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Showing content with the highest reputation since 05/04/2023 in Blog Comments

  1. 4 points
    @Elizabeth Whitehouse: While I wouldn’t necessarily think “this kind of comment” should get you expelled from a site, I do wonder what purpose you intended for it to accomplish. Long before Social Media facilitated “instant reaction” to written material, we all managed to be exposed to ideas that may or maynot fit our own beliefs....through radio, TV, magazines, newspapers and books et al. And, since the invention of Guttenburg’s printing press, there has never been (and still is not) any imperitive to challenge the author(s) directly. We are fortunate in some nations (like the US) to have the choice of what media we want to consume (or choose not to). It seems like a tragic waste of ones time to seek out content we disagree with for the sole purpose of offering an antagonistic response. I’m curious how you felt that your reply was beneficial to anyone. It’s doubtful you will gain any understanding of Linda’s perspective by replying as you did. Nor is it likely that your curt and disparaging remark will sway Linda or any of her readers to your perspective.
  2. 3 points
  3. 2 points
    Going to a blog/ column post specifically written for and aimed at those who do believe in a Higher Power of some kind and making such comments is not only tacky and ignorant, but if I know nothing more about a person that’s enough for me to know that, well, I don’t want to. It amazes me, when someone pops their head in here once or twice, and of ALL the content they can add thoughtful perspective to, choose this as the moment to “contribute.” But I’m not gonna kick you off this site. I wouldn’t give you the satisfaction of being able to add another feather to that “hat” you seem proud to wear. I’m going to leave it, let it speak for itself, and let others form their own opinion of the person who made the commentary.
  4. 2 points
    Enjoy your articles and look forward to more of them. Glad there is a forum where you can be published and people can read about your interesting family and life stories.
  5. 1 point
    New York State has some of, if not THE strictest gun laws on the books. What more would you have them do? Also, welcome to the site! 😃
  6. 1 point
    Aside from the partisan assignations, the Senator is right about the Executive's misguided attempts to control education spending. Moving real costs to the local tax burden is not the correct solution. Our rural schools, in particular, went many years without receiving the aid they deserved. Yes, we need reform of state aid to education but this is not it. We also need reform of the laws and regulations that increase the cost for public education without improving the results. Jim Loomis Van Etten, NY
  7. 1 point
    I couldn't agree more! I'm in that Winter Season too... funny, don't know how it happened so quickly!!
  8. 1 point
    I entered my Winter season a few years ago. Everything you’ve expressed so well is true.
  9. 1 point
    I believe we have gone past the point of no return. People have gotten used to “free” this or that and will not be willing to change. Eventually this State will run out of enough people who work and pay the taxes which fund the “free” stuff. When that day comes it will be interesting to see what the Democrats do then. It appears professional politicians on all levels need to learn what the word budget means. Working families know.
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