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Zapp Brannigan

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Everything posted by Zapp Brannigan

  1. Also pay back any benefits he may have received from that position since July.
  2. Arbys at lunch time also has people backed up into the road. Ive seen people lined up down grand central waiting to get into Wendy's is the food really that good lol.
  3. Looks freaking great thats for sure. We get a nice Star Wars gangster show. Introducing Boba Soprano
  4. 9.50 for a dinner combo is not a bad price at all. I definitely wouldn't complain about it
  5. I disagree I think it would cheapen Sam's sacrifice.
  6. No reboot at all for this show the ending was perfect and does not need to get redone with a modern spin cause Hollywood is out of original ideas.
  7. Yes they need to deregulate it so private sector can study
  8. I believe it was Kevin on here who said in one of the other conversations about the subject that when he is tested they omit the drugs he has a rx for so the same you would think would go for weed. I have not been in a situation to test the theory myself.
  9. I would like to think if someone is drinking a beer or smoking weed in the car and a cop rolls up they are both getting stopped. As far as testing to determine if someone is under the influence would normal field sobriety tests cover that? Then if they fail those no matter when they smoked they are still under the influence. Work place situation is a different scenario. If your company has an anti drug policy and you fail a drug test thats on you. Generally most places frown on you showing up drunk or even drinking at work. So the same rules would apply to weed. You show up under the influence of either you face consequences. As far as smoking it where other smoking is allowed. Whats the big deal cigars and cigarettes reak to high heaven. Also it's ok to walk around with a beer or wine. Who have you generally seen can cause more trouble the guy/gal whose been drinking or the guy/gal that smoked some doobies? Also i bet the food vendors were not complaining. Yes it needed to be legalized and no it wasnt very hasty they have been trying for a few years now but Cuomo finally had to cave to try and save himself. My question is once the committee is put in place and allow stores to open and sell it and charge all the extra taxes what are the gonna do about the stores that gift it with a purchase of an item from the store. You are still paying sales tax on the item but they are losing the extra tax. Or then you have the guy i heard about it today who for a donation will give you a gift of weed. So no taxes being collected. As far as i can tell from the address its a house and thats just sketchy. I would also like to add that while smoking weed is on the rise in colleges drinking is down. So not as many kids drinking themselves to death just smoking themselves stupid.
  10. if I read correctly he was filming both movies around the same time. Ill check it out but not at a theater it does not look all that good.
  11. Now I do lol!!! In my defense my lap top is a bit older due to bit coin mining and I assume covid I am way behind on having a new gaming desktop.
  12. Yeah I guess I could have googled it 😀 I've had goat and ox tail just not from this place. Still think fish is gonna be the next meal I try.
  13. Looks so much better than AOE3 quit being a snob with your Mac you are missing out on a lot of great RTS games. I'm hoping my laptop will run this game decently.
  14. It's definitely good food. My one question is goat considered mutton?
  15. read an interesting article about how the new run of Spiderman movies usually throw stuff into the previews that's not in the movie. One of the previous movie previews had him swing around the city with Iron man and it was not part of the movie. Also they are questioning if this is our Universes Dr. Strange because he has the Eye of Agamotto which was previously destroyed by Thanos. Also it appears it still has the Time stone.
  16. Yeah he is a real POS I read that this morning. Use the poor pup for photo ops and abandon him.
  17. Yeah I will watch season 2. I do like how they introduced all the previous incarnations of He-man
  18. Well while I didn't hate it, it definitely did not leave me pumped for a season 2. The whole techno worship thing was stupid and if he was high he was smoking some crappy bud.
  19. god i hop so. Episode 2 was rough and that's where I stopped
  20. You can definitely taste the difference with an edible compared to a regular whatever it may be. This also falls back on the parents to keep your shit out of reach of kids.
  21. Yeah at this point I would probably have to re read the whole series and I don't know if I can do that.
  22. yes that fajita looks delicious
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