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Everything posted by KarenK

  1. Kewl. It's not a favorite of mine, but it's OK. The outdoor seating is a big appeal.
  2. Welp, continuously not increasing taxes without another source of reliable income will turn around and bite you in the butt.
  3. No doubt it would be different, but that's what makes America great. We have choice.
  4. Not sure if this guy missed removal from the ballot or hasnt tendered his resignation but he's also re-elected:
  5. I saw that. Lost by 1 vote. Still have the mail ins to count I suppose. I'm a bit surprised on that one to tell the truth.
  6. Hope everyone flipped their ballots over today to vote on term limits.
  7. Also noted that FB page was created for apparently the sole purpose of slamming this lady.
  8. An interview on WETM in March with her Who is running in Elmira's 5th District Council race? (mytwintiers.com) She says she was born and raised in Elmira.
  9. I'm curious why the uproar over saving the "historic" clock but a complete flip when it comes to preserving Brand Park Pool (into something other than a pool) for "historic" reasons.
  10. I noticed that the Sheriff's press release last evening had the words "crotch rocket" in parenthesis next to the motorcycle name. I'm probably going to hell & I'm sure his family is devastated but certainly it was eventually inevitable that something like that would happen. It's more than likely sheer luck that he didn't take another person out with him. Those crotch rockets speed by my house so fast that all you hear is a high-pitched whine when they go by in a blur. We keep waiting for something like that to happen. More likely by a deer in this neighborhood.
  11. Jeesh. That was almost 7 years ago. Hopefully she got help and those things were not a factor or that will be a game changer when charges are filed.
  12. My only issue with this is that he was merging into oncoming traffic. Not sure legally that he had the right of way.
  13. That one was between the two Parrott Rds and yep cars do speed to try and pass. The one accident where the 2 drivers died was by the Sebring Rd intersection and basically was due to horrible weather. Dark, rainy, no streetlights and a motorcycle down. Supposedly the guy just didn't see them in the road. Who would expect it? I would never have been on a bike in those conditions to begin with. The other one was a lady waiting to turn into the store. Rearended. 3rd or 4th time in that very place which is almost to Ithaca. No idea what they can do to fix it. That is straight up driver inattention. The road isn't dangerous, the drivers are. I don't know how you can fix stupid.
  14. Yea, unlikely he will build anything but you never know. The city not allowing a fence is weird though although I do know they have some weird codes about fences. Heard that from a homeowner who wanted to install decorative fencing and got shot down. A fence to protect the property and the owner from lawsuits seems to be quite logical. I'm sure the cities insurance would encourage it.
  15. The headline is misleading. The owner says nothing about development, just that he wants to put a fence up to keep folks out and of course the city won't let him.
  16. I read that too but it doesn't seem to be about redevelopment. Sounds like a pissin match about a fence.
  17. Hamas should be flattened, just like they flattened 260 innocent kids at a concert. Unfortunately innocent Palestinians get hurt too which is why they were trying to get them out of there. Terrorist do not just give up. Ever.
  18. This seems to be exactly what the Village of Horseheads is doing right now- if you are paying attention. For a number of years shops starting closing and Hanover Sq and outlying was becoming a bit ghosty, but since pandemic they seem to be giving revitalization a shot. Several of the restaurants there have given themselves facelifts (Louie's which looks awesome) or pushed to increase foot traffic. A number of new places opening up or relocated to a spot better in the same area suited to their operations.... Rooted-Houseplants and Wreaths, Four Sisters Treasures, Emma's Coffee/Lights Bakery, Rosars, Beefs, Nicks which are "bars" but also serve lunches and dinners and are family friendly. There are Barber Shops, Salons, Yoga, Massage and similar service businesses which bring people down there. It's a work in progress, but they are working hard to make it work. The city has been working hard too but quite honestly from what I have heard from business owners trying to move there, the city's own codes and rules are turning around to bite them in the butt. Added with the fact that they all (city officials and especially code) seen to be on a path to be defensive and reactive rather than try and help work towards any solutions.
  19. Seems to be a lot of "girl fights" lately. The one down in the Square last weekend was apparently a girl fight too. Probably arguing over something stupid like "why you looking at my man?"
  20. This administration is absolutely out of it's mind. And as an aside, if these morons in the GOP do not get their shit together soon they are going to become completely irrelevant. I hope every single one of them gets voted out.
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