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Everything posted by Adam

  1. with any luck, he wont finish his current term
  2. heres sumthin to ponder then: https://bigthink.com/starts-with-a-bang/edge-of-the-universe/
  3. Adam

    First Arena

    funny thing is, you listen to many residents of Southport, its no wonder the Arena has been such a financial shit-show...Joe Roman in charge of both cant help but wonder if some sort of "fix" was in for this vote: three, with at least one that was against more funding, were absent, 10 (surprise surprise) vote yes, but Legislator Morse is bit surprising; every dollar wasted on that arena is one less that could be spent furthering an agricultural revival, or at minimum, a building NOT associated with repeated failure/hockey, that a wider community could benefit from.
  4. Adam

    First Arena

    i thought they previously approved the 875k and this round was an additional 500k?
  5. Interstellar is a must-watch, aside from being a good movie, the science apparently was pretty spot on
  6. Tom cruise one? ive watched it a few times, its a decent flick actually
  7. county budget: i think moss is right to put in the 2.8% increase exactly because of concerns in the preceding posts. you need to keep pace with expenses and inflation. sure no increases look good for campaigning but what does not, is a sudden 14% or so increase, like Mr. Richter had to do in Chemung not that long ago for that very reason. i found it funny that he spoke about that 2.8% basically not really doing much...well it wont be compounded into future increases should they or larger ones be needed. beyond that, havent done any deep diving into proposed spending
  8. something you and i realize, the issue being: part of his "campaign" was a claim that taxes have not increased during his time in office when, in fact, they have. so either hes too stupid to understand how property/town taxes and finances work, or, hes just plain out a liar along with those increases was no real lead in attempting to deep dive on the budget to look for savings, in fact, 3-5% pay raises have been annual tradition for highway dpt, last year the clerk got a raise( none for at least last decade though) and this year the codes guy who does not do his job, got a raise....i guess for someone who only pays 20% taxes/fire district, its easy to just assume the money drops from the sky
  9. 31 in that swing the other way would be very welcomed, but not holding breath
  10. that goes both ways, there are many people out there that really should NOT vote. you might be able to compel votes, but you cannot compel them to be be informed
  11. oh, no that was LAST year's tax increase that he lied about. THIS year's was even noted in October minutes by the bookeeper....apparently his mind wanders during the meetings or he again is lying about the " no increases during his tenure
  12. good thing here in Town of Baldwin, ours haven't increased over last four years.....🙄 (I know off topic)
  13. Adam

    First Arena

    for what it is worth i sent email to our Rep asking for him to vote "no"
  14. it passes, in 8 years ole Joe is gonna have to go out and get a REAL job or Two
  15. i would guess that 3.5 million( up a cool mill in a year) is ridiculous to spend on a clock that wont even chime? likely also it is symbolic of past/current administrations that dont seem to care to keep up on upkeep/maintenance issues in order to make themselves look good by "saving money", though i dont think the pool is anywhere near worth investing in at this point, it would have seen more use by the public than the clock tower will
  16. one way to fill the seats, and cash flowing until the end of the year
  17. i think to bemoan historical inaccuracies in CARTOONS is ludicrous at best. then to complain about speaking times in yet more cartoons as a measurement of importance of characters; i for one know many people who speak an enormous amount, yet know dick....
  18. THATS the big PIA; it never seems to be the ones that need it that get get hurt
  19. i think the big difference between the two is this Reps openly battle for personal power/gain with no thought to Party or optics(think frat-boy mentality) Dems understand how to keep a lid on most things, the party prospers and by extension, they all profit more quietly(think WASPY dysfunctional family)
  20. last time we got a bike for aiden, putting that foam handlebar-pad in place reminds me of our BMX bikes, jumping the ditches, the "track" down in the pines on Courtright's. the other day, the smell of leaves reminded me of when folks would rake them up, either in small piles or out to the side of road and burn them off, or the big piles we jumped in...to this day cannot resist kicking my feet through any collection of leaves for the noise it makes
  21. when i first read the article, this is exactly what i pictured as have seen it all too often on that stretch over the years seeing this along with the inability, or more likely refusal, for drivers on the highway( including rigs) to NOT move over so those trying to merge in, can...happens at least twice a week to me in sayre the self-absorbed " i might be 0.05 seconds behind if i show courtesy/brains" just one more proof that society as a whole has FA long enough and is due for a FO moment
  22. three places, wonder if same person, random or something "coordinated"?
  23. "Settlers have been slowly taking smaller percentages than that for years but: To openly state such a goal would be almost as moronic as calling hamas "freedom fighters" wouldnt it? Im in no way stating palestinians/hamas/ certain arabs are guiltless( looking beyond 10/7) but at some point in the daily slaughter; somebody HAS to call bullshit look at the reaction from Israel regarding UN Sec words about the "vacuum", it seems anytime sentiment runs contrary to Israeli beliefs/interests its "anti-semitism" or "holocaust and right to exist" yet they have been doing what happened to their ancestors, yet a free pass seems to be constantly given At risk of oversimplifying: US cannot keep this up, and sure as hell cannot just keep up the "we stand with Israel(see votes at home) no matter what"; they MAY be our friends, but even friends can be wrong and eff up now and again. that blind allegiance could be what earns OUR Citizens another 9-11 in the future. get a cease fire, hostages returned, Israel cedes certain lands for palestinian state, or since in the past this hasnt seemed to work, its all one Nation and Palestinians are to be granted and guaranteed full and equal Citizenship and participation( except any proven Hamas members....they can burn in hell); Hamas/arab Nations( that arent helping their fellow innocent arabs) are told, accept it or accept the palestinians. Further make it clear to all parties, no matter which one breaks the peace first, no US dollars, arms or troops will be involved,no half-stepping, itll be a FAFO-slug it out until only one stands event.
  24. didnt say it was a bad solution, just educating you that the initial outlay is from the municipality( taxpayer), re-payment is not guaranteed, or if it is, not always in timely fashion...so where does that money come from to cover?
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