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Everything posted by Adam

  1. ive read that two songs from the cartoon version; "poor unfortunate soul" and "kiss the girl" have been re-written to be less offensive...yet to see actual lyric differences though. there does have to be some original stories yet to be told so https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/07/entertainment/little-mermaid-lyrics-rewritten-consent-intl-scli/index.html indicates that for "kiss the Girl" there were concerns over sensitivity towards consent "for poor unfortunate souls" :“Poor Unfortunate Souls” has also been revised, Menken said, because the original contained “lines that might make young girls somehow feel that they shouldn’t speak out of turn, even though Ursula is clearly manipulating Ariel to give up her voice.” no problems with the overall theme of the movie being that one person must give up all they know, their heritage, as it were along with a physical change to get someone to love them....but heaven forbid a message of "dont be a blabber mouth" be portrayed
  2. on one hand i say. he at least threw her hat in the ring. on the other hand, her actions have done more damage to encouraging more than the two party charade we are currently stuck with. she has fed the stereotype of the "the rent is too damn high", ross perot etc. hard to take any "party" seriously when such characters ala extreme come crawling out of the woodwork
  3. i think we ar going to see it sometime tomorrow
  4. i dont have an issue with it. in fact, if there is a quote of him mentioning the lack of healthcare availability in the area as one reason for the declaration im wondering then, the FQHC should be a lead-pipe cinch
  5. Compounded by the "customer satisfaction" approach implemented AND reimbursements are based upon; its gotten more difficult for practitioners to not use medications/ narcotics as front line choices
  6. Arnot's CEO would not know how to ensure quality nor sustainability in healthcare. Just look at the state of that system now....he's had many chances to build and chose to ignore
  7. every interaction ive had to date has been great
  8. waiting for reply, i think, if i only signed petition as witness, that i can carry the Independent petition without a witness doing it...makes it much easier
  9. i can grow you some vines this year if you want free ones. once they are growing out, it takes about 6-8 weeks for them to make root
  10. tried them a few years ago, planted in wrong spot and they died, been bugging me since... so i ordered a pair of 5-6 foot paw-paw trees today. of course i thought it was three i had, the survivor being what is next to the back deck, then remembered nope, its a fig tree that will jut have to be decorative, i really want to try what a paw paw tastes like
  11. SMH...if ever there was a time for the asteroid...or hell, if an army invaded, id drive the to DC myself https://www.newsweek.com/biden-raises-costs-homebuyers-good-credit-help-risky-borrowers-1795700
  12. ultimately it isnt this persons business but imho: it was gifted to the church, has been vacant and according to Spencer they want the community to enjoy it etc.... well since it was a gift, and the church is tax exempt, the only money they really are out are the cost of repairs. so in the spirit of community-good, sell it to recoup cost of repairs only i dont think ANY church or religious org should make profit, particularly since they are sales, property/school tax exemot, and many also get discounts on fire and utilities as well.
  13. im going out on a limb(and hope im wrong) to say it going this quickly to full Legislature gives me a feeling its going to be voted down. the less its discussed the less likelihood the "press" gets a hold of it to help it gain any traction
  14. alright Questions: Im collecting Independent voter signatures but in reviewing the petition i have a quandry. 1. Do i select any name for the independent body making the nomination? in this example "Actual Governance Party" 2. What emblem do they want filled in? I searched local and nys election law, and its essentially useless to answer this
  15. found it much better than the previous two, last weeks i think someone had a bad trip before writing it
  16. BBB, alexander then lemonheads, man seeing those boxes bring back memories!
  17. donate to where though? asking because i really dont know, and the use of religious exemption for profit seems to be an increasing trend(or we are just hearing more about it now). in the case of the L, since it is actually the church( L doesnt seem to be registered business anywhere) does the "overage" just get donated to "church" coffers? if so, thats a pretty convenient way of doing business. as to His Tab, no they dont owe the building to anyone, it would be great if they do in kind and offer it for sale to a party for the minimum allowed, im wondering as KR did, how is it that daunting to run a church-business if Journey has started 3 and been fairly successful at it in such a short time? i suppose much can be chalked up to mistrust and too many snake-oil enterprises in the area over they years i guess
  18. Im wondering if they fail to understand another party buying the property means it stays on the tax rolls, whereas if the County buys it, it does not....
  19. 1. Glad it was turned down. one look around the area can see the results of Tax monies being used for entertainment purposes. 2. Tax money should NEVER be used in such a manner. If the Ag society, or other entity wants to put on a show, let them do it like everyone else, take loans, present a better business plan than" hey we wanna do this, could you front the majority of the money?" 3. i have to wonder, i dont believe a request like this has been made before, isnt this the show that Bunce Entertainment has been touting? sorry but im still not convinced he and/or the L wasnt tied in some skeetchy stuff with the church, and to see this request associated with a show brought in by his business just confirms to me, that Tax monies should be nowhere close to this event. 4. IF the funds were approved, would the County then get a cut of the profits from the show?
  20. didnt really watch any of it, but that chick is 100% bat shit lunatic
  21. easy fix would be to no longer offer protection to any ex-elected official, particularly since majority come out millionaires, they can pay for it themselves
  22. I guess i have hard time understanding how this is different than any other candidate doing opposition research or performing pre-emptive defense is. did trump use campaign money or private funds? if private(being no lawyer) i cannot see how election law was broken, particularly if Cohen didnt tell trump WHAT legal service he was performing. if it was a bribe, has Daniels been charged for accepting it? please do not mistake this for support of the guy as i shutter to imagine another four years of him or pappy Joe
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