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3 pointsThis. Her statement points out the underlying hazard of DEI (and all Affirmative Action programs, policies and metrics over the past several decades). When I was a bartender struggling to pay bills back in the late 80’s, there was an NYSP customer who encouraged me to take the Trooper’s exam. He was certain I’d do well on the written test, and explained that the qualification system would increase my “comprehensive” score with a 10% adjustment (as an “underrepresented” female applicant). And that adjustment would offset whatever my physical score lacked....so I'd be "equally qualified" as a more physically qualified male applicant who scored similar on the written exam. That concept seemed absurd to me. The whole reason I pay taxes for police is to have protection in situations that I can’t resolve myself. If I felt the need to call 911 to deal with an unruly drunk that “I” couldn’t handle, why the hell would I want “me” to show up?!?!?
2 pointsIn invite all of the keyboard commandos who are out there criticizing the decision to close schools today to come on board and drive a school bus in inclement weather. First off, not everywhere in the county looks like things do out your own front door. There's roads out there that make even ours look like a city street in comparison. Scondly, we're not hauling crates of milk here people, we're hauling what is often called "the most precious cargo"... Your kids, grandkids, etc. And believe it or not, we care about their safety, we look out for them as if they were our own. It's a huge responsibility, with which comes the responsibility to say, "Hey, maybe we shouldn't today." Could we have gotten them to school today? Yeah, and likely without a hitch. But all it takes is one patch of ice, you know, that slippery shit that was out there today, and it could be your little one getting hurt or worse. And remember, we're not driving your 2002 Shitbox 4x4 out there. Most of them are 36' long, weigh 20-30 tons with rear wheel drive only. It can and will slide and go off the road and once it starts, there's little you can do about it. Lastly, these snow days are factored in to the school year. Yes, they had them when we were kids and they used them then. We use them now, or we get a 5 day weekend in May. While that extra long weekend is nice, we're okay with using them when they're necessary. So next time you think about spouting off how ridiculous you think it is that schools are closed, maybe leave it to the people who know what the hell they're talking about and go ona bout your business.
2 pointsI used to think the whole Avian Influenza thing was just a problem for commercial producers but with the Snow geese I too am starting to worry about the backyard flocks . As to how to slow this thing down, it going to take locking down the flock altogether and not letting anyone else in your chicken yard . I watched a program a while ago where a food processor installed a showering device on the entrance to the plant , not to shower the employees but just before they were to pass through it so their boots were rinsed with a solution of some sort . On a much smaller scale I think rinsing one’s boots before entering the chicken coop or yard is at least a start or attempt at stopping this from hitting your flock . I mean , what is the cost of a plastic tray and some bleach ( at the least ) as compared to losing your whole flock ?!
2 pointsits only two-weeks in, i'm willing to take a wait and see approach. likely, these tariffs are an opening bid, Trump is likely betting that( especially since he has no worry of another term) that "We" can wait the other countries and once they blink, there's room for getting illegal migration under control, same as with the Panama canal. i don't think he really wants it back, but it gets Panama thinking about cooperation a bit more seriously( though technically with two chinese firms managing sections within the canal system, there IS a technical breach of the treaty). What id like to see is that in addition to these tariffs, a way of preventing or forbidding any companies from passing the costs on to consumers, particularly just to maintain their share-values. it has been tiresome being the World's police, scape-goat, bank, etc while some other Nations, in some cases literally, get away with murder...China could give two cold dogshits about climate, fair-trade, or ripping off tech worldwide. They then turn around and undercut world economies because of the above points as well as heavy subsidies from the government, as well as dirt cheap labor. add in the amount of money the US bleeds annually to the UN, NATO, WHO, etc. and generally, instead of any real ROI these entities and Nations keep wanting more, further add in the grift here at home from politicians, lobby groups etc and its a wonder there hasn't been an armed uprising to date. Whether Trump can fix any of this is seriously doubtful, but i think he got elected and some lee-way because at least it isn't more of the same we've seen these last 3 or 4 decades. I hope this DOGE endeavor brings to light the domestic waste( any findings should be made public sans redactions), that the federal workforce IS reduced safely, that the billions/trillions tossed around globally is reduces and accounted for, that our borders are taken more seriously....but with that hope comes a short leash and for what its worth, a watchful eye
1 point
1 pointJared Kusher will be there to build the condomiums on the ocean like he promised when he worked in the last administration. Sigh..The world may never trust USA again.
1 pointWell yes, there is a kind of personal connection since they died practically in my backyard. I attended a few events at the Surf Ballroom (where they held their last show) as a teenager. But aside from that, American Pie has always been a favorite song of mine. And I like to remember the day the music died. The local headline is sort of on the nose with the lyrics...😉 February made me shiver With every paper I'd deliver Bad news on the doorstep I couldn't take one more step
1 pointI'm not even so sure some of the people have kids in school. They just complain or mock the decision like it actually affects them somehow. What the hell do they even care? But of course everyone's an expert, just ask them.
1 pointI believe some individuals look at schools as free babysitters. Yes, I understand there are working parents who have to look to alternative care for their kids when schools close but safety is more important than inconvenience.
1 point
1 pointAbout 50 birds … lol , hold my beer ! At one time there were as many as three times that many here ,counting meat birds ,on the compound ! In the rush to have a backyard flock people should really think before doing so should first figure out just how many or how birds they actually need . I mean , it can be a fun endeavor but it can also turn sour in one hell of a hurry ! I would gladly go back to it again but for the feed costs …
1 pointhell he was likely barely containing his salivation response: palestine no more, the people gone, the mess cleaned up and ordinance cleared without spending a dime/soldier and just who does anyone think would profit most from all that cleared real estate on this one, i dont believe there is any chess/checkers or even tic tac toe. to have pondered something as he said out loud in front of cameras would be slightly crazy behind closed doors, but on the world stage? that just begs a response from one extremist group or another, let alone OPEC responding to halving their oil output....not to mention to even think to involve our military in such matters is unconscionable. IF getting other countries to get involved, he/we would have been better served to simply say: the Arab countries dont/wont take in Palestinians and want a two state solution, then put THEIR money where their mouths are, clean it up, rebuild it...otherwise every Palestinian child or civilian that is killed by israeli actions are equally the responsibility of those "brother nations" that refuse
1 pointYep , right up to the point when they find out raising and caring for , feeding , cleaning , waterers , feeders . Not to mention if they get sick ! There are a few of us well versed on the subject that can tell you it Ain’t for everyone…
1 pointRead more about it here.
1 pointOr maybe he's a goddamned idiot whose mouth is going to cause more trouble than we need sometime over the next four years.
1 pointWhen I heard this on the news this morning my first thought was no way. I looked at Hubby and told him I thought Trump was looking to get someone’s attention. Then it was reported the World was in an uproar. France, Saudia Arabia and other countries are all saying NO to that idea. I think these countries will do what’s necessary to prevent Trump from doing what he said and take over the Gaza Strip, they’ll now get involved more than they have been. Hopefully, a solution can be found with the World’s help. Perhaps Trump is playing chess while the world wants to continue playing checkers.
1 pointWell when you have thousands of birds crammed into one or two barns, it certainly isn't a healthy practice from the get-go. It's not natural, and you're practially begging for problems.
1 pointThis is one of the reasons that, when people over the years have asked if I would take some birds off of their hands, the answer it always "no." Bio-security, even for a backyard coop, is important. Although with them free ranging, they're going to pick up whatever is out there anyway on their own. I recall being at a farm in Vermont where, before you walked into the main barn, which was the entrance to the rest of the operation, you walked through a shallow tray with a solution to kill anything on your shoes you may be dragging in.
1 point
1 pointI particularly like the Fall color varieties as opposed to the Mammoth when it comes to Sunflowers .
1 pointdisclaimer: yes him rambling about DEI hiring right after this event is pure grade-A D-bag material....( and this is not direct response to Andy/Chris btw) its beyond old hearing every-single-negative thing occurring or ongoing in this Nation is because of Trump. Helicopter/plane crash=trump, egg prices=trump, TB in Kansas=trump, people HE pardoned had other prior arrests or committed crimes after pardon Well blaming Trump for the crash with zero factual evidence is no better than him blaming DEI for it, as for pardons and TB; TB was an issue LAST January under the previous POTUS but no one really batted an eye then and has anyone looked into the histories of the pardoned under the previous POTUS? have any of them prior charges or have any of them returned to crime? Some folks only see what they are spoon-fed through their feeds or what fits their view of the world, perhaps expecting metrics to be applied equally to whoever hold whichever office could stop this seemingly inexorable slide into idiocracy or perhaps thats just asking too much; but this henny penny sky is falling routine at the mere mention of trump is just beyond childish and tiresome. let things shake out a bit, the system we've endured the last 3 or 4 decades isnt working( for the majority of people anyway) when/if he does actually commit some Democracy-ending bullshit, believe you me, ill be one of the folks calling for his metaphorical head
1 pointRead the rest of this article to see some of the other area towns mentioned HERE.
1 pointIt’s not a penalty when it’s the Chiefs though. Theres also a lot more videos that clearly show that Josh was over on that 4th and 1. I don’t know what the hell good New York is if they don’t intervene in situations like that. Especially for such a high stakes game.
1 pointI am afraid sunflowers will bring bears...Have you tried them before? I love the American Meadows. We have dreams of changing all we mow into meadows...It's going to take a while. Probably a project for retirement.
1 pointThe best part of the whole wildflower meadow movement is this: You just throw the shit out there and let Nature take its course. These plants have grown here for millennia, there’s no real science to it.
1 pointI’ll take my pollinator bed expansions a little slower this year , maybe by hiring some “inside “ help to break ground for the new then using the drags to break up the sod from the soil over a period of time as it dries . In the meantime I have planted some specimens, Bee Balm and Butterfly Bush and an Elderberry plus perennial Sweet Pea on the existing fence sections . Wife and myself spend most of our time on the “ back - back “ ( porch on the back of the barn overlooking the field ) so it just makes sense to expand on what we enjoyed so much last year . But with baby steps and a bit more planning for increased visual interest . Not that the current planting wasn’t interesting just needs some tweaking . laughing point is , I got certified 50 years ago for this very thing and just now taking it seriously… and having fun with it ! Thanks Chris LOL !