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Everything posted by Adam

  1. thats because those professions have more powerful and well connected Unions
  2. problem here is that all too often "patient abandonment" gets thrown around as a means to quash any sort of straying from company intent. too few breaks, too many patients, mandated overtime of floating to units with no real knowledge of their services ( a nurse is a nurse has been a regular quote)....at some point it must be seen that hospital administrators are the ones abandoning, if not endangering the patients. im not anti-vax but am surely anti-mandate. it isnt right that ones livelihood(which they are already taxed for the pleasure of securing) is threatened in such a flippant and possibly illegal manner. if a mass exodus is what it takes for those in authority to see they in fact do not have cart blanche over us and force a correction, then so be it
  3. its not those declining for reasons pertaining to allergies, ethical/religious( IF tissue from aborted fetuses is used)....its the ones claiming the shot makes you able to stick magnets to your arm, caused a loved one to have bypass surgery for clogged arteries, or that God will protect from the virus(all recent local statements btw). those that use information from blatantly skewed sources, dont bother to look up information and/or cherry pick items from reputable sources to make their point while the info is out of context( Legislator that Chairs Health &human services committee is huge offender). These examples are irksome in that too many people are too lazy to look at information that just might prove them wrong or inexplicably think if its on the internet with thousands of likes, its gotta be legit. Where the contempt, for me anyway, comes in is when folks such as the above outright refuse to follow simple medical precautions(masks are proven to decrease transmissions and vax is proven to decrease morbidity and mortality in covid infections), treat masking like its a march to the gas chambers, then when/if they get covid, make a beeline to the nearest hospital taking up precious resources that they might not have needed had they actually listened to those same professionals they so mistrusted previously. You end up on a vent because you(general sense) were too stupid or paranoid to wear a damn mask at the minimum, and someone else cannot be treated for covid or get life-saving surgery, then maybe those genetics are better off the way of the dinosaurs. In short there is growing contempt for stupid, not sane and reasonable caution unfortunately the 'net sometimes masks those distinctions
  4. Adam

    What If...

    tried to watch it tonight,1st episode i made it 10 minutes
  5. shes doing quite well at securing the vote in November
  6. LOL RIIIIIGHT....how many dead-beat Dad's went for a pack of smokes and still haven't come back?
  7. heard back from legislative clerk, apparently they get it by just inserting the statement that they will (paraphrasing_ in the Organizational Laws
  8. from what i gather committee/legislative meetings are the 3/month they attend, regardless, as it stands now, available info indicates no matter how many hours they work, the position is still classified as part time which should render them ineligible for the benefits. and if they did make resolution exempting themselves and still excluding other p/t employees, that info will be made public when found
  9. as an aside, i did reach out to the Comptroller's office for guidance as well
  10. Just because i dont have enough stress, ive been trying to find out where i, law it states the County Legislators are entitled to Health/dental Coverage. To date i have found the following: https://cms5.revize.com/revize/chemungcounty/DocumentCenter/document_center/County Legislature/Resolution No. 15-396 Enacted July 14, 2015.pdf?fbclid=IwAR3IkQJMkxYw7jfjXDXdj7i5kin7lZQ95XCNPVr02wOB4Npg3Cb-lN6L_rc this indicates that the Legislative positions are indeed part time resolution 92-038 no part time single rate employee hired by Chemung County after 1-1-1992 shall be offered or or receive health or dental insurance "legislators are reporting to the NYS Retirement system based on a 90 day ROA (Report of Activities), which is submitted every 4 years displaying a 90 day window of an elected official’s activities." it seems that they are reporting that the meeting nights all last 4 hours. this is interesting since the videos are recorded and to date i have yet to see one lasting over two.... as of 2019: Legislature payroll was 275,903 6 Legislators take a 1,500 buyout for not having insurance 8 that take the insurance cost the Taxpayers 139,000 One Legislator declines both the insurance and the buyout this is on top of the regular members' salary of 16k and change, majority/minority leaders get 18k and change, Vice Chair is bit over 20k and Chair brings in around 40k. As we have all seen the meetings rarely go over the 2-hour mark, at 3 meetings per month lets be generous and give them 10 hours of "official" trackable hours. now even though some have claimed they work more than full time hours, that does not negate the fact that, given current knowledge of resolutions, they are indeed part-time employees and NOT eligible for the benefits. Im trying to find ways to get info on any resolutions since 1992, that make exceptions for Legislators. If anyone has ideas let me know, otherwise i think the Community at large really needs to be calling FOUL on this situation, perhaps the STate needs to be involved; particularly if hours of meetings are being inflated in reports.
  11. honestly i do not agree with forcing the vaccinations, particularly since they have yet to get full fda approval. the option should be either vax, mask or unemployment
  12. Ummm Non-profits are already making up a large drain on the City already, why the hell are they in on ANY consideration?? 1. WOnder if that includes the mysterious Mayor...guy only seems to come out when theres money to be had 2. Premium pay is a frikkin joke; your premium is that while many others lost their jobs, yours were safe and your bills kept being paid
  13. Binged the first 5, started pretty slow, by #5 it did get better
  14. looking into propane fired standby generator, otherwise candles, flashlights, we do have one oil lamp. grill and gas stove and pool if water or quick rinse needed. we did have a small battery op fan for noise at night but figure worse to worse double up on percocet and a beer and tinnitus be damned!
  15. Adam

    First Arena

    also, another thought: Is the Joe Roman (deputy Supervisor) the same fellow that now runs the IDA? JUst wondering if there is a link between Chamberlain not being able to build and issues with nailing agreement with nichols
  16. Adam

    First Arena

    i like Kevin's idea. County needs to get out and do it fast, the arena is neither a draw nor stable venue for income. as far as Nichols: 1. Pios give away a ton of tickets and still cannot fill the stands, when he first took over the arena, i remember he was trying to get the county to reimburse him for expenditures that were HIS responsibility. for 125/ month(covid aside) he had plenty opportunity to get more than just hockey in there. if past experience would have taught him, its not a long term profit idea
  17. interesting that the may 30th "meeting" was a productive 12 minutes! by the reading it certainly appears that they do in fact have it in for the Executive...if Mr. Smith is indeed interested in savings in the Budget, at risk of being broken record, then perhaps covering Legislators(part time position) with health insurance should be high priority for ending...since i do believe no part time employees are supposed to be offered or receive? resolution 92-038 resolution 15-396
  18. not as hard as building sports complexes into capital budgets apparently
  19. millions of taxpayer dollars and grants might have been better spent remedying the atmospherics instead of new athletic fields and administrative expenditures then
  20. saw on the FB one parent bemoaning kids having to wear the masks in classes where there is no A/C and they wont have "mask breaks".... umm id be more pissed and questioning why the schools are not running A/C in classes than little paper masks. And of course ya have the Hhds politician making political hay with hypocritical posts against masks
  21. Adam

    SNL News Update

    these two are brilliant, ive seen many of their bits on youtube and such
  22. in my mowing i have noticed they did not seem to be as prevalent as in the past. former co-worker caught two swarms this week, though it was from their own hives....
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