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Everything posted by Ann

  1. How can information be collected if it’s not shared on Meta or Twitter?
  2. Sometimes people leave liberal leaning States to go to conservative leaning States. The problem is they sometimes forget to leave liberal voting habits behind.
  3. So now AOC wants to start impeaching Supreme Court Justices and other Dems are talking about stacking the Court.
  4. Why would it take that long to hand count votes? Less than 100 people took the time to vote.
  5. I agree with the Court over turning Biden’s student loan debt forgiveness. When asked about the Court’s Decision, Biden stated he believed the Supreme Court “misinterpreted the Constitution”. No, you overreached the powers of your office, used the promise of loan forgiveness as a means to harvest votes from young voters knowing it would be challenged and never come to fruition. Just my opinion of course.
  6. They always reminded me of that barf aftertaste. I always preferred Chef Boyarde spaghetti with meatballs lol.
  7. I do not have a problem with this decision. I don’t like horror movies so does that mean I have the right to demand that those movies not be shown? Of course not, I simply change the channel or don’t pay to watch those movies at the theater. For me, Capitalism means the buyer decides where and how they’ll spend their money. If a business refuses you service for whatever reason that is their right. Take your dollars elsewhere.
  8. I believe there are many more registered Republicans in the Town of Baldwin yet only 87 cared enough to vote. So discouraging.
  9. It’s been relatively quiet so I was wondering when something like this would happen. According to local news, Ithaca has been busy with stabbings.
  10. I enjoyed reading this.
  11. Absolutely true. If BAC was below 0.08 it would be DWAI. My frustration, when working, was I’d see those cases be reduced to disorderly conduct despite the statutes saying DWI’s could not be reduced out of that category. I was very disillusioned with the legal system my last couple of years working and perhaps some of that leaked into my post. I meant no disrespect. I always believed Justice was blind but that wasn’t always the case.
  12. The BAC has nothing to do with reducing from DWI to DWAI. I saw aggravated DWI’s reduced to misdemeanor DWI. Wheeling and dealing with the DA’s office. Just like a second DWI arrest shouldn’t have been reduced but sometimes was. It was often very frustrating.
  13. It’s not unusual, if it’s your first DWI, to have the charge reduced to DWAI. Fine, NYS mandatory surcharge, license revoked 90 days, attend VIP, CD all part of the sentence according to the State. Judges have discretion with the fine, setting it between the minimum and maximum amounts per NYS. The DA’s Office recommends any reductions of charges not the Court.
  14. Ann

    Local News Bites

    No nonsense, expected nothing but your best, taught respect, and they had rulers and weren’t afraid to use them 😂
  15. Ann

    Local News Bites

    True. I went to Sts. Peter and Paul School through 8th grade. In my opinion the Nuns were the best teachers.
  16. She collected those too. We have a good many Boyd’s Bears in our attic, gifts from her and ones I bought.
  17. My Mom loved to collect these. I’m not really sure what happened to them all when she died. Hopefully family members took them.
  18. Hopefully Biden will pick a new VP running mate but I won’t hold my breath. A vote for Biden and if he wins means a Presidency for Harris in my humble opinion.
  19. Could go into Friday, tomorrow afternoon could be bad again. It’s not just smoke from forest fires but particles, chemicals like formaldehyde, etc.
  20. I entered my Winter season a few years ago. Everything you’ve expressed so well is true.
  21. I have never seen anything like this. I hope non of those Canadian fires were deliberately set. I haven’t heard anything on the news about causes.
  22. I’ve been thinking about throwing my hat into the Presidential ring…Common Sense Party. I have to discuss things with my family first as it could change their lives.
  23. I believe we have gone past the point of no return. People have gotten used to “free” this or that and will not be willing to change. Eventually this State will run out of enough people who work and pay the taxes which fund the “free” stuff. When that day comes it will be interesting to see what the Democrats do then. It appears professional politicians on all levels need to learn what the word budget means. Working families know.
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