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Ars76 last won the day on July 21 2023

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  1. Today I learned that the President's desk is called the Resolute desk because it was made from wood from the HMS Resolute (artic exploration ship) and lifted to President Hayes from Queen Victoria in 1880
  2. What a mess... If anyone needed (another) example of how interconnected we are... here you go
  3. TIL that the Xin Dynasty had wrapons that were manufactured at an industrial level 200 years BC! The Nova episode on the Terracotta Army is really good if you have PBS!
  4. And politics in America hit a new low... Yes, I know this has happened several times in the last 40 years - but I expect the fallout from this event will be ugly
  5. And the pollinators are doing their thing! I'm not sure what this actually is....
  6. It's easier to protect animals (tick collar, monthly pill etc.) - so I'm not surprised with the discrepancy I was a little surprised the article didn't talk about the risks associated with DEET - but then I remembered the article/ study was conducted by the OFF! manufacturing company lol
  7. It's looking great!! ❤️❤️
  8. I heard this on the radio this morning. I think it sounds like an awesome opportunity- I hope more programs like this are created! College credit for working your job? Walmart, McDonald’s are trying it https://www.npr.org/2024/07/08/nx-s1-4758144/walmart-mcdonalds-college-degree
  9. That's too bad People have got to slow down up here
  10. I am struggling to imagine a situation where teachers in 3 schools would participate in bullying...
  11. Has there ever been a VP that people love?? Thinking back... I don't remember any... Not saying VPs don't go on to become President (clearly) - but I think there is something about the role that makes the VPs them seem ineffective or invisible
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