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Everything posted by LocalSportsGuy

  1. This is the first time I ever heard of this and I lived here my whole life. This is fascinating stuff
  2. I had a great seat for both debates and let me just say, Jim Hassell failed to really show any growth over both debates, not offering up solutions except "We gotta get better" and then trying to downplay the whole Nick Grosso DUI thing was so bad. Considering I seen no campaigning, he came in 10 minutes before the debate with no prep, he has no chance at winning this election.
  3. Honestly good. If you can't do it right, shut it down. It's not fair to local venues or businesses. It's sad that Lowmaster and Dunce didn't do this right from the start but I hope this showcases not just the need for a small venue like this, but that it could work and be popular in the area. Hopefully someone comes around, opens a real location, and does it the right way.
  4. I have to say that I was surprised to see this place open back up like nothing happened. I really don't like the location or the in your face style of this place but it was still a business.
  5. To be fair to the workers at the fair, they are all volunteers but saying that this year had a lot of errors and missteps. I do think there needs to be a little more investment from the county to try and right the ship, working with more media outlets on the big acts or weekly acts. I noticed in those pictures the grandstand had a lot of empty seats. I know it's a lot of work and resources that need. As for getting more use out of the fairgrounds, a farmers market on like a Tuesday or something wouldn't be a bad idea but even the big ones like the one in Elmira I notice have lacked vendors this year so I don't know how many they would get.
  6. It never happened. I routinely joked I was going to stand outside the arena holding a "Wheres Jon Lovitz?" sign
  7. https://www.mytwintiers.com/news-cat/top-stories/the-project-will-not-move-forward-in-this-community-truckstop-not-coming-to-sperr-park-ida-confirms/
  8. Also this is a very ambious concept but I really hope it works. I want to see nice things for Elmira. I been rooting for stuff like this for a long time.
  9. From WETM: New Businesses Coming To Elmira Downtown Capriotti working on the Clemens Square and Parking Garage area while the owners of WMC North Restaurant and Jazz Club are renovating the old Twin Tiers Rentals location. Below are some of the artist renderings of the Clemens Square project.
  10. It's insane to me that only losing your license for 90 days with only $655 dollars seems like such a small inconvenience at best. The worst part is the dude is running for re-election and could still win. It's insane that he's getting off so easy and more people should be furious about this.
  11. Never forget when they said they were gonna bring in Jon Lovitz. No lie I was going to start standing out the arena with a poster that said Where's Jon Lovitz?
  12. You don't always need to swing for the fences just getting even a one hit wonder band in would probably sell. Even though "The L" is sketchy with how they run as a business, they still get some impressive acts and always have something going on. This is a fantastic idea. I love the idea of more community orientated events.
  13. Well I think the best thing the IDA and the county can do is just be honest with the people. Be upfront, be accountable, and just tell us what's going on. The people should know what's going on if their tax dollars are going toward operating the place.
  14. Another nail in the coffin. Sad what has happened with the paper and couldn't make a move to a more digital platform.
  15. The Mammoth Fan Page saying that Donner moved out. I went by the arena today and noticed there was no lights on the outside advertisement and everything was taken out of the shop.
  16. Honestly that John Carter film they did wasn't bad. The problem was the budget was so massive, and that super bowl ad that kicked off the advertising campaign was so awful.
  17. I'm not disagreeing that it doesn't take time but it feels like we would be at the next stage by now. They already did the so called "work" on the parking garage. Like help recruit businesses and help them. It's ridiculous we are still here in this spot. At least let the public know
  18. RANT: When will the city come together and start filling in these empty storefronts? They spend all this money on making the area's looking good with Clemens Square and the new building next to it. Plus the remodeling of the buildings on Lake Street yet no businesses have come to fill the spaces. Why is there no incentive program like if you bring your business here, Elmira will help with rent for the first 6 months or create an advertising program where they will pay for ads that air on WETM, WENY, the radio stations, social media etc. It's ridiculous that they still don't try harder to get businesses here. Heck the location of Clemens Square in between the First Arena and Clemens Center along with the parking garage. They could make that an entertainment district. Get a restaurant and a few shops there. People can come hang out before their event.
  19. While i'm happy that people found something new they like, (Personally I enjoyed the Jams 101.7) I feel 7 Mountains Media who owns the radio stations has really ruined the radio market by creating a monopoly. They own everything outside of 94 Rock, 995 WOKN, and the religious stations. There used to be some variety and had the political stations (820AM and 1230/1450am) and then WELM 1410.
  20. These Disney remakes haven't done much for me at all. Granted I know i'm not the main audience but they make money. Look at The Lion King. All the theaters had to do was play The Circle Of Life and people flocked to that. Now when they do Atlantis The Lost Empire, let me know.
  21. While Donner reeks of con artist, the problem here is that the county is also terrible. It's crap vs crap. While the FPHL hockey is not my personal type of hockey, it did have a following. It doesn't cost as much to run a team in that league and I think could survive here but Robbie is the only one who be willing to come back and we all know the county isn't doing that. I honestly don't know who could come in and save this arena.
  22. More then thrilled for Frank. Hes a fantastic interviewer.
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