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JERUSALEM (AP) — Backed by a barrage of rockets, Hamas militants stormed from the blockaded Gaza Strip into nearby Israeli towns, killing dozens and abducting others in an unprecedented surprise attack during a major Jewish holiday Saturday. A stunned Israel launched airstrikes in Gaza, with its prime minister saying the country is now at war with Hamas and vowing to inflict an “unprecedented price.” 

In an assault of startling breadth, Hamas gunmen rolled into as many as 22 locations outside the Gaza Strip, including towns and other communities as far as 15 miles (24 kilometers) from the Gaza border. In some places they gunned down civilians and soldiers as Israel’s military scrambled to muster a response. 

Gunbattles continued well after nightfall, and militants held hostages in standoffs in two towns. Militants occupied a police station in a third town, where Israeli forces struggled until Sunday morning to finally reclaim the building.

Before daybreak Sunday, militants fired more rockets from Gaza, hitting a hospital in the Israeli coastal town of Ashkelon. The hospital sustained damage, said senior hospital official Tal Bergman. Video provided by Barzilai Medical Center showed a large hole punched into a wall and chunks of debris scattered on the ground of what appeared to an empty rooms and a hallway. There was no report of casualties.

Israeli media, citing rescue service officials, said at least 250 people were killed and 1,500 wounded in Saturday’s attack, making it the deadliest in Israel in decades. At least 232 people in the Gaza Strip were killed and 1,700 wounded in Israeli strikes, the Palestinian Health Ministry said. Hamas fighters took an unknown number of civilians and soldiers captive into Gaza.



Open discussion, as it appears this will not end anytime soon. 

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A horrific series of attacks that stunned the world and the deadly round-the-clock response that has raised fears of broader violence in the Middle East.

This photo gallery highlights some of the most compelling images made or published by The Associated Press amid the violence in Israel and retaliatory strikes in Gaza.

Screen Shot 2023-10-10 at 10.02.48 AM.png


See more of the gallery here ( WARNING: Some images are graphic. )

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CNN — 

Gaza militants who attacked an all-night music festival in southern Israel shot and killed revelers at point-blank range, then looted their belongings, new car dashcam video verified by CNN reveals. 

The video began circulating on social media on Sunday and – alongside footage of harrowing kidnappings from the same event – has been scrutinized by horrified families desperate for news of loved ones missing since a series of coordinated attacks triggered Israel’s declaration of war on Sunday.

Israeli officials counted at least 260 bodies near the site of the Nova festival, outside Re’im, where earlier footage showed carefree partygoers from Israel and overseas dancing in the desert soon after sunrise on Saturday. 

Some survivors are among more than 100 hostages that the militant group Hamas claims to be holding in Gaza, according to friends and family members who have seen them in videos shared on social platforms.



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CNN reporting rocket fire coming in to northern Israel from Lebanon. 

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2 hours ago, Chris said:

CNN reporting rocket fire coming in to northern Israel from Lebanon. 

Well, that's not good.  Are they trying to start another world war?

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Hamas went house to house killing families.  Women, children, elderly.  Hostages have also been taken.  
Suspicious that Biden releases 6B to Iran and weeks later this happens.  Humanitarian use, right, I have a bridge I’m looking to sell.

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speaking in general terms: on reddit, one can go to see videos out of the war in  ukraine, on a lark i tried the same for israel/palestine....there is such a thread. watching some videos from last few years of how israel has treated palestinians is something to behold. IDF beating and/or man-handling kids( like less than 12), kicking over a person in a wheelchair, shooting a palestinian for trying to prevent them from taking his generator. then theres the "settlers" blatantly taking over homes, some with the excuse that "if i dont take it someone else will" or farmland being co-opted by "settlers" while israeli police say why complain theyre doing your work for you and show us your papers( to prove ownership).

this is not to excuse what those sub-human hamas cowards did( rotting in hell covered in pig-blood is way too good for them) but you must wonder how long can a dog be beaten until it lashes out? frankly Israel has overplayed the injured party far too long all the while dehumanizing and pushing out any who are not of the jewish faith....both factions are wrong; israel should keep in mind what happened just 2 generations ago as they are now following the Nazi playbook, albeit with better P.R. and in Palestine, they should see that Hamas sees them as nothing more than cannon fodder to foist out those killed whenever retaliation occurs. the populace needs to just dime out each p.o.s that has anything to do with this situation and no longer tolerate the presence of Hamas. the Nations of the world need to step up also; simply say we will n longer do ANY "business" until a two-state solution is arrived at, and stuck to.....sending money or troops to israel is certainly NOT a way to help


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Speaking at a joint news conference with Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer on Tuesday, Erdoğan criticized U.S. plans to send an aircraft carrier to the region, saying the deployment could lead to “massacres.”

“What is the U.S. aircraft carrier doing in Israel? What is it coming to do? It will take down Gaza by striking the surrounding areas and start committing serious massacres,” he said.

The Turkish leader reiterated his offer to mediate between the sides and said he would continue his efforts to end the war.

He also held talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin and United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres later on Tuesday.



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I've been doing a lot of thinking about this the past few days. And of course there's the usual social media showing of ideals, along with the talking heads and politicians crowing that they stand with Israel. But this is one of those things that's more complex than the usual "tastes great, less filling" approach Americans like to take with, well, anything these days. It's been complex for thousands. of years, really, ever since Abe banged his slave. So I don't feel like I'm educated enough or qualified to "pick a side."

You know who I stand with? The innocent. 

The innocent, particularly the children, are paying dearly right now. On both sides. 

That said, I know the heinous atrocities committed by the barbarians who call themselves Hamas. I recognize Israel's right to defend itself and doing so is always going to be messy. 

There's no easy answers, and I can't "cheer" for either team. 

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33 minutes ago, Chris said:

I've been doing a lot of thinking about this the past few days. And of course there's the usual social media showing of ideals, along with the talking heads and politicians crowing that they stand with Israel. But this is one of those things that's more complex than the usual "tastes great, less filling" approach Americans like to take with, well, anything these days. It's been complex for thousands. of years, really, ever since Abe banged his slave. So I don't feel like I'm educated enough or qualified to "pick a side."

You know who I stand with? The innocent. 

The innocent, particularly the children, are paying dearly right now. On both sides. 

That said, I know the heinous atrocities committed by the barbarians who call themselves Hamas. I recognize Israel's right to defend itself and doing so is always going to be messy. 

There's no easy answers, and I can't "cheer" for either team. 

Completely agree with you on this one.  Iran (imagine them making a comment) is calling Israels actions "war crimes" well, what they heck do they expect.  Hamas threw the gauntlet down and Israel retaliated.  No mention of Hamas having committed a war crime.

I know the US has always been a supporter of Israel.  I never felt Israel was open and honest about their dealings with Palestine and played the victim while actually treating Palestians very poorly.  On the flip Hamas (not the Palestinians) is a terrorist group that took over that country, not really much differently than the Taliban.

The people don't deserve this at all.

But then, I still have that tickle at the back of my brain that says it was all orchestrated to somehow involve the US in some way.  

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4 minutes ago, KarenK said:

On the flip Hamas (not the Palestinians) is a terrorist group that took over that country, not really much differently than the Taliban.

There was someone on CNN yesterday, I forgot her name, but she was someone in the know. She said a large percentage of Palestinians don't support Hamas or even want them there. 

As for "war crimes" and "rules of war", I've heard those terms used for both the Israelis and Hamas. Frankly, all of that goes out the window when you've been attacked in a manner so heinous as what happened last week. Now I know full well that statement conflicts with what I said above. But we just spent how many years and how many lives fighting the same sick mentality elsewhere, abiding by "the rules", and for what? 

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And a warning to all: be very, very careful what you click open on some social media platforms, particularly Twitter. I've seen a lot of grisly things in my time, but the raw footage that's out there is some next level stuff. 

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Israel’s military directed the evacuation on Friday of all of the hundreds of thousands of civilians living in Gaza City ahead of a feared Israel ground offensive. The directive came on the heels of what the United Nations said was a warning they received from Israel to evacuate 1.1 million peopleliving in the north of Gaza within 24 hours.

The Israeli military pulverized the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip with airstrikes and blocked deliveries of food, water, fuel and electricity ahead of a possible ground invasion as Palestinians tried to stock up on supplies.

International aid groups warned of a worsening humanitarian crisis after Israel prevented entry of supplies from Egypt to Gaza’s 2.3 million people.



Egypt and the surrounding Arabic nations are showing their true colors by not lifting a finger to help the Palestinian people. In fact, Egypt has sent troops to reinforce the border. 

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3 hours ago, Chris said:


Egypt and the surrounding Arabic nations are showing their true colors by not lifting a finger to help the Palestinian people. In fact, Egypt has sent troops to reinforce the border. 

 Perhaps Egypt is concerned that some Hamas will slip through their borders with the refugees.  I don’t understand why they wouldn’t want to help.

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Hamas can come and go at will through those borders already I’m sure.


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3 hours ago, Chris said:

Hamas can come and go at will through those borders already I’m sure.


As they most likely are doing on our own Southern border !? 

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On 10/13/2023 at 10:19 AM, Chris said:


Egypt and the surrounding Arabic nations are showing their true colors by not lifting a finger to help the Palestinian people. In fact, Egypt has sent troops to reinforce the border. 

This point has been twisting my brain. 

It makes the skeptic in me wonder if their motive is to keep innocent Palestinians in Gaza for the very purpose of creating some self-fulfilling prophesy that ensures IDF’s reaction causes more civilian deaths that “prove” how evil Israel is.


Edited by MsKreed
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4 hours ago, MsKreed said:

This point has been twisting my brain. 

It makes the skeptic in me wonder if their motive is to keep innocent Palestinians in Gaza for the very purpose of creating some self-fulfilling prophesy that ensures IDF’s reaction causes more civilian deaths that “prove” how evil Israel is.


i read somewhere that its been said( even among arabs) that the only place palestinians are treated worse than europe is in Palestine.

Egypt befuddles me as there are reports that Egypt had warned israel like 3 days in advance that something big was gonna go down, though no details as to where

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KHAN YOUNIS, Gaza Strip (AP) — Israel bombed areas of southern Gaza where it had told Palestinians to flee to ahead of an expected ground invasion, killing dozens of people on Tuesday in attacks it says are targeted at Hamas militants that rule the besieged territory.

With no water, fuel or food being delivered to Gaza since Hamas’ brutal attack on Israel last week, mediators struggled to break a deadlock over delivering supplies to increasingly desperate civilians, aid groups and hospitals.

U.S. President Joe Biden prepared to head to the region as he and other world leaders tried to prevent the war from sparking a broader regional conflict. Violence flared Tuesday along Israel’s border with Lebanon, where Iranian-backed Hezbollah militants operate.



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Ismail Haniyeh, who is widely considered to be Hamas’s overall leader, says that the US is responsible for the attack on Al Ahli hospital – stressing that Washington gave Israel the “cover for its aggression”.

“The hospital massacre confirms the enemy’s brutality and the extent of his feeling of defeat,” said Haniyeh in a televised address.

He is calling on all Palestinian people “to get out and confront the occupation and the settlers” and for all Arabs, and Muslims to stage protests against Israel.



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4 hours ago, MsKreed said:
4 hours ago, MsKreed said:


And so it begins............... it's the US fault

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