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Briggs last won the day on July 11

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  1. School is a limited public forum totally different no sign saying no trespassing under the bridge also
  2. The majority of people will vote to make history . They will ignore the fact Harris wants to decriminalize Entering America illegally . And attack are 2nd amendment
  3. Madison avenue bridge was named after Bessie Berry and council member Allan not Jones
  4. Maybe they should finish the original house before they start expanding just my 2 cents
  5. You mean the famous in his own mind Gary brinn who thinks only city residents deserve his time. But wants county sales tax
  6. He should identify as a a woman so he can go to a woman's prison
  7. The day they took God out of children's lives and stopped paddling kids in school and home we created a generation of entitlement
  8. 712 magee St is owned by Elmira college and is a rental but is tax exempt pays zero sewage tax
  9. All house's get a star exemption from basic to enhance star 402 William st for example gets a 56k exemption with a total assessment of 42k pays zero school taxes
  10. I can list several apartments buildings that pay hardly any school taxes
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