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Everything posted by Chris

  1. That stinks about your trip, but hopefully once you kick the cancers ass you can get over there.
  2. Has the city of Elmira done anything in the past 25 years or so that shows they value history? One need only look at the abomination of a former Walgreens now Dollar store where a historic church once stood on the southside. The bottom line is, so long as the owner is paying taxes on the property, there’s not a lot the city can do as far as seizure. And I’ve made my feelings clear on that idea. Same with Brand Park pool ( but let’s keep that topic in its own thread ). As for the clock, we agree on that.
  3. Which I believe they can then go after him in court for. ”Seizing” private property under the pretense of it being historic and “we know what’s best for it” not only is a slippery slope, I also think it’s unconstitutional. Not to mention the city is then stuck with it if no one wants it. Then as @command_prompt already said, it’s another Brand Park pool.
  4. I believe you are correct. And I agree with @Elizabeth Whitehouse in regards to the clock tower. I missed the name in the article ( honestly, TL;DR in the middle of working in here ) but put two and two together and got “OMFG!” Folks, trust us, that church is gonna be a pile of rubble before that guy does anything beneficial with it. Theres a once beautiful farm just down the road that is “Exhibit A”
  5. There's two ways you can quote someone's post so others have a reference: As to your other question: No of course not. The thing is, it's private property so it's not up to any of us OR the city to save the building, unfortunately.
  6. Well, today is my "Friday" but I have a busy weekend ahead of me. It's a nice dayoutside and despite my lack of ambition ( I could fall asleep right here at this desk now ) I have to get the mowing done. Better today than those hotter days next week.
  7. While hardly a firm representation of the feelings of the majority in this area, I have seen many negative comments about the cost of the clock tower repair. Right. Every one "cares" or "thinks someone oughta" but that's as far as it goes.
  8. I got home from work today, sweaty, hot and tired, and decided since it was beginning to get cloudy I'd shower and not do much else this afternoon. I get out of the shower and it's sunny and bright. I guess I could have mowed some. Oh well.
  9. Chris

    Brand Park Pool

    This article is pretty much what was on the radio.
  10. Every now and then something pops up on Marketplace that is kinda tempting: 6x8 and $1700 with extra for delivery. But one more thing to mow around and maintain.
  11. LOL a neighbor up the hill a ways called our field a “floral fiefdom” a few weeks ago and said he’d be sure to send his Mason Bees our way for some fine dining. Today he sent me this pic of the mason bee palace he recently built, with directions to the “floral fiefdom.” @Andy suggested we get a sign that says “Floral Fiefdom” and I’m loving that idea. Then I can take a pic and send it to the neighbor.
  12. A lot of people are excited about the new candidate without stopping to think, not a single U.S. citizen voted for her in a primary. They just pulled the incumbent candidate and put her in there as simple as bringing in a relief pitcher.
  13. While flipping through the channels last night I happened to catch this on RFD-TV and decided to check it out. Although perhaps not everyone in the house will agree, I thought it was pretty interesting to watch. But apparently you can only watch it on YouTube so here's the link.
  14. I got started on editing yesterday, already catching one discrepancy in the story. Nothing huge, I started with one person in charge of something and later had someone else in that spot. But it’s things like that I have to watch for in addition to punctuation, grammar, and sentence structure. I’ll confess to using Grammarly, which is more AI than when I used it in the last book. But I still am able to disregard suggestions, particularly when it comes to dialogue. AI doesn’t completely get the nuance of that just yet. So I’ll work on that more today and that’ll probably consume enough of my time I won’t get to much else.
  15. I thought about that, but I’d like to have some Concord grapes. From what I’ve read you can have different varieties planted on the same row. Posts and wire will be put in at some point.
  16. No it's okay, I have some other stuff I use here as well. I just used that because it was lower concentrate and less likely to burn the roots.
  17. My pumpkins have been looking pretty bad despite watering and such. Leaves are yellow and wilting, and it's not like they're being overwatered. So I looked it up and the most common reason is nitrigen deficiency in the soil. Like corn, pumpkins and squash eat up nitrogen. So I threw some 5-5-5 I have laying around on the garden beds. I figure the worst I could do is kill the plants, which already look awful anyway. Especially the pumpkins. I yanked up the two zucchini plants. I shredded a bunch of zukes up and decided that was good enough for the year. I also added some basil plants... you can never have too much basil, and I go through a lot when I cook.
  18. I'm all for giving everyone a chance to prove themselves based on their ability, not their melanin content or what gets them off. It seems to me the idea of being hired based on a quota would be an insult, but then what do I know? A friend of mine who is in a management position told me about a diversity training thing he had to attend. He said it was quite difficult to sit through, because the speaker, in the name of inclusion and diversity, included things like personal hygeine and punctuality in their lecture. If you're like me, you're wondering the rationale behind that. So I asked. He said things like hygeine are now considered a "cultural difference" and you can't send someone home because they smell like a rutting goat. Apparently it's the same for the inability to tell and manage time. So if someone consistently comes in late, you have to walk on eggshells if you're going to attempt to so much as speak to them about it. Obviously these are extreme examples, but it's what's being taught, at least in some workplaces. And it's BS. As far as John Deere and TSC, I support their decision. I also support someone who chooses not to shop there because of it. That's capitalism, baby.
  19. We too are looking into a generator, likely a full house standby. Wintertime power outtages are a cake walk but these summer ones, which are more frequent, are brutal. And that battery will remain dead for a long time to come no doubt. Verizon has proven time and again they don't give thought to their rural customers, except when it's time for the bill to be paid.
  20. Thats funny! You know, as iconic as that moment is in Joe's life, and music history, I wonder how bad he cringed when he saw the footage? That could be "Why To Avoid Drugs: Exhibit A"
  21. Hey all. I didn't do much yesterday other than putteirng in the garden and yard a little. I actually got a decent night's sleep and 5am came too damn soon. If there's nothing too pressing to do here I'm gonna get started on editing and revisions for Book#3 while settling on a title.
  22. President Joe Biden is leaving the 2024 race after a halting debate performance against Donald Trump led to questions from Democrats about his age, ability to carry out his campaign and whether he could serve a second term. Source: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/biden-drops-2024-presidential-race/story?id=111648603
  23. It’s almost ridiculous how happy I am with this so far. Theres that little worry about, “What if the perennials don’t come up?” but I don’t think that’ll be the case. I’m already eyeballing areas to expand next year, including a section of our yard we don’t use for anything. Also thinking of what other species to plant, such as bee balm.
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