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NEW YORK (AP) — President Joe Biden said Monday that he hopes a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas that would pause hostilities and allow for remaining hostages to be released can take effect by early next week. 

Asked when he thought a cease-fire could begin, Biden said: “Well I hope by the beginning of the weekend. The end of the weekend. My national security adviser tells me that we’re close. We’re close. We’re not done yet. My hope is by next Monday we’ll have a ceasefire.”



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As usual, Jon Stewart is all over it:


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I don’t know how this can be resolved when Israel wants to eradicate Hamas and Hamas wants to wipe out Israel.   That leaves the Palestinian people in the middle with no where to go.

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7 hours ago, Ann said:

I don’t know how this can be resolved when Israel wants to eradicate Hamas and Hamas wants to wipe out Israel.   That leaves the Palestinian people in the middle with no where to go.

a good start would be for Washington to stop supplying cash and weapons, followed by no more excusing their actions and no more vetoes at the UN

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Right. Kamala Harris was on tv calling for a cease fire and I was like, “Stop giving them the weapons to fire then!”

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Nothing like a selfie after bombing the shit out of a town:


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In the context of history, it's pretty ironic, isn't it?

This is going to go on for a lot longer. It hasn't stopped in thousands of years, we're not going to stop it now. All America is doing right now is perpetuating it. 


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i watched another one today delving more deeper into the history of the right wing or Zionist movement. these folks have long history of lying and manipulating to achieve their goals. in the earliest days of the movement, like 8 of them went to a palestinian owned hotel, said they were swiss tourists, ended up refusing to leave and ultimately displaced the owners. another's wife had a baby in hebron, it sadly died at 6 months, she insisted it be buried there apparently for "spiritual" or personal reasons....conveniently enough the grave had to be guarded by soldiers, and since the IDF had a presence there, it was the pretense needed to start "settling that are too.

the history of settlement was to first surround areas with large palestinian towns/areas, then to move into areas between them to cut off their links. as each settlement established, a military outpost would be "needed" and so it has proceeded for the last 7 decades.

much of this information was obtained from the Zionist movement leaders....its plain maddening to see this blatant abuse and frankly criminal behavior perpetrated by those whose grandparents were treated the same way under the same excuses/actions from Nazi Germany

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TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu railed Sunday against growing criticism from top ally the United States against his leadership amid the devastating war with Hamas, describing calls for a new election as “wholly inappropriate.”

In recent days, U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, the highest-ranking Jewish official in the country and a strong Israel supporter, called on Israel to hold a new election, saying Netanyahu had “lost his way.” President Joe Biden expressed supportfor Schumer’s “good speech,” and earlier accused Netanyahu of hurting Israel because of the huge civilian death toll in Gaza.

Netanyahu told Fox News that Israel never would have called for a new U.S. election after the Sept. 11 attacks in 2001, and denounced Schumer’s comments as inappropriate.



RAFAH, Gaza Strip (AP) — The U.N. food agency said Monday that “famine is imminent” in northern Gaza, where 70% of the remaining population is experiencing catastrophic hunger, and that a further escalation of the war could push around half of Gaza’s total population to the brink of starvation.


BEIRUT (AP) — Israeli airstrikes hit several sites in southern Syria early Sunday wounding a soldier, Syrian state media reported.

All three source articles can be found here. 

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UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Russia and China on Friday vetoed a U.S.-sponsored U.N. resolution calling for “an immediate and sustained cease-fire” in the Israel-Hamas warin Gaza to protect civilians and enable humanitarian aid to be delivered to more than 2 million hungry Palestinians.

The vote in the 15-member Security Council was 11 members in favor and three against, including Algeria, the Arab representative on the council. There was one abstention, from Guyana.



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JERUSALEM (AP) — Tens of thousands of Israelis thronged central Jerusalem on Sunday in the largest anti-government protest since the country went to war in October. Protesters urged the government to reach a cease-fire deal to free dozens of hostages held in Gaza by Hamas militants and to hold early elections.


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DEIR AL-BALAH, Gaza Strip (AP) — Some of Israel’s closest allies, including the United States, on Tuesday condemned the deaths of seven aid workers who were killed by airstrikes in Gaza — a loss that prompted multiple charities to suspend food deliveries to Palestinians on the brink of starvation.

The deaths of the World Central Kitchen workers threatened to set back efforts by the U.S. and other countries to open a maritime corridor for aid from Cyprus to help ease the desperate conditions in northern Gaza.

President Joe Biden issued an unusually blunt criticism of Israel by its closest ally, suggesting that the incident demonstrated that Israel was not doing enough to protect civilians.

“Israel has not done enough to protect aid workers trying to deliver desperately needed help to civilians,” he said, adding he was “outraged and heartbroken” by their killings.



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5 hours ago, TTL News Bot said:

Israel's response " Unfortunately, in the last 24 hours there was a tragic case of our forces unintentionally hitting innocent people in the Gaza Strip." As opposed to the INTENTIONAL killing of thousands of innocents?

ANd of course the two-faced limp-dicked response from Uncle Sam; "U.S. National Security Council spokeswoman Adrienne Watson wrote on X that the White House is “heartbroken and deeply troubled by the strike” and called on Israel “to swiftly investigate what happened.”....sure and theyll just keep sending more weapons to Israel while bemoaning the violence....at this point id trust any Israeli "investigation" as much as a fee hump in a Tajuana cathouse

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The heat is turning up in the Middle East as Iran is launching dozens of drones at Israel in retaliation for an April 1st strike on the Iranian embassy in Syria, which left seven Iranian military officers dead. 

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Israel estimates that more than 100 drones have been launched as well as an unknown number of cruise missiles.

If that’s the case, I’d have to think the Iron Dome will be overwhelmed. 

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I guess Iran didn’t listen to Biden’s “Don’t”.  

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It appears as though the majority of the drones and missiles were intercepted. 

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2 hours ago, Chris said:

It appears as though the majority of the drones and missiles were intercepted. 

I think this was about Iran “saving face”.  

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Posted (edited)

Well, Israel seems to be on some sort of mission now so they will likely retaliate.  Then Iran will drop a big bomb on them and that will be that.

Biden already told them it's a no, and we wouldn't get involved.

I think Netanyahu is losing his mind.

Edited by KarenK

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2 hours ago, KarenK said:

Biden already told them it's a no, and we wouldn't get involved.

But you can bet your ass we’ll provide support of some kind if not the missiles themselves.

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likely one of those "unpopular opinions" but:

at this point someone (globally speaking) needs to tell Israel enough is enough. words contrary to the shipments of arms/money from Uncle Sugar isnt going to do it and obviously the UN and world courts do not have enough teeth, so perhaps Tehran lobbing some armaments' their way may get Bibi to think twice about continuing the slaughter

btw i dont believe for one second, such action by Iran would be 100% altruistic in Nature but if it serves the purpose...

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Iran’s president has vowed to completely destroy Israel, should it proceed with even the "tiniest invasion" of its country.

President Ebrahim Raisi spoke Wednesday at an annual army parade warning Israel of a "massive and harsh" response, as the country braces for potential Israeli retaliation after Iran’s missile and drone attack over the weekend.



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