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Good morning everyone.

I got out of the truck when I got home yesterday and right on to the mower to see how much I could get done. Amazingly, I got everything mowed. Now I'm watching the skies, looking for an excuse to do nothing this afternoon, but also knowing full well I'll find something. 

Have a good one!


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Oh, and welcome to our newest members: @Briggs @Jodi @dmjrb @Steve B @Elmira Impact Hockey @radturnz @JulieAnn @marie_stanton@yahoo.com @foley_candy@yahoo.com @Pat @Earl Rafferty @Mario madero @Mike5684 @Jon @Margy @Crystal @Notree.e @Timoth @Will W @Brenda @CreekRunner118 @Jay Randall @Bre @Anthony 

We're glad you joined us, and hope you'll stop by often. We'd love to hear from you!

Note: If you signed up with your email as your user name and want that changed, ( some people may not want that shared ) I can do that for you super fast. Just let me know.


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not as physically motivated as i was mentally. dropped youngest at school, hit bank, then drive out to Addison to check out slab wood. HUGE pile free for the hauling, dropped my truck load off to a neighbor now looking into a dump truck to make trip more worth while...work tomorrow then maybe bit of shop time to start on finishing a piece as thanks for access to large amount of walnut

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Good morning, all!  Last WFH Wednesday for me, then (at least) a month of short-term disability. Friday is approaching fast, and it's getting scary. 

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10 hours ago, Adam said:

not as physically motivated as i was mentally. dropped youngest at school, hit bank, then drive out to Addison to check out slab wood. HUGE pile free for the hauling, dropped my truck load off to a neighbor now looking into a dump truck to make trip more worth while...work tomorrow then maybe bit of shop time to start on finishing a piece as thanks for access to large amount of walnut

Now Adam … you wouldn’t be doing good deeds for neighbors in need again would you 👍?! 

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4 hours ago, command_prompt said:

Friday is approaching fast, and it's getting scary.

I'm sure I speak for everyone here when I say we'll be thinking of you in the coming days. I can't begin to imagine what you're feeling. 

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5 hours ago, command_prompt said:

Good morning, all!  Last WFH Wednesday for me, then (at least) a month of short-term disability. Friday is approaching fast, and it's getting scary. 

Try to stay positive and know you have people keeping you in their thoughts and prayers.  You are in mine.

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Good morning all. 

I had dinner with the guys last night as we do every three weeks and then hit Sams Club which did some damage to the old checkbook. 

Today I'm gonna try like heck to get down the road and dig up some plants after work before they get mowed down.

Exciting, huh?


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Posted (edited)
On 6/12/2024 at 6:42 AM, command_prompt said:

Friday is approaching fast, and it's getting scary.

Sending good vibes for tomorrow.  

My week's been pretty low key. Mostly just puttering around the house.

I ran a few loads in the freeze dryer. And this morning I made up a batch scrambled egg, ham, peppers, onions and cheese. That's trayed up and freezing overnight, so I can run it tomorrow. 


Edited by MsKreed
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On 6/12/2024 at 6:42 AM, command_prompt said:

Good morning, all!  Last WFH Wednesday for me, then (at least) a month of short-term disability. Friday is approaching fast, and it's getting scary. 

You’re taking our Positive Thoughts with you today command_prompt ! 

I have a shop to clean … okay , maybe a quick putting things away after the last project lol . In my shop we have a name for a mess it’s called “controlled chaos “ ! Then maybe regale the critters out back with some banjo … little bastards , that’ll fix them !! 
Have a Great day All . 

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Thanks, everybody, for positive vibes. I am in good hands (literally), and hope that the surgery (4.5 hours) and recovery (however long it takes) will go well. I will try to post something post-op, once I recover from all the woozy stuff I will get injected with. 


Have a good day, everyone. So glad to be back, chatting with all of you. ❤️


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Like I told you, rest up and heal. Your health is what's important right now. We'll be here when you're feeling up to it. 

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Today Inworked on some writing, so there was less work on this place. I’ve got this piece, I guess you could call it a “prologue” similar to what I did in book 2. It isn’t pertinent to the story, but something that happens in between. I wasn’t sure what to do with it, but it’s been on the agenda for this book from the beginning. Today I figured it out and just about finished it.

After work I popped down to Waverly to see if Jolly Farmer had Shiner’s Prickly Pear beer. They didn’t, but I gasped when I saw Long Trail Ale pounders. But they were outdated by quite a while. The owner ( I think ) explained that it never took off. He said what they had would still be good, just a little maltier perhaps. I bought one for the hell of it. ( If it was fresh I would have bought the lot though. ) I came home by way of Wynkoop Creek Rd in the hopes that Diversion Brewing was open. It’s just over the hill a piece and I’ve never been there.

They were closed til 5.

So I came home, cleaned the goat barn, mowed, and called it a day.

I have rehearsals for a few upcoming music festivals tomorrow for a few hours then celebrating our son’s birthday. 

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A quick trip to Town for a few groceries, 2 bags and $100.00 later, I’m out of the store.  Biden’s economy is so good I don’t know what I’ll do if it gets any better.

A batch of blueberry muffins in the oven.  It’s a new recipe and I’m using frozen blueberries so we’ll see.  Enjoy your Saturday everyone.

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Well yesterday was a day of frustration, fun, and then more frustration. Today’s gonna be more low key. I slept in til 7:30 yeah thats sleeping in for me ) and now sit here telling myself I'm not doing anything today. But I know I’ll be out mowing or something so I don’t have to do it later in the week.

The site is running smoothly again, so that’s one less thing to deal with. 

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48 minutes ago, Chris said:

Well yesterday was a day of frustration, fun, and then more frustration. Today’s gonna be more low key. I slept in til 7:30 yeah thats sleeping in for me ) and now sit here telling myself I'm not doing anything today. But I know I’ll be out mowing or something so I don’t have to do it later in the week.

The site is running smoothly again, so that’s one less thing to deal with. 

I think today would be the best day to mow considering the heat forecast starting tomorrow.

Happy Fathers Day to you and all the dad's on here.

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Surgery went well. Following a suggestion from a friend, hubby bought a large cheese/pepperoni pizza from Vincenzo's, and had it shipped to the nurses in the recovery unit. Medical staff tends to be overworked, underpaid and - apparently - underfed, as they seemed to appreciate the unexpected delivery. "Oh, you didn't have to..." - correct, I didn't have to, but I wanted to, as you guys took great care of me.

Discharge papers emphasized the importance of pain meds. I was sent home with a care package (aka opioid prescription). Russ ended up taking me to the ER after 1AM when my nausea  and vomiting could no longer be managed (contacting an on-call physician in such case was also in the aforementioned paperwork). Vital stats and bloodwork were normal; reaction like mine, with the post-op oxycontin, can - and does - happen, so I was given ondansetron, and we went home before 6.

I felt better around noon, so we went to the cardboard regatta in Watkins Glen, watching the boats sink. Some designs were quite impressive, but I found myself rooting for the youngest sailors, whose enthusiasm and happiness topped their engineering skills. 


...And this is the place where most of those faithful boats were laid to rest.




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24 minutes ago, command_prompt said:

Medical staff tends to be overworked, underpaid and - apparently - underfed, as they seemed to appreciate the unexpected delivery.

The way to any health care worker's heart is their stomach. 

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Welcome, newbies! Or... kind of newbies; I know that at least one of you is a well-seasoned onliner 😉

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Hey all. I got a bunch of stuff done this morning including watering the garden and making sure the animals have fresh, clean water. I was dragging ass yesterday and seem to have aquired a head cold which the heat isn't helping. Gonna be several days of stayiing indoors as much as possible I guess. 

Have a good day everyone, and stay cool!

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A trip to youngest grandson’s elementary school for an awards ceremony.  With the heat expected this week and no air conditioning for classrooms, I believe the kids should be sent home at half day point in heat indexes get too high.  He’s already had to use his hand held fan in the classroom.  
One o more trip early afternoon then nothing much else planned.  Enjoy your Monday.

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9 hours ago, Ann said:

With the heat expected this week and no air conditioning for classrooms, I believe the kids should be sent home at half day point

this decision was made for the 4 schools still lacking A/C, got message at home this evening

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