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Everything posted by Hal

  1. The old adage I was taught “ if it sounds too good to be true “ comes into play here … but so does “use some Common Sense “ 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
  2. I had a whole tirade on this topic but then you posted this MsKreed . Thank you , that about sums up what i had typed but lost when i went to see your post 😂 .
  3. Nope … your absolutely spot on with that point. The “ retirement “ seemed an afterthought just before termination which was a wise choice , termination that is . Resignation is the death cut for any future action on the good Chiefs part which Im sure will be part of his plan going forward ( hoping on my part ) . A principled man standing on the courage of his convictions is never guilty ! Hal S , circa 2023 …
  4. This further proof that upstate family farms and upstate in general have no standing in Hochuls Albany . We are just a cash cow ( forgive the pun ) and a dumping station for downstate garbage .
  5. Not sure anyone here would care for my thoughts on this topic … but in this particular area I don’t t see the majority of the problem mentioned as being the fault of poverty . I mean define poverty as it pertains to an area where there are more programs like welfare , EBT and Medicaid , Federal Grants for rehabilitation of homes or Catholic Charities . Or is it more a case of Laziness and a preference or propensity towards a slovenly lifestyle ?! Hereditary , maybe in some cases … ahh 🤔, the one case in this post I have proof positive!
  6. Great … just great , our Front door is wide open , the Back door is slowly opening and our Roof is leaking , Middle America has been poisoned , Veterans living on the streets and our own Women and Children shot and killed almost daily ! Yeah Great idea lets just keep pumping all we can into Ukraine while it’s Bordering Countries, the ones who stand to lose the most sit back and do nothing !
  7. I agree 100% with Chris on all the above ! Lets try moving away from the giveaways that are sure to be used for purposes other than intended and then Poof … all gone with nothing to show for it ! All in for the year round Farmers Mkt / whatever use building ! But with the caveat that there be at least a 50% representation of the public at large on any Board that will surely be formed to oversee its construction and use going forward !
  8. Seems the “ Honorable Mayor “ is deflecting the issue , now is that being honorable?! Because of the request was for any “ disciplinary “ paperwork and there was no actual discipline according to the Not so Honorable Mayor the FOIA request was denied … Methinks something stinks at City Hall !
  9. LOL , thats why our mattress and box spring were on the floor … oh that look on your face 😳when I explained that one !
  10. At the cost of making our own from cedar 4x4x8 at $48.00 ( if available) we could get three of these !
  11. What a joke ! Of course they are agreeing to cooperate … they have already been through the documents ! And the DOJ is just as phony! But the funniest part of this is the fact that we are expected to believe all is on the up and up !
  12. And now there are calls to change the way documents are classified or the levels of sensitive materials that can be classified. You see of course how the spin is going to work here !
  13. Just a thought . Instead of sending billions in equipment every six months or so out of our already depleted military stocks in an Easterly direction so that a crooked so called leader can bring down more wrath on his own people why not do this . Send our military to our Southern border along with our tanks , artillery and yes even more importantly our jets to protect our own people from the wrath of the cartels , gangs and drugs that are killing thousands here in OUR COUNTRY ! Look , the cartels are here , now in full force no thanks to our own piss poor so called leadership , with thousands more just dancing across the border each day . As I see it we are creating a vacuum effect … by blowing all our resources to the East out of This Country the Government is creating that vacuum effect , sucking in from the South more drugs , corruption and wasting resources that should be going to more deserving individuals. Anyone feeling triggered yet by my overuse of the word Our , if so just take a good look at what’s happening here in the good old USA , no matter what News feed you prefer . Look at the way these illegal Immigrants are using the aide that is Given them , the food they refuse to eat , the destruction of housing provided … but the beer is acceptable it would seem . There is Our invasion the cartels are our Putin , Biden is our Zelinsky and the invading troops are easy enough to spot amongst the influx of Armies of illegal immigrants ! I don’t think i have gone too far off topic here , no matter , as I said these are my thoughts I have drawn from different Media outlets . We all come to our own conclusions from Informational Sources we use without being force fed by any of them , I believe we are All more intelligent than that . Whew all that said I still do not support any further military aide to the Ukraine !
  14. Actually I was talking to my brother about this awhile back , he had seen something In Ithaca and was telling me about it . Yes I watch Fox News but not Mallkin or Carlson … too intense for me .
  15. The furries reference just popped into my head while trying to come up with an example of the latest craze/ fad/fetish while the dog was signaling me she needed to go outside. But hell there are plenty out there to pick from so its an “ insert here “ type statement .
  16. I keep hoping its a fad but if not this Country will be even further divided in sooo many ways ! From the “furries to , well whatever new quirk comes down the road !
  17. And why is it that everyone of the small percentage of “ hurt” people need validation,” hey look at me … I’m different and you need to accept me “ bullshit ! Go out , be yourself whatever you want just leave me the hell alone as long as I am not hindering you ! But no … there you are flaunting what the hell ever you are in my face instead just let me have my space and I’ll leave you to yours ! In this case it’s candy … candy is now a “ trigger” ?! And yes some M&Ms do come through looking very 🤔umm , different 😆
  18. Andy you know I would be the one to drop that M&M pkg … IF I had Control of that particular purchase ! 😆😂
  19. And one can only wonder how many people saw this whole marketing practice of being “relevant” and threw the pkg back down on the shelf being tired of the “woke “ bullshit ?! It’s candy FFS !
  20. Right … just more blah blah blah rhetorical BS , not impressed at all !
  21. I recently fixed and tuned up a generator for a family member when asked how I knew how to do all the McGyver things I do I told them “ through a lifetime of screwing things up “ ! Much easier now days with you tube but even then you have to pick and chose as we well know there are some (literal ) clowns there . Or you can just change the belts on that snowblower 3 times until you get it right 😂 !
  22. This is good news albeit quite late for a beekeeping friend in Owego . He had to burn 75 or so hives due to AFB . I sold him four Nucs just a few months before that and they weren’t affected. This was his full time job and he was devastated by it but is rebuilding his stocks and equipment , not an easy task !
  23. This coming from the kid that could identify and spell the specific names of the dinosaurs he liked … and he liked them all ! Like Orni —Onit , spell check please … Ornitholestes, thank you spell check ! 😂 Back to topic now . Yes , if when I got my first guitar at 12 years old there was such a thing as internet learning would have been soooo much easier ! No chord sheets no books no access to anything to help me get started except my ears . Now with internet , so many tutorials so many ways to learn different styles of guitar and each one finally makes sense to me and I still can’t hardly read music . Oh sure as I grew and left home to visit with Uncle Sam there were books , charts etc but no time to play any instruments ( no place on a ship for guitars ) now … WOW 🤩 it all comes to me through a tiny screen or a medium screen or my 42” screen ! Never would I have thought …
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