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Everything posted by Hal

  1. Brother John , he could get you off your seat and on your feet ! I used to go the Services some Sundays with my cousins and being brought up in a Quiet Methodist Church it was was quite a change for us . But even as kids we came away from his service much the better for it because Brother John wanted to “ reach , not just preach “ !
  2. Good article with really pretty chickens . And i for one agree the humble chicken has been thought of as “ just a yardbird “ but having been to a couple of majors poultry shows in the past has shown them to be more than an egg machine .
  3. Not all that good a picture but she is clearly uncomfortable . The face tells all even a still photo shows body language ...
  4. Totally do not see the video fitting the tune . Liked the melody, lyrics okay . In another setting on the the video or just as a sessions tune !
  5. Heres my take . Evert year all across the tornado belt houses are either torn apart by the twister or need tearing down from damage . Either way next time while watching the news about such storms and footage is shown of tons and tons of lumber ( no not treated ) are sent to land fills to rot . And when I see this happening without fail I think of BTUs ... all that lumber could be put to use to heat homes ! Texans have been known in the past to weather the storms but were woefully unprepared for the cold and snow of last week by not having an alternate source of heat . Even firewood was in short supply and a lot of the homes had fireplaces so yes a “wood bank “ for any region is a great idea . But just think of this when you see video of truck loads of lumber headed out to the dump . I may have even been known to grab a pickup load of skids etc from work back in the day to use for heating the house , hell I still don’t take wood products to the dump !
  6. “ You were correct but that wouldn’t have happened “ ! Really ... please explain your reasoning would have been my reply to that !
  7. Well said Chris ! Now here’s my thoughts . I have , in my short 68 years , seen all these shows , my favorite being I Dumbo ! We all know the moral of this movie for all ages , right ? Okay , i’ll just remind those that may have forgotten ! Dumbo , a baby elephant that was born with a deformity ( oversized ears ) which made him different and made him the victim of bullying and ridicule , hurting his feelings , making him feel useless , different , until his wise mother gave him a magic feather . With this magic feather she told her baby he would be transformed and could , despite his being different , do anything , even soar above those that ridiculed him ! Now I ask you , are we anymore “enlightened “ now then back when those movies were made ? Yes we are more enlightened, we have traveled to space , man has stepped on the moon ! But we still have not found it in our hearts to actually get the message from an animated movie with a moral in the story ! And this is just one such movie ! I am coming into the latter part of my life ( not rushing things any ) and as I see all the changes being made to our /my past I find it difficult to accept that we have come so far technologically but have gotten so close to falling into what I see as a very dark abyss and thinking we are enlightened .
  8. I’ll give a thumbs up on the Apricot Ale ! I never thought ( back in the day ) that using fruits to base a beer would be other than a fad , but now there are so many that its here to stay ... and I’m on board !
  9. Respectfully , while working to reset New York , could you please find some way to circumvent or better yet convince the Governor to rescind his Bail Reform policy ?! Statics show that crime is down but statistics can be fudged . Non violent crimes are way up as there is no deterrent but being “ arraigned at a later date “ ! I am currently involved as a complainant in a non violent yet criminal case from September 2019 that still has not been settled ! My belief is that this policy denies the Victim their Expectation of protection or recompense under the Law ! And although I do understand this policy does not apply in all criminal cases , it only serves to “ slap the wrist “ of the perpetrators as most will not show up to the arraignment “ at a later date “ .
  10. Okay so , me not being the sharpest knife in the drawer ... Please correct me here if I am on the wrong track . A virus ( pick one ) needs a vector I get that duh , but in this case it seems to have gotten on a plane from the UK and taken a joy ride to the U.S , or so it seems from media reports . Am I wrong to think that a virus can mutate at any time or anywhere and unlike the original covid virus does not need to originate from one specific place . Like I said the media makes it seem to board a plane and joy ride , but I see it as here already mutating away unbeknownst to our scientific types .
  11. He will distribute the vaccine... eventually, in his own time , at his pleasure ! After he has heard his own voice enough . Logical thinking begs me to ask , how is a virus racist , does it say to itself , “ oooh ooh theres a person of color lets get him first “ , or how does that work ? Caution , rhetorical question .
  12. Interesting , I will check it out ... because now I can !
  13. As well they should ... 6,700 people in a stadium , to watch football ... a game , but keep how many people in this County under restrictions and our local business’s closed and losing their livelihoods ! But thats okay I guess because football is more important!
  14. Hal

    On A Roll

    Haven’t had that in quite awhile . Still looks as good as it used to be !
  15. Dang ... I’m watchin a video with no buffering !
  16. Thanks Chris ... Yep it’s a Frog Song covered by a Human ! 🤔😂!
  17. I need to brush up on cover songs but this one is my favorite by far ! Yes its a frog song but has some hidden messages . Here it is and you all must have heard it thousands of times ... okay 1000 +1 .
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