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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Ann

    Marvels Eternals

    I enjoyed the movie and will watch the next one when released. Evidently I am easily entertained 😊
  2. I don’t believe there were too many people who would recognize this individual from a picture of a 4 month old infant. He should sue his parents for using him this way, they might have received some form of payment. But wait, Mom and Dad’s pockets probably aren’t that deep.
  3. Voter registration at a second residence bothers me. Who will make sure votes are not being cast based on primary residence registration then a second vote being cast based on registration from a secondary residence?
  4. I hope so. Wasn’t sure if the Fire Dept. would hand out like the KN95 masks.
  5. I called the phone number for Town of Baldwin this morning and it’s all voice mail. Wanted to know where we pick up the tests.
  6. Unfortunately, he’ll probably get everything…..except what he deserves.
  7. Two of my sisters have Covid and one works at Arnot. Occ-Med called her today, asked if she still has symptoms. She said yes: still congested, no sense of taste or smell. With no additional testing she was told she can report to work tomorrow. She has to wear a mask and goggles, eat alone, but can report to work. She was advised to stay out of public places like grocery stores, etc. Makes no sense to me.
  8. Ann

    First Arena

    Perhaps, since IT wasn’t available and no one else knew how to operate the equipment a back up of hand held recorder should be used at every meeting. A secretary can transcribe later. Just a suggestion.
  9. This year I wrapped my middle son’s (he is 40 something, Mom won’t publish his age) socks in a box that pictured a spice rack I had bought. After unwrapping, he looked at the picture and tried to nicely tell me how he would use it. His brothers cracked up with laughter at the expression on his face. He was thrilled to see the box contained socks.
  10. The hills at the landfill are turning into mountains. Maybe years from now it will be a ski resort.
  11. I like fruit cake, yes, I said I like fruit cake. I’ll enjoy a slice of the holiday treat with all that candied fruit with a cup of coffee. However, I really enjoy my home made fruit cakes. I don’t use the candied fruit. I use raisins, currants, golden raisins, dried apricots, dried cherries and pecans. My dried fruits are soaked in brandy and baked cakes wrapped in cheesecloth soaked in more brandy. I recently found a Scottish/Irish recipe that soaked the dried fruit in a strong breakfast tea. Hubby suggested I add some brandy to the tea so that’s what I did. He wrapped one plain tea cake in cheesecloth soaked in 12 year old Scotch, can’t wait to see how that tastes. If you like egg nog stock up, evidently there is a shortage 😉
  12. A simple, common sense request.
  13. I know being in your music room calms you but it calms me too…..I can watch all the cooking shows I want 😉
  14. I have always wanted a library with plenty of book shelves, a fireplace, area rugs and a couple comfortable wingback chairs.
  15. In this movie, Olivia and the kids attended services at the black church while John-Boy was looking for his father. At the church services everyone was all smiles, while Erin and a young man her age were making goo goo eyes at each other. Would not happen in 1930’s Virginia. I should have known better. I’ll be watching the original.
  16. Lately, there has been a trend to remake old television shows and movies and the new ones are rarely as good as the originals. We watched the new Walton movie the other night and, using a phrase from the movie, it sucked. First, we all know the Waltons had 7 kids but evidently Ben not born as he was missing. It was awful, hearing modern verbage being used in a 1930’s time frame. The writers did include a couple familiar phrases from the original movie but it just seemed off. The writers also made sure to include some of today’s woke ideas that were totally incorrect for the time period of the movie. The only enjoyable part of the movie was seeing and hearing the original John-Boy narrate the new movie. I don’t see this becoming a holiday favorite.
  17. I prefer the traditional and Christmas music from the 40’s and 50’s. I don’t care for much of the modern music. One exception being “Mary Did You Know”.
  18. Ann

    Fluff Enough

    Nope, I’m a pickle purist.
  19. Ann

    Fluff Enough

    I still enjoy a dill pickle sandwich with mayonnaise. I can remember eating sugar sandwiches and mustard and ketchup sandwiches as a kid.
  20. I received a BettyCrocker cookbook at my bridal shower and still have the book. I bit worse for wear, had to duct tape the binding but still usable. Looks pretty good for being 49 years old lol.
  21. I think a finger print is unique enough to use for everything, unless you are one of those rare individuals….like me. I worked in the Court system and several years ago the geniuses in Albany decided all court personnel had to be fingerprinted. I had prints taken at the NYSP Barracks, weren’t good enough, so went to local Police agency, nope again then to the Sheriff’s Office and again my prints weren’t readable. Decided enough was enough and stopped wasting my time. I jokingly told my co-workers maybe I was an alien and didn’t know it. Wondered if the men in black would show up. Fingerprints probably wouldn’t work for me after all so I’ll stick with my two page list 😊
  22. I think inmates should be counted where incarcerated, it might help Upstate NY.
  23. I always forget about Big Lots until I drive by. Have shopped there a few times and no complaints.
  24. I could be wrong but doesn’t #1 also include illegals when redrawing district lines? It also would count inmates as being at their last residence before incarceration. Not sure if that’s a good idea because they may not have actually lived in the city/town/village at time of arrest.
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