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Everything posted by Adam

  1. generally true. an amount equaling the CURRENT decommission cost is paid to the municipality to hold onto to cover the cost down the road. for us, i suggested we find a compounding interest account, or some other vehicle to keep up with inflation so as to not get stuck covering the short fall 20+ years down the road...not sure if they ever did.
  2. if that's the case, they need to speak with another company, if memory serves, its close to, if not 10% for the company in Baldwin. as to grazing; it is possible. there was a gentleman a few years ago wanted to build a barn/shelter for goats/sheep he planned on working with the solar company to graze his critters on the acreage. unfortunately, the lunacy remained "Baldwin strong" and various parties that shouldnt have, got involved, made it much more difficult than it should have, and the guy basically said screw it....there went a bit of tax revenue for the Town. so if done right, and actually paid attention to, solar farms can be of benefit, even if its small, to communities in various ways.
  3. if its not being farmed, better to have SOME use for it....land will be reclaimed after the life-term of the deal anyways. if the owners cannot make money farming, this is an option for them to do so
  4. repetitive theme from the Harris camp/Left is one of more emotional approach than practical/substantive...which is understandable as many in today's society accept this as the standard in politics ( many also ignore the difference between politics and governance), it also contrast nicely against Trump's more "realistic"( notice quotations) and perhaps less rose-colored outlook on the state of affairs in the Nation.
  5. Perhaps if "bail reform" Laws were not imposed those criminal they arrest would not end up right back out on the street? 1. Think you might be worrying too much about the color Brown; try concentrating on the Blue electeds that have done little to nothing to actually improve anything, let alone being responsible for making policing MORE difficult because previously mentioned bail reform...after a while of seeing the revolving door "justice" system; id imagine, being human, they get a bit tired of spinning their wheels. 2. Now be entirely honest with us and yourself; is it really the cops that are "painting POC a certain way"? ir is there an element of acting the way you want to be treated. Generally speaking, across demographics, if certain behaviors are NOT tolerated by the surrounding community, they will be minimized if not totally abolished.....read up on broken windows theory for the gist
  6. may be an incorrect assumption but: I assume you are local and given the rather dismal state of the City and the various communities within, talk appears to be it.
  7. 17.5% over 4 years as well as many of the lowest paid members getting an additional 10% immediate raise....that's much more than many folks will see in coming years. and remember who will bear the cost of those union demands; students, many of whom already face outrageous costs of education will see increased tuition
  8. communicating with those that hold different political views than your own not up your alley? Funny thing is, stepping outside the echo chamber occasionally allows one to hear so much more information; imagine what solutions you might come up with. Reading back through many of your posts, you want folks to engage and cooperate in your POV yet do not show the slightest interest nor ability to do that very thing...sad illustration of "Blue vs Red" distillation of issues.
  9. So Masculinity ISN'T toxic now? im unclear on the rules this week
  10. this is an interesting false choice thrown around by some. First of all Dictionary definition is "cruel and oppressive government or rule, a nation under cruel and oppressive government. " For his faults, During Trump's term, our Nation certainly was not oppressed, and no cruelty ( unless you count grift from politicians) was imposed upon Citizens. Further, you and others should remember that POTUS of ANY stripe, really cannot be a tyrant because we have the two houses of congress ( legislative branch) that are responsible for the making of Law and seeing how over the last 40 years or so of the "War on Drugs, poverty, etc" the promises/threats relating to social security, medicare, medicaid, drug prices, rich getting richer....absolutely nothing has changed and many of the same faces have been singing the same song all those decades, or new faces have put their own spin on them with same results....and guess what? Democrats have had just as many turns in the big boy chair as republicans and fuck-all has changed.
  11. Not specifically geared towards you, but seeing that part of the quote reminded me: Too often these last 4-6 years segments of the population use the term "Democratic" when speaking about policies and issues held dear by democrats. there is an important distinction between the two usages that many folks do not appreciate and i firmly believe that those on the left have seized upon this for really great marketing purposes. There are principles of the democrat party that many folks disagree with, but by simply adding the "ic" to the end of its usage; well suddenly it becomes a Democratic ideal and only fascists and racists dont support Democracy
  12. As someone who has become saddened and frustrated with the way our Town is "run" i did serve on the Board for a while, and i like to think i made positive contributions within my capacity. When the ridiculousness that is our Supervisor became too much, instead of re-election i chose to run against him. i had very well laid out plans/ideas, info regarding the mis-steps and outright willful ignorance going on and logical reasoning for why new Supervisor was needed etc. Twice i tried to get folks involved, informed, and supportive of change for protecting not only our future as a municipality, but as a community. Sadly, though close, neither time did "sanity" win out. When i left my seat, i could have gone online and complained, egged others on to run, instead i threw my hat in the ring. and despite having been unsuccessful, i know in my heart i did my best and now whatever comes down the pike, its on them. put yourself out there, network, listen to and speak with your neighbors, put together a platform, stay out of the mud and give it your best attempt; win or lose youll know you tried.
  13. Not to be confused with the other synonymous critter: ShamWow (Homo Flim-Flamicus)
  14. i do like the BBC as there has never been any slant one way or the other ideologically as far as i can tell. as for NPR, i listen more to it on way to/from work and i must admit while i find their content interesting, they have become increasingly a "Orange man bad" slant, ill keep listening though, if not to bear witness to their left-ish pacing but more because Korva Coleman has a comforting voice ive come to appreciate hearing in the morning
  15. she is employed now and putting into the system( just how it was designed), let it be and call it good, leave her and her like the hell alone
  16. Dems have their stuff together when it comes to toeing the Party line; they will all gladly do all the talking for their candidate so Harris has no real reason to give pressers, and she will get a pass for it. further they are very adept at messaging, dare i say propaganda; if people will remember, Biden was adamant about staying in the race after that debate, he was pressured to drop his run, but listen to any channel even remotely left of center and the story is that he selflessly and valiantly stepped aside without a second thought because it was best for the Nation. meanwhile the right has Trump ranting about being better looking than Harris and the party members all jockeying and eye-gouging each other for scraps and mae no mistake, any of you, be it fox, cnn, msnbc or any other network: each and every one of them is Gunga-frikken-Din when i comes to carrying water for their pick and pandering to squeeze every rating point.
  17. meanwhile theres folks posting images of the dear homeless pooping or urinating in their yards,
  18. this passes, the breeders will be squirting out Irish Twins left and right....
  19. if Mr. Brinn is looking at finances, he should be looking at City coffers. Elmira gor more millions in ARPA funding than the County, perhaps some of that surplus should/could go to some new ways of serving the population?
  20. as a healthcare professional, i encourage any Legislators that visit this site, to either do a walk through of the SJH building, or better yet require some sort of architectural study. it would likely show what many have known; SJH building is in shambles and a ton of money would be needed to make it modern/usable. AOMC is looking into this purely for the economic aspect but i caution: they jumped into the residency program with LECOM because they get x amount of money per head AND get a ton of free labor, yet still managed to lose the surgical residency. Without a major change in administration there, County would be throwing good money after bad
  21. So "Shams" are ok for voter registration? one thing Dems have perfected: Party over the People
  22. im sorry, but when the hell is someone going to yank on Israel's leach??? they committed acts of violence on to separate foreign lands, from what i can find, relatively without provocation, and now we are sending military assets and selling more weapons for them to steal MORE land....i feel its gone WAAY beyond any rational claims of self defense. enough is past enough
  23. 14 million at one event, while she and lord knows how many other businesses were forced to close for security reasons....pathetic no matter what political ideology
  24. russia will have to pull resources to counter the offensive, giving Ukraine time to regroup on their own soil, perhaps even press the advantage and retake territory. also doesnt hurt to hold 300 square miles of russian land when pressed to sit at negotiating table
  25. i almost pissed myself when i saw this one...thanks. i saw her qualifier "performance"...she clearly does not know anything beyond theory of break dancing. from what I've read her background is more in the interpretive side of dancing along with ballroom i believe, and i truly find it hard to believe that in all of Australia she was the best of what there is there. whats worse she actually buys into her own bullshit and sees herself as a true artist. then of course theres the idiots out there boohooing about how shes only facing the criticism because shes a woman, particularly one that was "stuck in a box" whileseeing the art being dominated by men...blah, blah ,blah.... no, she sucks, in fact she looked like curly howard having a drunken spasm shame on her and whoever sent her to the Olympics; it was a wasted opportunity for someone more deserving
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