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Showing content with the highest reputation since 04/03/2024 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Start suspending more of their asses, and we'll see how strong their convictions are. Although I'd hazard a guess from the amount of face coverings, it can't be too awful strong.
  2. 3 points
    For the record.... Although I believe it’s wrong for Moss to shirk the ACFR reporting, I tend to agree with the other point he made in his letter: If the County taxpayers are stakeholders (“owners”) of any facility or venue that has operating expenditures and revenue, the operations and financials of said facility need full transparency and accountability. This has been the case since.....forever. The Airport, Park Station and the Nursing Facility are county-owned "operations" that draw revenue from utilization. And all of their personnel decisions and expenditures are transparently reviewed and approved by the Legislature. Their revenue/expense books are transparently included in County financial reporting. Example: The Aviation Director's appointment (and his salary) are approved by the Legislature, and if he wants to pay someone to wax the floors at the Airport.....that process is subject to oversight and approval. The same premise should apply to the Arena (as well as the Fairgrounds Community Center, once it comes to fruition). However under CCCR, we don't know who appointed Robert Kramarik Marketing & Sales Director for First Arena. Is the “operating team” made up of volunteers or are they salaried positions? We also don’t know how events like “Cabin Fever” are funded. We know they had “carnival activities” (like inflated attractions and giant games). But no idea if those attractions were donated by a sponsor, or if the Arena put out for bids.....or if the Marketing Director has the authority to hire Bobby K Entertainment if he wants. On a final note: Just as Moss seems determined to clash with the Legislature, there are also a few Legislators who continue to look for reasons to clash with Moss. I think most of the public has had enough of the bickering and tit-for-tat attacks between the local branches. And we do appreciate those Legislators who don't engage in that petty power struggle.
  3. 3 points
    Absolutely. It is not prepared by the auditor. It is prepared by the treasurer’s office and it can be included in the audit booklet or as a separate document. The auditor would have to review it to make sure it complies with the GASB standards . The ACFR is not required by law to be prepared, only the basic financials are but the preparation of it does represent the best practice of government finance. For those that are not aware of the difference between run of the mill financials and the ACFR, the ACFR gives more detail. You get guided through the financials, you are given statistics and analysis. You are also given a comparison to how the actual matched up to the budgeted. For basic financials you are just given the income stmt, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows and left to understand it yourself.
  4. 3 points
    Since eliminating gluten, I no longer eat macaroni salad......but any ‘mayo based’ salad (macaroni, potato, egg salad, or even tuna salad) should have some crunch in it. Otherwise its just a mushy pudding texture. Like baby food. 🤢🤮 Never had carrots, but it would be worth trying. Celery and/or onions – absolutely necessary. But they must be raw/fresh. because the only thing worse than having an intentionally mushy texture is mushy ingredients that are supposed to be crisp.
  5. 3 points
    Nope, nope, nope...thats like putting salt on watermelon or syrup on corn-fritters and sausage Well theres nothing worse than expecting one texture, then suddenly experiencing the ear piercing crunch of a finely chopped(poorly hidden) onion Im amost thinking we Should just change the topic to "Adam's Opinions" instead? lol
  6. 3 points
  7. 2 points
  8. 2 points
    Okay, I know I’ve had a couple beers this evening, only a couple, and certainly not enough to make me hallucinate. But why else would I be seeing reports of “exciting news” that Elmira is getting another new hockey team? And we’re supposed to believe that this is the solution, and this is what’s going to turn Elmira into a “hockey town” after almost 25 years? Surely the CCIDA has heard the quote: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” That quote is attributed to Albert Einstein but is said to have actually originated with Narcotics Anonymous in 1980. So are we to presume that either someone is insane or on drugs to keep doing this same thing, over and over, that has yet to work??
  9. 2 points
    Source So, it seems that the primary objective of these 'protestors' is not to bring about "change in University policy to divest from Israel, etc. That goal would include civil negotiation....like I dunno....relocating to comply with the campus rules to show good faith to the other party. But nope! They clearly prefer disrupting campus operations over engaging in adult conversation.
  10. 2 points
    I can say there has been no discussion of rebuilding the old secretary's building at any of the Ag. Society's meetings. We are booked with getting things ready for the fair. The front page of the fairs website has a bubble map that's shows where everything is going to be. It will take a few years to get it where we want it, but this year is a giant leap. https://chemungcountyny.gov/1072/Chemung-County-Fair
  11. 2 points
    I gotta admit... these posts are hilarious! I'll make a stab at my ideas of yum since I can't eat any of these items anymore - mustard only on hotdogs, no chili, no relish, no onions, definitely NO ketchup!! And NO mayo, gravy or anything else on french fries - just salt for the purist LOL! Syrup on breakfast sausage - absolutely not! But a big yes to homemade Dutch Balkenbrij covered with syrup like my mom-in-law used to make after a cow was butchered!! (It's like scrapple from the PA Dutch who are Deutsch, aka great German peoples, but NOT Dutch from Netherlands like me and my late hubby.) And yes, dark chocolate is the best! How I wish I could have some!! Grated carrots in salads, not small chunks. Miracle Whip? Nah! And how could I forget a favorite I long for - Vita pickled herring!! There's the Dutch in me - miss that sweet/sour raw pickled herring with onions! LOL!
  12. 2 points
  13. 2 points
    It’s pretty common throughout human history for life-altering challenges to be “revelatory” experiences. Having to fight for oneself tends to inspire appreciation for what they have, as well as instilling a sense of "reverence" for self-reliance. And I am happy to see the change in him. Granted, it’s also becoming much more common for people to be encouraged to claim victim status and veer toward an entitlement mentality when faced with challenges. Fetterman “could” have that. Lots of people do. (“Whoa is me! I was dealt a shitty hand. Now the world owes me!”). But fortunately for him, it seems he may have discovered that, instead of “gimme” (because I’ve suffered) handouts that might make his handicap existence more tolerable.......his own motivation and perseverance has been far more effective in improving his circumstances.
  14. 2 points
    Note worthy, if you look into what the award is, it has nothing to do with the financial health of the county but rather shows that the county is putting together extra reporting during the audit process of financial disclosures in order to receive the certificate. Not being eligible because of the type of opinion issued by Insero doesn’t mean the treasurers office can’t still make the choice to produce the work for the required reporting. As I have looked into what this award means and does for the county, the only benefit to the extra work on an already overworked department is further transparency for the tax payers which can be achieved without the certification. https://www.gfoa.org/coa-award
  15. 2 points
    I saw this on Twitter ( I think ) recently, labeled"Brutal Truth about NY" or some such thing:
  16. 2 points
  17. 2 points
    I know I’ve been hard on the local media over the years, and for the most part, with good cause. But I’ve been thinking about it more, especially since the incident at Target with Sheriffs Dept. Investigator Theetge, that what’s largely lacking is those people who’ve been here for more than a year or two, and have earned the trust of the community and their place in it. So with that in mind, I wanna give a shout out to Renata Stiehl, Nick Quatrini, and Joe Veres for sticking it out here at home instead of using this as a stepping stone to a bigger market.
  18. 2 points
    Just need a little paint over the graffiti and some TLC. Pay no attention to the full grown trees growing in the pool floor (foundation of the structure), it's nothing that a few volunteers with a couple bags of Sakrete can't spiff up good as new.
  19. 2 points
    Or perhaps they could have pursued a trade or a field of study that they could actually put to practical use in the job market in the first place.
  20. 2 points
    Politics at work again. Was the “temporary” correction allowed to expire because of Trump’s involvement? Probably. Biden’s “forgive everyone” is a ploy to garner votes this November. Just my opinion of course. Thank you for the explanation MsKreed.
  21. 2 points
    Yesterday reminded me of the last in this series of Peanuts comics from 1963:
  22. 2 points
    I would have happily beheaded one of the hens if it brought the sun out. What a disappointment. (Wait, I was reminded by a young lady to stay positive.) It got dark, it got colder… I guess that’s something. (?) I will say, I enjoyed seeing the coverage in the news as the moon made its way between us and the sun. It was nice to see so many people sharing a positive moment, even if we didn’t get to experience it ourselves.
  23. 2 points
    Meanwhile, a lot of humans are freaking out about tomorrow being The Rapture or something.
  24. 2 points
  25. 2 points
    Makes you wonder how much emerging tech is more old school than they'd have us believe.
  26. 2 points
    Unless the State provides glasses for every single inmate in DOCCS, they will get sued by a thousands claiming they have 'eye damage' from NYS allowing them to be exposed to danger. And even if they do give them all glasses, there would still be a large number who wouldn't use them and require medical care. Woodburn Correctional is a partial eclipses (less than 95%) anyway. If they weren't expecting an eclipse, chances are they'd have just thought it was heavy cloud cover. By the way.....any word on where these guys were in 2017? Were they all in prison then, or did any of them feel a strong enough religious urge to bother to travel someplace and "witness that sacred celestial event"?
  27. 2 points
    I remember hearing once that the litmus test for things racial when it comes to an ethnic joke it, if you swap out the group for another, is it still as funny? So for me, the basis for comparison would be the same. If someone wrote this article and inserted "urban black Americans" or "suburban gay Americans", would it still be relevant? I don't think the professor here would be so quick to write this column in the first place and if he did, it'd be more of a celebration. Interestingly, this popped up on Mike Rowe's Facebook page this morning. It reads in part: While the celebrations are "open to all students", are they really when you put a qualifier on them based on race, creed or sexual identity? In all fairness, it doesn't bother me that these different groups are having their own little celebrations. It doesn't bother me if "X" doesn't want to be around or associate with "Y" for whatever reasons they may have, so long as they are not doing anything to harm the other. Hell, the Supreme Court even upheld freedom of association as part of the First Amendment: So I'd have to disagree with the professor, or anyone, who says someone is a "threat to democracy" ( could one be any more hyberbolic ) or "un-American" because of who they choose to associate with.
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
    Sorry for the late reply. The space under the grandstands is still there. It was rebuilt when the grandstands were rebuilt. The food vendor spots behind the bleachers that burned down was not rebuilt. Code and health dept would not allow them for various reasons.
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point
    This week’s Standing Committee Meetings HERE, committee proceedings were preceded by several presentations (From Public Health lead poisoning to Wastewater Treatment, to the services of Cornell Cooperative Extension) Around the 1hr25min mark.....The Ag Society’s new President had the a presentation. He began by highlighting plans for this year’s Fair (sounds very promising!). Then he discussed infrastructure projects they have done on the Fairgrounds recently. As well as appealing for County Funding ($100k) to facilitate infrastructure grants that the County can’t apply for itself (they can only be awarded to the Ag Society). And that rolled into a discussion about the value of utilizing the Fairgrounds year round. It sounds like there is interest from outside (regional) organizations (like Monster Truck rallies, etc). However, it doesn't seem that the County any staff (as the property owner) to promote coordinate. There wasn’t any specific mention of the Building that was proposed with ARP funds approved...but it sounded as if the Legislature could be hearing a more complete plans (hopefully in the near future). While the gentleman from the Ag Society seems very motivated, sincere and capable.....it isn't quite clear to me who would be responsible for bringing events to the the Fairgrounds if the County eventually approves a multi-use facility. I understand the Ag Society has deep ties to the Fairgrounds, but they are really only a "tenant", that doesn't control the property. But I doubt that would be any worse than having the Fairgrounds "operated" by the IDA/CCCR like First Arena.
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
    They should have been charged with something for harassing the little guys. To bad momma wasn't around for that.
  34. 1 point
    I copied your letter into Word and it counts 790 words. If you submit an edited version under 500 words, perhaps they would publish it then?
  35. 1 point
    I can’t help but wonder why they won’t support him. As for me, who ever the Kennedy family endorses means nothing to me. I don’t believe the Kennedy name has the clout or draw as the former Kennedy and Attorney General did. I don’t believe they would recognize this current America.
  36. 1 point
    People need to stop making their politics part of their personality, particularly online. I don’t know how many times in a day I see someone’s profile read “proud lib” or “MAGA”. No one really cares! Is that the best you have to offer the world about what you are? And honestly, I find these type of people to be people I don’t want to be around anyway.
  37. 1 point
  38. 1 point
    I do like chopped dill pickles in my potato salad.
  39. 1 point
  40. 1 point
    Made me think of "old" songs I learned as a kid - I don't even know the names of some of them. *Take Me Out to the Ballgame *Daisy, Daisy, give me you answer true... I'm half crazy over my love for you... (I don't know the name) *Little Red Caboose (chug, chug, chug) (name?) Ok... not as old as these Adirondack songs, I know
  41. 1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. 1 point
    I stayed as positive as possible No chicken sacrifice either . Did however, on going out just for giggles , I was treated to all the birds making pre evening song four to five hours earlier than usual … oh yeah and a white headed Robin ( no joke ) and a group of five geese that missed their usual route to the pond on top of the hill and did an abrupt 45 degree , so that was all the weird … I mean other thant the usual weird here in Baldwin !
  44. 1 point
    Sounds fine for the Upper and Middle Classes that follow a “standard” 5-day, 40hr schedule. But workers with the luxury of working under that model are minority. Most are in the Proletariat Class, service and labor jobs that are part-time, irregular shifts and/or commonly have OT. Seems like Bernie is being pretty Bourgeoisie by throwing all those ‘deplorables’ under a bus.
  45. 1 point
  46. 1 point
  47. 1 point
    How credible is this guy when, as a political scientist, he cannot get the basic foundation of our governance correct? Ours is Constitutional Republic, NOT a Constitutional democracy....there is a difference and sadly we are careening towards the latter. They/We have issues not with Democratic principles but democrat "principles". As to the Anti-democratic section: i am suspicious(ironic i know) since at the bottom of the graphic is this "Margins of error are not available for ANES data due to complex methodology." Perhaps more simple methods would produce different numbers? for all the reader knows the margin could be well above that which represents accurate data
  48. 1 point
  49. 1 point
    Installing a bidet at home made college dorm bathrooms seem so much worse than they already were lol
  50. 1 point
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