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Term Limits Discussion Back in County Legislature

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And I'm sorry, but the arguments against term limits, including Brennan's assertion  ( that there's nothing stopping someone from running for another political position ) were weak. 

Sweet asks what's to stop someone from getting petitions signed and running for a third term anyway? Well, same thing that keeps the president from doing so. The law that you're debating!

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I liked that Saglibene pointed out that these resolutions will be presented to the "pesky voters" (that Smith said should be allowed to decide).

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40 minutes ago, Rod said:

has he ever taken a public stand on anything 

Now that you mention it - not since joining the Legislature.

I never paid attention to his stances as a City Council member....but he's quietly said almost nothing except "yea" or "nay" in any committee or Legislative meeting so far. 

As a whole, other than Morse and Saglibene, most of the new legislators have been pretty quiet.

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So, @MsKreed what happens from here? Does it go to referendum in November or does the Legislature have to vote on something else before it gets to that? I've completely forgotten. 

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1 hour ago, Chris said:

So, @MsKreed what happens from here? Does it go to referendum in November or does the Legislature have to vote on something else before it gets to that? I've completely forgotten. 

The way Maggs has explained the "permissive Referendum" process, now that they have passed, Moss has to sign them before they officially pass. If he vetoes, they'd need 2/3 to override. 

Either a petition submitted with sufficient (~3000) signatures within 45 days or a legislative vote within 30 days, will move it to a referendum for November. Otherwise, both will automatically take effect (without a referendum) in 45 days from when they are either signed by the Exec or a veto override.  



So, the way I understand it....... as of "right now", here are the possible outcomes (for both Exec and Legislative Term Limits separately):

1)      Moss signs it and Legislature votes within 30 days for a referendum: voters decide in November to pass or reject Term Limits. (this is the most expected outcome)

2)      Moss signs it and Legislature does not pass a vote within 30 days for a referendum.

          a.  Public petition within the next 15 days: voters decide in November to pass or reject Term Limits.

          b.  No petition: Charter is amended to have Term Limits without referendum (45 days after Moss signs)

3)      Moss vetoes, Legislature overrides with 2/3 majority

          a.  Legislature then votes within 30 days for a referendum: voters decide in November to pass or reject Term Limits.

          b. Public petition within the next 15 days: voters decide in November to pass or reject Term Limits.

          c. No petition: Charter is amended to have Term Limits without referendum (45 days after override)

4) Moss vetoes, Legislature does not override with 2/3 majority: The resolution dies no Term limits (or referendum) at this time.


That last one is the only way it doesn't get at least a public vote.....Hopefully Moss will uphold his stance and sign this, as a 2/3 override could possibly fail if the five "nays" put enough pressure on any one of the "yeas" to change their position (or for some unforeseen reason have someone absent for an override vote).  

Edited by MsKreed
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It seems a little odd that Moss has been silent on this.

It was one of his platform planks in 2018, and the general impression from Burin during the meetings was that he was still on board (I believe the committee was reaching out directly to Moss to at least get his approval of the guidelines concerning the Exec's term limits). 

Admittedly, I have not kept track of how quickly he's typically signed any other legislation.....but seemed like he vetoed the Redistricting within a week f the Legislature passing it last year (requiring an override from the Legislature). 




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Chemung County Executive Chris Moss will be signing both Local Laws No. 3 and No. 4:


Please be advised, Chemung County Executive, Chris Moss will be signing Local Law No. 3 of the year 2023 (Term Limits for County Executive); and Local Law No. 4 of the year 2023 (Term Limits for County Legislators) on Monday, May 22nd at 11:30 AM in the 2nd floor conference room of the John Hazlett Building.


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“We're allowing the people to have a buyer's remorse,” said Chemung County Legislator Michael Saglibene. “If somebody left, but they really wanted them, we wanted the opportunity for them to be able to vote them back in.”

The committee consisted of five Republican members from the county legislature: Saglibene, John Burin, Rodney Strange, Scott Drake, and Tom Sweet.

Sweet, expressed his objections to term limits during the committee meetings and full legislature meetings but voted "yes" on June 12 to place a referendum on the November ballot.

County legislators, Martin Chalk, Brent Stermer, Michael Smith and Joseph Brennan voiced opposition and/or voted "no" to the resolutions during the full legislature meeting on May 8. However, each one, except for Smith who was excused, voted "yes" on June 12 to bring the matter to the voting public in November.


Read the complete article here.

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It's up to the voters now. 

If a guy who has been in office as long as Joe telling you to vote "no" isn't enough incentive to vote "yes", I don't know what is:

Screen Shot 2023-11-07 at 9.19.10 AM.png

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it passes, in 8 years ole Joe is gonna have to go out and get a REAL job or Two

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Both propositions for term limits passed overwhelmingly:

I have to say, I’m a little surprised. I had a feeling it would pass, but thought it would be a lot closer than this.

So much for that “we have term limits every Election Day” long term incumbents and their supporters like to parrot.

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2 hours ago, Chris said:

I have to say, I’m a little surprised. I had a feeling it would pass, but thought it would be a lot closer than this.

I'm not. 

When the matter was in a Committee three years ago that was strongly opposed & successfully quashed the idea......Legislator Strange and the Elmira Telegram both did informal online polls that had over 90% in favor. 

And when I did some research, I found every other county that put it on the ballot passed overwhelmingly. I am still absolutely disgusted by the false information that Bryan Maggs gave the previous Legislature. 

14 hours ago, Adam said:

it passes, in 8 years ole Joe is gonna have to go out and get a REAL job or Two

He "should" have only one term left to serve.

If you recall, this could have made it onto the 2020 ballot if Maggs had not repeatedly advised the Legislature that a voter referendum/proposition on term limits was unquestionably, 100%, with no exceptions, unconditionally and completely forbidden by NYS Municipal Home Rule Law. 


If everything hadn't shut down, I would have kept pursuing that falsehood at the time. 


Edited by MsKreed
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14 hours ago, Adam said:

it passes, in 8 years ole Joe is gonna have to go out and get a REAL job or Two

Unfortunately, 8 years too long.

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31 minutes ago, Ann said:

Unfortunately, 8 years too long.

Nah, he’s already posting about contrails now. As his time draws closer to an end I can only see it getting more ludicrous yet entertaining.

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