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Everything posted by Adam

  1. FFS... the left hand doesnt know or doesnt want to help the right hand finish jerkin' off so the business of the TAXPAYERS can actually be done! does the County attorney represent the County or the Executive? how the hell is it that the motion was passed, the money approved and contract signed 1. without the Executive branch being included on the review process and 2. im curious if there is any penalty for breaching the contract if the Executive office blocks it? have to give Smith credit, whether its the one or a different one, the FQHC ( by all ive read about them) could be of value to health and healthcare delivery in this area and i guess to stick with the NSFW theme: regarding the Director position; the Exec is there swinging his tool around, the Legislature wants clarification as to the need; the reply because the charter says I can, you need to fund it is not a way to build cooperation. then when called out for it, denies that he's saying he can because he can. this crap has got to stop, none of them, that partake in this behavior, are doing what their job is; protecting the Taxpayer and the funds we provide!
  2. i remember the one we had here a few years back, was an odd feeling to have movement occurring without actually doing so. thought i was having a spell at first. on another point, wonder if it has any connection to the big one that hit Turkey
  3. problem is, he had his lawyers scrubbing the home when the initial files were "discovered" meaning they were intentionally cleaning out anything that may surface to trouble his next run. So of course they will cooperate, any really juicy stuff has likely been shredded, burned, ground up and dumped in the Atlantic by now.....and how nice of the FBI to PLAN the search as if any of us would be afforded the same courtesy
  4. they are working with "someone local" to come up wit new idea for sign so im sure its going to be more than the end product is worth, more likely just greasing another good ol boy's hand
  5. I KNOW is saw it, but cannot find it fr the life of me but, i saw that Chairman Margeson has assigned committee to look into the number of Legislators as well as how the Executive is chosen (elected or appointed by Legislature) while these are good questions to be asking, i think its also important to give equal weight to studying a return to a Board of Supervisors in place of a Legislature. I did send him an email( after deleting the question of FB not right place for it anyways) hoping at minimum a reply best case is they do actually look at it
  6. so doing some quick reading before bed i found the following: a tank battalion consist of 56 tanks( 4 tank companies consisting of 14 tanks each crewed by 4 soldiers) approximately 400 to 100 soldiers total. as for Zelinsky asking for planes; i fugure why not, ask for missiles get drones, ask for jets, get more tanks. this is literally a David v Goliath situation, just because he asks, doesnt mean we HAVE to provide. as to military readiness, im surprised such info is actually posted but i found the following synopsis: " In the aggregate, the United States’ military posture is rated “weak.” The 2023 Index concludes that the current U.S. military force is at significant risk of not being able to meet the demands of a single major regional conflict while also attending to various presence and engagement activities. It most likely would not be able to do more and is certainly ill-equipped to handle two nearly simultaneous MRCs—a situation that is made more difficult by the generally weak condition of key military allies. The downgrading of the Air Force from “weak” to “very weak,” downgrading of the Navy from “marginal” to “weak,” and a Space Force score of “weak” have led to the first downgrade of the overall score since the inception of the Index. In general, the military services have continued to prioritize readiness and have seen improvement over the past few years, but modernization programs continue to suffer as the failure of resources to keep pace with inflation leads to cancelations, truncation, or delay. The services have normalized the reduction in size and number of military units, and the forces remain well below the level they need to meet the two-MRC benchmark. Mounting U.S. federal debt and creeping inflation will pressure defense accounts further at a time when competitor countries like China and Russia are redoubling their efforts to expand and improve their military forces. If it continues on this trajectory, the U.S. risks falling very short in its ability to secure its core national interests." https://www.heritage.org/military/an-assessment-of-us-military-power now, this is concerning to read particularly since that historically, the US has outspent many Nations in this area, so it does beg the question What the hell happened to the money? secondly, perhaps, as the reports seems to indicate, much of the equipment is "outdated", maybe shipping over some stockpiles and equipment is a way to clear the way for upgraded material? as to getting the stuff back; i assume its much like all the tonnage that was left in afghanistan and Iraq before that....unlikely https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2022/9/30/americanize-the-defense-industry-supply-chain https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/2937898/dod-report-consolidation-of-defense-industrial-base-poses-risks-to-national-sec/#:~:text=Over the last 30 years,satellites have all declined dramatically. the above links are concerning as they seemingly indicate that manufacturing capacity has been dramatically affected by poor decision making or just outright incompetence on the part of our illustrious government. if the Fed remains intent on this path, then it is WAY past time for countries in the European region to start picking up the slack, perhaps its time to tell the UN to kick sand and take up real estate somewhere else the sad thing is, Principle dictates we cannot stand by while Russia continues its aggression and, frankly, criminal actions no one reading this would not stand idly by while a weaker person was being repeatedly beaten by a bigger person for no reason other than they could, The United States cannot either....and shame upon the UN and NATO for their inaction
  7. Not that it would do much good, but there should be serious thought put into disclaimers at beginning of related programs telling folks whether it is an actual news broadcast versus opinion show
  8. kind of good idea except: as MsK noted its a recurring fee funded from a one-time payment and at best this is now a 125k/year deduction from those funds that could have been better spent incubating new businesses, rehabbing properties, building out public transportation etc. who the hell cares if this system ends up increasing apprehension of EVERY criminal that commits and offense? Since theyll be back out on the street in hours anyways. County did it with arena monies i believe( not that thats a good enough reason)
  9. 1. reminds me of this skit. 2. find it very ironic, in light of this skit, that she is now the spokeswoman( not that it offends me i lugh every time i see it) 3. Malkin et al may have glommed onto it, but id remind you there were folks of the port-persuasion that were outraged enough to yap about the M&M's not being inclusive....if we are going to call out crazy, lets at least be honest and fair about it, its not like CNN or MSNBC pay tolls on the high-road folks
  10. dude, i literally learned and prepped for surgeries through youtube
  11. last i knew, it didnt matter suspected or not, if found, the entire yard and equipment would be torched
  12. of course mayor/managers concerns are that the interim chief's pay isnt going to be accurate....theyre trying to sweep something folks
  13. i guess the inevitable question should be: despite the grey area of selling/gifting, they are still transporting schedule 1 drug across state borders, one would think that in itself would be a non-starter and a way of shutting them down
  14. unless mistaken, the majority of the sticker stores are getting product either by going out of state and bringing it back, or going downstate and buying from suplliers who have done the same. seems theres some legal issues there as well as not being able to verify the stuff hasnt been laced
  15. yeah, but standing line to vote for the Gubmint while hungry is for suckers anyway
  16. i think youve got plenty of lumber on your property we can drop and mill up fairly easily
  17. simplest one i could posit is: look in the store price of ramen versus buying/making the stock, or even the bullion cubes, and then buying the noodles or a hungry man style frozen dinner versus buying the fresh components of same meal, the disparity in price IS real
  18. so, unlike the delaware office papers, he cannot claim ignorance of their existence then? of course hell get a pass
  19. are there new members of the City Council? i assume that since this occurred in the beginning of the new year, it may be possible a new member(s) may have precipitated this?
  20. lack there-of is more like it. but to Chris's point; a large portion of the health issues can be attributed to 1. ignorance. its stupifying the number of people that just take pills they were told to and really have no interest in the wherefores of the medicine they take. 2. laziness. why watch what i eat, read the serving sizes or dietary information when i can go to my Doctor and get a pill for cholesterol, diabetes, blood pressure, hell theyre now writing scripts for two diabetes medicines because theyve been found to cause weight loss, incidentally making it more difficult for diabetics who NEED those meds, to get them. 3. economics. look at the difference in price between fresh fruits, veggies and items to prepare at home versus the pre-packaged, highly processed and VERY unhealthy foods, its no surprise folks are in the conditions they are since no one can afford to eat healthy anymore
  21. great....same 10 songs on repeat 24 hours a day on 4 stations instead of one! Arenas and shitty radio....welcome to Chemung County
  22. cant imagine one or a few bosies worth of that is any worse or same as crap people putting into air/ground now
  23. pine box in backyard sans embalming might be cheaper
  24. excellent show, i re-started it the other day, Netflix has Wednesday....very enjoyable. as for me, am currently tucked in, will be out before the ball drops hoping to not get called in too early tomorrow
  25. one in particular allowed a piss-poor CEO to run the place into the ground. despite months/years of warning, has ignored any rational advice, efforts from literal world renowned surgeon to rebuild a program and essentially bumbled into nothing more than a glorified triage station....but hey, he got a new loaded Jeep during the pandemic and knocks down bit over 600k for his troubles; i can say for sure, one local "hospital" Board of Directors should be ashamed of themselves
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