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Twin Tiers "Rants And Raves"

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Is there something driving you nuts here in the Southern Tier? 

Perhaps there's someone you want to give a well deserved kudos to?

This is the place to do it. 

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I'll start!

Something needs to be done about the bicyclists in Elmira. They zoom all over the city on the sidewalks, riding against traffic, in the crosswalks, etc. without a care or concern. You better make damn sure you watch where you're going, because they sure don't, and if God forbid you hit one, you'll get to be the next person deemed guilty in the court of social media opinion. 

Similarly, there's more and more people zooming around on those motorized scooters and bikes that are as equally bad. I had one come flying around the corner in my lane last week and it's a good thing for him I'm on the lookout because I'd have creamed him head on. 

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2 minutes ago, Chris said:

I'll start!

Something needs to be done about the bicyclists in Elmira. They zoom all over the city on the sidewalks, riding against traffic, in the crosswalks, etc. without a care or concern. You better make damn sure you watch where you're going, because they sure don't, and if God forbid you hit one, you'll get to be the next person deemed guilty in the court of social media opinion. 

Similarly, there's more and more people zooming around on those motorized scooters and bikes that are as equally bad. I had one come flying around the corner in my lane last week and it's a good thing for him I'm on the lookout because I'd have creamed him head on. 

This made me chuckle because that used to drive me nuts too.  My world is still so small and I rarely drive anywhere since we are not back in the office yet.  I can't imagine how off the charts my road rage will be when I am driving to Elmira 3 days a week.

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2 hours ago, Chris said:

I'll start!

Something needs to be done about the bicyclists in Elmira. They zoom all over the city on the sidewalks, riding against traffic, in the crosswalks, etc. without a care or concern. You better make damn sure you watch where you're going, because they sure don't, and if God forbid you hit one, you'll get to be the next person deemed guilty in the court of social media opinion. 

Similarly, there's more and more people zooming around on those motorized scooters and bikes that are as equally bad. I had one come flying around the corner in my lane last week and it's a good thing for him I'm on the lookout because I'd have creamed him head on. 

as i have often instructed my boys "Pain is a great teacher, that's why stupid hurts" perhaps a little more pain in right sections of society is long over due?

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Rant: To the drivers in Elmira: You guys DO know what a stoplight means, right?

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3 hours ago, Chris said:

Rant: To the drivers in Elmira: You guys DO know what a stoplight means, right?

They don't.  At least 5 vehicles have to go through it before one finally stops.  They honestly need to do something about the light triggers/timers too.

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Rant: All the cars blocking traffic while they wait to get into the drive through at Dunkin Donuts. This is especially an issue on College Ave and the one on Miracle Mile.


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3 hours ago, Chris said:

Rant: All the cars blocking traffic while they wait to get into the drive through at Dunkin Donuts. This is especially an issue on College Ave and the one on Miracle Mile.


Arbys at lunch time also has people backed up into the road. Ive seen people lined up down grand central waiting to get into Wendy's is the food really that good lol.

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3 hours ago, Chris said:

Rant: All the cars blocking traffic while they wait to get into the drive through at Dunkin Donuts. This is especially an issue on College Ave and the one on Miracle Mile.


We encountered that at Horseheads (Kmart) one day so Dave drove around them, parked in front and went in. He was back out with his coffee before the que moved a vehicles.  

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2 hours ago, Zapp Brannigan said:

Arbys at lunch time also has people backed up into the road. Ive seen people lined up down grand central waiting to get into Wendy's is the food really that good lol.

Yep saw the same just this Tuesday . 

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6 hours ago, KarenK said:

We encountered that at Horseheads (Kmart) one day so Dave drove around them, parked in front and went in. He was back out with his coffee before the que moved a vehicles.  

That’s just the thing, the parking spots are empty. Hell I see that, I get out and go in. Not that I drink Dunkin, but it’s that way anywhere there’s a drive through.

You should see them line up in Southport. At least there they have a big parking lot to queue up in.

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Rave (tongue firmly in cheek):

Years ago I was at a local function, the wheres don't matter. And I may have been having a good time with my friends, harmless stuff, really. Beer may or may have not been involved. And I overheard a lady, the who doesn't matter, say to her grandson: "You be sure you don't grow up to be like him."

Well ma'am you can enjoy your time in the Great Beyond knowing he didn't. And I think of your comment every time I see his mugshot from the latest arrest. 

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I'm really tired of smelling the landfill in Lowman in the colder months. 

If I wanted to smell that, we'd have moved next door to it. But here we are, about 7 miles away, and the fresh country air we've breathed all our lives now smells like a friggin landfill. 

And it's everywhere. From Cedar St in Southport you can smell it. 

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2 hours ago, Chris said:

I'm really tired of smelling the landfill in Lowman in the colder months. 

If I wanted to smell that, we'd have moved next door to it. But here we are, about 7 miles away, and the fresh country air we've breathed all our lives now smells like a friggin landfill. 

And it's everywhere. From Cedar St in Southport you can smell it. 

The hills at the landfill are turning into mountains.  Maybe years from now it will be a ski resort.

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Went to Loui's for first time today....OMG!!

started with Bruschetta, am sorry i shouldnt get so excited over toast with tomatoes but it was TO DIE FOR.

veal parm was good(bit tough for veal), red suace was really good, had bit of sweet note to it

this is certainly a repeat visit

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38 minutes ago, Adam said:

Went to Loui's for first time today....OMG!!

started with Bruschetta, am sorry i shouldnt get so excited over toast with tomatoes but it was TO DIE FOR.

veal parm was good(bit tough for veal), red suace was really good, had bit of sweet note to it

this is certainly a repeat visit

I like the brick oven pizza from there.

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1 hour ago, Adam said:

Went to Loui's for first time today....OMG!!

started with Bruschetta, am sorry i shouldnt get so excited over toast with tomatoes but it was TO DIE FOR.

veal parm was good(bit tough for veal), red suace was really good, had bit of sweet note to it

this is certainly a repeat visit

You should do a review in the “Reviews” section!

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I meant to do this a couple weeks ago, but I wanted to give a shout out to Andy Avery at the County DPW. 

There was a sign missing from our property so I let him know it was gone. Turns out, the signs were no longer needed and removed. However, the section of metal that holds the signpost in the ground was left behind. This would present a real problem if someone pulled over along the road. In fact, a UPS truck almost lost a tire to it. Not to mention the likelihood of hitting it with my mower. Mr. Avery said he'd take care of it.

The county came out, busy as they were with a snowstorm, and put a cone over it. The next day, they were out there to remove it. 

I was impressed with how quickly it was resolved and I appreciate it. 

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I drive through Downtown Elmira at least a couple times a day for work.

And you know, it occurred to me recently that the street conditions in the very heart of the city, particularly in the area of Main Street and Church Street, are pretty bad.

It seems as though if you want people to do business downtown, you’d make downtown as inviting and presentable as possible. 

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Do all people on bicycles in Elmira have a death wish, or is it only the ones I've been encountering as of late? This morning not one but two blew right out into Clemens Center Parkway with little to no regard for traffic. Everywhere you go, people are riding in the middle of the street, against traffic, and expect the entire world to move for them. 


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4 hours ago, Chris said:

Do all people on bicycles in Elmira have a death wish, or is it only the ones I've been encountering as of late? This morning not one but two blew right out into Clemens Center Parkway with little to no regard for traffic. Everywhere you go, people are riding in the middle of the street, against traffic, and expect the entire world to move for them. 


Horseheads is getting just as bad.  Those people riding those motorized bikes are ridiculous.  Not even sure they are 100% legal to be on the road either.  

Sad part is that when one of these riders gets hit, they almost always blame the vehicle driver.

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32 minutes ago, KarenK said:

Sad part is that when one of these riders gets hit, they almost always blame the vehicle driver.

Yeah and if I hit one while I’m working, I have a long day ahead of me. Although thankfully I have a front facing camera to clear me if any wrongdoing.

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Rave: I want to point out the great job being done by our area's crossing guards. Particularly the crews over there on Clemens Center Parkway. When they're not dodging traffic trying to keep the kids safe, I've seen them picking up trash and even sweeping the sidewalk.

Rant: Speaking of Clemens Center Parkway, would it kill the city to utilize those traffic light turning arrows for more than a flashing yellow? Yeah, we know to be careful trying to turn across traffic there, but perhaps a green arrow for 30 seconds or so would help people trying to turn left on or off the parkway do so. Maybe we'd be able to get more than one car through some of those intersections at a time, depending on the time of day. 

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6 hours ago, Chris said:

Rave: I want to point out the great job being done by our area's crossing guards. Particularly the crews over there on Clemens Center Parkway. When they're not dodging traffic trying to keep the kids safe, I've seen them picking up trash and even sweeping the sidewalk.

Rant: Speaking of Clemens Center Parkway, would it kill the city to utilize those traffic light turning arrows for more than a flashing yellow? Yeah, we know to be careful trying to turn across traffic there, but perhaps a green arrow for 30 seconds or so would help people trying to turn left on or off the parkway do so. Maybe we'd be able to get more than one car through some of those intersections at a time, depending on the time of day. 

Lots of cars lined up at traffic lights makes the streets look busy….like there is actual downtown traffic instead of cars just passing through to get somewhere else.

Edited by Ann
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11 minutes ago, Ann said:

Lots of cars lined up at traffic lights makes the streets look busy….like there is actual downtown traffic instead of cars just passing through to get somewhere else.

I strongly doubt that much, or any, forethought went into it. 

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