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  1. up front, yes, but they will attach the cost to any other property tax bills the owner might have. as long as he is current on his taxes seizure is moot
  2. apologies then, though my response is valid, it isnt a relevant to reply to THAT quote and for the record i agree with you on the clock tower
  3. As a Church, it was not subject to property taxes. Not everyone in Chemung County or Elmira practice one religion, so there are two reasons the taxpayers should not be burdened. Once it closed its doors in 2009 and was purchased in 2010 by Laurentiu Marian, a private Citizen, in 2010; it became that gentleman's "problem" to maintain and restore....or tear down if it so pleased him. But again, zero tax monies should be put into the building. From old photos and stories, Elmira was a beautiful place with many great examples of lovely architecture. While I would love nothing more than the opportunity to have witnessed it first hand; it IS the past. Just like in our personal lives; sometimes you have to hoe-out that which is no longer useful in order to move forward.
  4. put some beans in, they are nitrogen fixers
  5. you can take cuttings, or like i did, use a plastic container with potting soil, place it where there are 2-3 nodes along a green limb, moisten, then place cover and leave it for 2-3 weeks, it should root, and you can cut it at bottom of container and replant. youll need to put in some post & wire for the grapes to attach, pruning is beyond easy. the cutting i gave you is from Harold's root stock and thought they are seeded, are really sweet when ripe
  6. worked today, thought i had some toys sold to make room for new ones, after 30 min drive from work and another 30 min waiting at agreed place, i believe i got punked....FB marketplace is more and more a PITA than its worth
  7. kudos where they are Due im thinking its a split effect for trump; Minority woman running against trump picks dems up more of the black and suburban female vote especially if Trump veers from current behavior. May provide Trump more male/hispanic votes?
  8. could be the couple were looking to exactly make a Federal case out of it to put the photog in their place. i guess if you want to refuse service for whatever reasons thats your choice, but at least be smart and instead of throwing your religious/cultural beliefs in someone's faces; simply say " im booked those dates"
  9. yard work, put generator away with cords, picked up branches and got quote started for either standby or manual generators, well see when the amounts roll in which one, work tomorrow
  10. https://www.mytwintiers.com/news-cat/new-dormitory-homeless-shelter-to-open-in-elmira/ https://www.wskg.org/regional-news/2024-05-09/catholic-charities-of-chemung-and-schuyler-opens-new-homeless-shelter-in-elmira https://www.catholiccharitiescs.org/find-help/homeless-services/ https://www.stargazette.com/story/news/local/2024/05/08/elmira-new-homeless-shelter-catholic-charities/73611227007/ these links indicate that "individuals" of either sex are eligible to use the shelter on High street. https://www.mytwintiers.com/news-cat/482k-per-month-the-cost-of-homeless-housing-in-chemung-county/ the above link describes the almost half million dollars/month spent by the County(taxpayers) to house families in 191 rooms across 11 motels in the area.
  11. speaking of Veeps i found the following quite ironic/funny: "Joe Biden told the NAACP: “I know what a Black job is: it's the vice-president of the United States." now if someone wanted to use that supposed powerful retort from Joe against him, they could craft something along the lines of why Joe doesn't think POTUS would/could be a "black job"? particularly since hes adamant about not stepping down and clearing way for a Harris run at the job
  12. tomorrow have first person coming out to give quote for standby generator. given the frequency and duration of outages anymore, its a good idea though i know if/when we get one the need will likely decrease
  13. to the shelters that are still in the area and abide by the rules set in place
  14. let me enter one bit of info then return to regularly scheduled convo: 133 of 535 identify as Black, Asian, Native American or Hispanic(https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/01/09/u-s-congress) that is 25% of Congress. As a Nation those same groups account for roughly 33% (2020 Census) of the population...there may be other mathematics involved to move that variability slightly one way or the other, but im honestly not THAT smart so for sake of discussion we will have to settle on a variance from National Demographics by 8% pretty damn reflective of the population. Therein lies the problem, you are entirely welcome to your opinions, but not to offer them as fact. You seem to be so hung up on matters of race you are wiling to just go along with what you are told by those that profit from such matters without stopping to inform yourself first. Be passionate about matters but Be accurate about them too.
  15. only "part time" job that pays 100K+ per year where folks come out millionaires, and consistently beat the S&P index with their investment choices....cannot imagine for one moment why any of them would not want to give up the gravy. minimum age to run for POTUS is 35; maximum age for any public office/judicial appointment should be 71
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