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Meanwhile, elsewhere in the madhouse known as New York City:



Nine people are facing charges after police were called to a New York synagogue, where officials say a dispute broke out over attempts to close a secret tunnel found leading to the Chabad-Lubavitch movement’s headquarters building.

Officers responded Monday afternoon to reports of a “disorderly group” outside the Brooklyn synagogue, where the Hasidic movement is based. Dozens appeared to be protesting the arrival of a cement truck, which a Chabad spokesman, Rabbi Motti Seligson, said was there to repair the wall after an unauthorized passageway had been built, connecting the sanctuary to nearby buildings.



Of course there's rampant speculation about what purpose that tunnel served, but I won't get into that. 

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Is anyone following the situation down in Texas? The Supreme Court ruled that the federal government can remove the razor wire put up by the Texas National Guard, and the feds have requested access to the area. However the Texas National Guard isn't allowing it, and are doubling down, putting up even more razor wire and barriers to block points of entry from Mexico. Allegedly 24 governors from other states are voicing their support for Texas:


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Good for Texas.

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2 hours ago, Chris said:

The Supreme Court ruled that the federal government can remove the razor wire put up by the Texas National Guard,

As I understand it the ruling reads “ in some cases “ . Kind of leaves it up in air doesn’t it ? 

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im all for what Texas is doing. yes it is the Fed's domain to enforce border however we can all plainly see it hasnt for some time now; one need only compare pre-texas intervention and now for results and proof. the illegal immigration situation is untenable for our Nation and i for one hope to high heaven that those 24 governors joining texas mean it, and more sign on. 

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Deep Sea Vision, an ocean exploration company based in South Carolina, announced Saturday that it captured compelling sonar images of what could be Earhart's aircraft at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. 

The discovery was made possible by a high-tech unmanned underwater drone and a 16-member crew, which surveyed more than 5,200 square miles of ocean floor between September and December. 

The team spotted the plane-shaped object between Australia and Hawaii, about 100 miles off Howland Island, which is where Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan, were supposed to refuel but never arrived. 

The shape of the object in the sonar images closely resembles Earhart's aircraft, a Lockheed Electra, both in size and tail. Deep Sea Vision founder, Tony Romeo, said he was optimistic in what they found.

"All that combined, you'd be hard-pressed to convince me that this is not an airplane and not Amelia's plane," he said. 

The Deep Sea Vision team plans to investigate the area where the images were taken some time this year, Romeo added.


Read more here. 

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But you and I, driving to and from to work in our little 4 or 6 cylinder vehicles, are destroying the planet. 

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118 billion Emergency Security Bill. less than 10% of which actually goes towards the Border issue. this Bill spends more money on reimbursing Nations that have donated to Ukraine, "federal salaries as pertaining to Ukraine", some sort of "foreign military-something-program", reimbursing countries that illegals are returned to, or housing/healthcare and assistance for illegals than it does on hiring judges and CBP agents. the Lion's share of funding appropriated to any of our Military branches is specifically designated for Ukraine related.

i couldnt even get into reading the "enforcement" parts of the Bill, but seeing that the trigger for "shutdown" is like 8500 in a day...i cant imagine any of it being of any use. its funny how Dems are putting this all on Reps, that its THEY who are stalling action on the border when back in May, HR2 was sent from the House to the Senate and it was sat on....HR2, from what ive read so far, had WAY more teeth to it

Cannot help but think with all the $$ sent to Ukraine over Biden's Term, if it isnt some sort of quid-pro-quo seeing as Joe and Son have had fingers over there for years.

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Perhaps you've heard of, or even experienced, todays blackout of ATT or other cell carriers? It's quite likely due to this:

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There was also a coronal mass ejection ( CME ) that happened last night, but that was not directed at us. Imagine if it were!

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It’s official: After a two hour delay due to issues on board, we’ve landed a lunar module for the first time in 50 years.

Took them some extra time to find the module, as it landed intuitively, in other words it decided where the safest landing zone would be on its own. The confirmed a faint signal and are now working to refine the signal. Apparently we’ll get images from the moon at some point.

Too cool. 

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CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — A private U.S. lunar lander tipped over at touchdownand ended up on its side near the moon’s south pole, hampering communications, company officials said Friday.

Intuitive Machines initially believed its six-footed lander, Odysseus, was upright after Thursday’s touchdown. But CEO Steve Altemus said Friday the craft “caught a foot in the surface,” falling onto its side and, quite possibly, leaning against a rock. He said it was coming in too fast and may have snapped a leg.



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(NEXSTAR) — Users jumping onto Meta’s social media sites Tuesday morning found an unfortunate sign: issue warnings. 

Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and Threads — all owned by Meta — were reportedly down Tuesday shortly after 9 a.m. CT, DownDetector reports. 

On mobile, Facebook users were met with a pop-up reading “session expired, please log in again.” Tapping on the message would take them to a log-in screen, where users reported seeing a message reading “Unable to log in. An unexpected error occurred. Please try logging in again.” When trying to log in on a web browser, Facebook users were wrongly told the “password you’ve entered is incorrect.”



This could be the day I've long dreamed for, but I doubt it. 

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14 minutes ago, Chris said:


This could be the day I've long dreamed for, but I doubt it. 

would agree except for my shop being there, and the toy sites

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1 hour ago, Adam said:

would agree except for my shop being there, and the toy sites

Wouldn't matter since NO ONE would be on there. Actual websites would thrive and it'd likely be even better than before. Besides, the world had commerce long before Zuckerberg came along. 

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Facebook is still acting pretty wonky, I've been seeing this a lot:

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CNN — Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has filed a motion to oust Mike Johnson from the speakership, according to sources familiar with the matter, amid anger about the government funding bill.

The House would have to consider Greene’s motion within two legislative days after she is recognized. The chamber heads to recess for two weeks on Friday afternoon.

Asked for a reaction by CNN, Johnson didn’t respond, dismissing the question with a wave.



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1 hour ago, TTL News Bot said:

This procedure should never have been allowed to happen.

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And therein lies half the problem in D.C ! They are too busy playing grab ass in the sandbox and not doing the job for which they were elected ! 

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Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed early Tuesday morning after a support column was struck by a container ship, sending at least seven cars into the Patapsco River, launching a search-and-rescue operation and prompting Gov. Wes Moore to declare a state of emergency.

In a Tuesday morning news conference, just a few hours after the incident, Baltimore Fire Department Chief James Wallace said authorities are “still very much in an active search and rescue posture,” noting they are searching for “upwards of seven individuals” and that sonar has detected the presence of vehicles in the water. There is no indication that the event was intentional, Wallace said.

“This is a tragedy that you could never imagine … It looked like something out of an action movie,” Mayor Brandon Scott said.




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NEW YORK (AP) — Shares of Donald Trump’s social media company jumped nearly 50% in the first day of trading on the Nasdaq, boosting the value of Trump’s large holdings in the company as well as the smaller stakes of fans who purchased shares as a show of support for the former president.

Trump Media & Technology Group Corp. was acquired Monday by a blank-check company called Digital World Acquisition Corp. Trump Media, which runs the social media platform Truth Social, has now taken Digital World’s place on the Nasdaq stock exchange.

Before trading began, Trump Media had a market value of about $6.8 billion, a figure that will rise significantly if the early gains in the shares hold. The shares are trading under the ticker symbol “DJT.” Trump holds a nearly 60% ownership stake in the company. As of 9:55 a.m. ET, the shares were up 47% to $73.50.



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Obviously there is the concern for human life with this. I haven't heard if there's been any fatalities reported yet. 

But also, I saw someone post this:


Also where that bridge is located all the ports are behind it so until they clear that bridge none of those ports can be used which means hundreds of thousands of containers a week that do not come into Baltimore. It's going to mess up supply chain again, go get your toilet paper.


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All she wanted was a photo op ! Pretty damn low to go where you aren’t wanted but as with two others that requested to attend but were told NO ! 

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