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Since we don't have a Sports section...

I see a lot of these on social media and apparently things got a little heated between some of the guys during practice ( said to be Neal and Diggs, but not sure ) which spilled over to off field while Josh was talking to the media ( just the first minute, then you can disregard )


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On 8/16/2023 at 12:17 PM, Chris said:

Since we don't have a Sports section...

Has anyone been following the "Blind Side" drama that's unfolding?

Conservatorship under scrutiny amid public dispute between Michael Oher, Tuohy family

I'm sure a lot more will come out from both sides. 

Even not a big football fan, I enjoyed the movie. But even if Oher's allegations are 100% true: the family exploited him and he got nothing from the book or movie, etc., I  just can't wrap my head the people making Ridiculous calls for Sandra Bullock to return her The Blind Side Oscar


Edited by MsKreed

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2 minutes ago, MsKreed said:

Has anyone been following teh "Blind Side" drama that's unfolding?


If memory serves me right, it's not the first time they've been at odds. I believe that shortly after the movie came out he said something negative about the way he was portrayed in the movie. 

And I agree, the calls for Bullock to return the Oscar are ridiculous. She did her job, and did it well. We can't start holding actors and other creative types responsible for this kind of thing. 

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8 hours ago, Chris said:

If memory serves me right, it's not the first time they've been at odds. I believe that shortly after the movie came out he said something negative about the way he was portrayed in the movie.

I do recall reading about something to that effect. I don't know if the book was the same or not, but the movie did make his 'character' come off as borderline Down's Syndrome. I could understand his dismay.

But expressing an opinion that you're a bit insulted by an author's portrayal of you is way different than a lawsuit against the family claiming they've stolen millions from you. 

I don't know who this Jason Whitlock is, but he has an interesting take on the issue. 


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Boy he certainly doesn’t hold back, does he?

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7 minutes ago, Chris said:

Boy he certainly doesn’t hold back, does he?

For sure!!

But in a purely “commercial” sense.....he’s pretty spot on.

People would absolutely show up to see a sequel where the characters evolved years later into a plot twist that showed the couple in a different light.

A lot the fans who watched the first movie (whether as football fans or just Sandra Bullock lovers), as well as those who didn’t watch but a whole new audience who tend to buy into and advocate the “white guilt angle.”  And I bet she'd get another Oscar if she can pull off turning her role from a loving charitable "mom" into a selfish villain. LOL

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His story , their story all aside , it was a fantastic movie ! Why can’t we have a “ feel good “ movie just once without someone effing it up ! I realize he probably took a Ben Dover on the proceeds and if so shame on them but now would a sequel be a good idea , I think not . 

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Note to self , look into this topic more … the Good Will Hunting scene was hilarious 😆.

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40 minutes ago, Hal said:

Note to self , look into this topic more … the Good Will Hunting scene was hilarious 😆.

Yeah remember there’s a little of everything in this thread. 

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We downloaded the Pluto app a while back, and it’s pretty cool. Among the shows we can watch is the original Iron Chef which Abby and I watched all the time years and years ago.

Some night I turn on Cheers which is far funnier now as an adult. They don’t make shows like they used to, that’s for sure.

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I just saw this on Reddit, under a nostalgia page. What were these from, like, the 90's? Seems like ever few years there was a similar trend. 

Screen Shot 2023-08-24 at 1.29.30 PM.png

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I’d forgotten about “Freedom Rock”, but Reddit reminded me:


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I just saw this and it's too good to not share:


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Have you guys seen this “Egg Crack Challenge”?

Of all the stupid crap people can be doing on social media, hitting their kids in the head with an egg “for laughs” really takes the unmade cake.

I just watched a short clip. None of the kids seemed to think it was funny. Several cried. One girl smacked her dad, which was the only thing that made me smile.

I cant imagine what will be next. 

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50 minutes ago, Chris said:

Have you guys seen this “Egg Crack Challenge”?

Of all the stupid crap people can be doing on social media, hitting their kids in the head with an egg “for laughs” really takes the unmade cake.

I just watched a short clip. None of the kids seemed to think it was funny. Several cried. One girl smacked her dad, which was the only thing that made me smile.

I cant imagine what will be next. 

Idiots have to get their likes and 10 seconds of social media fame.  Such shining examples for the kids.

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I saw this trailer yesterday:

I have to say, I intend to watch it when it's available for streaming. The new Planet of the Apes movies have been pretty good overall, I think. 

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Oh yeah … this ones a Must See ! Too bad for the wait …

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Peter Cullen, known worldwide for his voice acting role as Optimus Prime in cartoons, movies, and video games, is to be honored with a Life Time Achievement award. Read on for more details!

In addition to already being in the Hasbro Hall of Fame,  he will be honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award by the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences on December 17th.



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Screen Shot 2023-11-20 at 10.02.28 AM.png

I seem to remember being at my grandmother's house and a couple of my aunts or someone talking about this the next morning. I think it was a little jarring.

Years later I watched it as an adult. And yeah, it was jarring to say the least. 

And they even ended with this:

Screen Shot 2023-11-20 at 10.05.37 AM.png

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This is pretty funny. Mayer's deadpan is equally funny as Anderson losing his composure ( a couple drinks into the evening, no doubt )


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