjoyed In Times of Trouble which was my other adventure in this genre of books.
  43. 1 point
    Yes....$230k in 2023 (according to https://www.seethroughny.net/payrolls). And, according to a report linked HERE from NYSED, his 2023-24 salary is set at $244k plus $100k+ in benefits and “other”, which puts his compensation higher than other local counterparts. Full disclosure: I live (and pay taxes) in another school district, and my kids left HHDS schools several years ago. So my interest is just as an outside observer. After listening to most of the presentation last night and some comments from members of the BOE and the public.....I hope that whoever has been drafting the budget proposals isn’t pulling off a masterful job of “wagging the dog”. The most emotionally charged “fears” are being highlighted (in proposals that stay under the 2% cap). So now (even if the public comments weren’t as fiery as some of the FB discussion), there’s a vocal segment of the public poised to demand that the cap be overridden, if they stay convinced that it’s the only way to save those 49 jobs. Some points that came up that I’d like to see more discussion about. 1) I think I heard that 11 of the 49 positions 'in jeopardy' are vacant and would be attrition. And a number of the other (38) seem to be newly created healthcare and support “pandemic” jobs (that were initially funded by emergency grants). While it’s unfortunate for anyone to lose their job.... if the job was created to address a short-term crisis, then it’s not rational to expect it to be perpetual. (Imagine if a family member had a medical situation and insurance covered a home aide for recuperation...and then the family was expected to keep that person on payroll indefinitely after the medical need had passed). 2) The 100% bussing has always seemed unnecessary to me. It boggles my mind to be following a school bus through town and see them stopping to pick up kids a block or two from the school. Sure, door-to-door service is a nice bonus if/when there’s a stable budget to accommodate it, but not necessary by any stretch. If, as was suggested last night, aligning with the narrower NYS bussing requirements would bring about a $1.5 million savings, it ought to be given strong consideration.
  44. 1 point
    How credible is this guy when, as a political scientist, he cannot get the basic foundation of our governance correct? Ours is Constitutional Republic, NOT a Constitutional democracy....there is a difference and sadly we are careening towards the latter. They/We have issues not with Democratic principles but democrat "principles". As to the Anti-democratic section: i am suspicious(ironic i know) since at the bottom of the graphic is this "Margins of error are not available for ANES data due to complex methodology." Perhaps more simple methods would produce different numbers? for all the reader knows the margin could be well above that which represents accurate data
  45. 1 point
    Today I checked my two tickets for Monday’s draw and I won $4.00. That makes me a happy winner 😂
  46. 1 point
  47. 1 point
    100% agree with @KarenK I've no doubt that Moss has the authority to request the NYS Budget Office do an assessment, and it seems appropriate to do so. The entire turn of events the last few years of owning/operating the Arena as tax-payer-owned property is questionable, and deserves scrutiny to ensure no one is wasting (or misusing) County resources. The CCCR/IDA remitting payments "on behalf of" Donner/Mammoth needs investigating. As well as someone explaining what, if any, money was deposited in the "$625k/yr" fund that Donner's contract required (and an accounting of where every penny went). If nothing was deposited, the CCR/IDA oversight was an inexcusable failure that needs to be addressed. However, if a State assessment finds deeper issues than the independently commissioned audit did, then the appropriate legal processes are the answer - not the Exec acting as judge/jury and preemptively deciding the outcome by withholding money that was lawfully approved by the Legislature. That seems clearly outside the Executive's scope of authority.
  48. 1 point
    Yeah, because every time the government thinks killing off a number of any species, it turns out so wonderfully. F—king morons, the lot of them.
  49. 1 point
    It seems to be working well for at least one small town in Vermont. The expectation of civility and respect is key of course. In "some" small towns, just having a different viewpoint and respectfully disagreeing makes you a pariah.
  50. 1 point
    Dark chocolate is the best.
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