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  1. that wasnt in support of TIK TOK btw, just noting that at least we can feel comfortable our politicians will only let our kids get addicted to AMERICAN social media...
  2. not sure if i mentioned it before, but there is a big potential draw flowing right through the city and much of CHemung COunty as well. the river has long been blamed( unjustly in many cases) for many of the area's woes; why not finally benefit from it? work with DEC and other sportsmens clubs in the area to develop sections of it for trophy fishing which could not only draw folks in for that but also potentially for small businesses related to the industry. expanding on that kayak/canoe seems to be pretty popular in other areas, why not encourage that as well?
  3. good point, but that would require the news providing the info on the story to actually do more than copy and paste what they find online unfortunately. keep in mind, many employers require ANY injury while on the clock be reported as soon as possible for insurance, comp, and other reasons, there are more details documented but someone has to actually inquire after them
  4. i dont see any of us fighting about the issue here, this has been one of the more engaging and on-topic discussions in quite some time. and it is more infuriating to us than larger government waste because 1. children are put in the middle of it. 2. it affects us more closely. do you realize that medicaid/Welfare consumes 100% or our property tax revenues as well as a portion of the county sales-tax revenue? that means infrastructure suffers, and our taxes go up every year honestly is kind of hard following some of your statements so ill address the hunger one: as i typed earlier, schools provide breakfast, lunch and dinner, and often send items home with each student at end of day. and again, there are TONS of foodbanks especially those put on by churches and other religious institutions and those are more plentiful in any community than ANY store or gas station.... so the masses of starving children is pretty doubtful, and if there are indeed kids going hungry despite all those resources, then giving shitty parents money to bring MORE hungry mouths into the world is just plain stupid and more cruel than controlling what can be purchased with EBT/SNAP
  5. generally speaking type statement. fresh fruits and veggies are often more expensive than pre-packaged items, and for those parents who are working, sometimes multiple shifts, those items are not only cheaper, but easier/quicker to prepare or have kids prepare.
  6. you never tripped over something in the dark, twisted an ankle, stubbed a toe or anything? now imagine doing so while running through various unfamiliar properties...the chances of injury arent as slim as youd like to believe, though they likely would not ever be career ending or life threatening, they are injuries none the less
  7. im more interested in what is fair and better for the Nation than which party might lose a spot at the feed-trough.
  8. could not agree more about your junkfood statement....its downright criminal that i can go to fastfood joint or get soda, chips and a slimjim for cheaper than some fresh fruit and veggies. as to the 1k, or any other similar handouts...remember that money has to come from somewhere and often times it comes not out of the "rich" pockets, but those of us who have struggled to improve our situations only to be taxed and demonized for the trouble. its a cold but factual position; if one cannot hardly care for themselves emotionally or financially, there's no way on green earth they should be incentivized to bring children into that situation. regarding "feeding the children" kids get all three meals provided by schools as it is, and often are sent home with food in their backpacks... which i do not see as an issue ( though if their families receive assistance, that should be taken out of the cash allowance portion)so if those meals are taken care of, the abundance of foodbanks and other such programs there is absolutely ZERO excuse for any child to be hungry, other than piss-poor parenting, so again, why pay such people to have more kids?
  9. nope...you cannot spit without hitting an aldis, DG or some other type of store that sells more than junkfood. here in Elmira, dandy on chuch street is les than 2 miles from a wegmans and weis. snacks are not nutritious, contribute to obesity, heart disease, hypertension etc. subway or pizza are foods that are a treat, same as ice cream, candy and soda. foodstamps and snap are for feeding your family in times of need, not to support poor, sometimes calculated, life choices. youd be surprised how many folks here and throughout the area grew up poor, ate the surplus foods and maybe if lucky got to have an actual pizza once or twice a month as a special splurge( instead of the bread with spaghetti sauce, shredded cheese and if lucky pepperoni) that indeed see the current abuse and fraud occurring and whole-heartedly agree it needs to stop. as to the 1,00 baby bonus what happens AFTER the grand is spent? how is that child to be provided for?
  10. there are elders still speaking various indigenous languages, they could be resources, there are also linguists who's sole work has been learning, preserving as well as passing along these languages. i fully support the initiative, it is a piece of our Nation's rich heritage that future generations should have complete access to. as Beek noted, US schools really dont teach any second language until 7th grade at the earliest, it truly should begin in earlier grades, either parents could indicate which for their child, or as part of an early stage pipeline to professional careers
  11. if we were a true Union of States, no one, or handful of them should decide the outcome of a National election. regardless of size or population, each State should get one electoral vote. the candidates would be forced to spend time in each state to hear the concerns of its People, and the People need to know their votes would actually count. it could also minimize the actions of States with Sanctuary cities in that as their populations swell with illegals in particular, when next census rolls around, those states(often left leaning/dominant) gain more seats in CONgress as well as electors... gaining an unfair apportionment advantage over States more inclined to follow Laws of the Land
  12. some balls the utilities have, regular outages, no upkeep of infrastructure, execs must be feelin' the Bidenomics pinch poor fellas
  13. interesting how a lie, told often enough, becomes "truth". per the transcripts : ACTING UNDER SECRETARY BRYAN: "We’re also testing disinfectants readily available. We’ve tested bleach, we’ve tested isopropyl alcohol on the virus, specifically in saliva or in respiratory fluids. And I can tell you that bleach will kill the virus in five minutes; isopropyl alcohol will kill the virus in 30 seconds, and that’s with no manipulation, no rubbing — just spraying it on and letting it go. You rub it and it goes away even faster. We’re also looking at other disinfectants, specifically looking at the COVID-19 virus in saliva." A paragraph or so before this he had discussed the results of hitting the virus with UV rays, as well as half life of the virus indoors versus outdoors. THE PRESIDENT: "Right. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning." In no way is he instructing or advocating the injection of ANY chemical into the body, let alone bleach; he is asking a question to which he does not know an answer...otherwise known as seeking education on a matter. a reporter then asks the acting under secretary a follow up on if "the President mentioned the idea of cleaners, like bleach and isopropyl alcohol you mentioned. There’s no scenario that that could be injected into a person, is there? " the answer which from Mr. Bryan was essentially no, the POTUS then goes on to say: THE PRESIDENT: " It wouldn’t be through injection. We’re talking about through almost a cleaning, sterilization of an area. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t work. But it certainly has a big effect if it’s on a stationary object." is he the smartest in the world? No, but remember, no one knew what this virus was going to do, how it would respond to treatments at that point, and with a Nation looking to you for answers and impatiently wanting to get back to normal, you sure as hell are going to look for any and all possible treatments( im not advocating injecting anything either btw) Truth over narrativeif more folks subscribed to that, wed have better governance through better informed populace
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