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Everything posted by Chris

  1. While not unexpected, this is comeplete BS and the BSA has pretty much lost my support. The rank of Eagle Scout was once something difficult to acheieve. When I got mine in 1990, it was like 1 out of every 200 Scouts would make it that far. Then they allowed girls in 2019. According to another recent article, merely two years later, in 2021, 1,000 girls got Eagle. Notice I didn't say "earned", because I'm pretty sure I know what happened: They were fast tracked through, some perhaps in a race to be "first" or were stacking up the requirements before their joining was allowed and then fast tracked that way. For the record, I also think it's bullshit when I see boys getting it in 2-3 years as well. The kid isn't learning, and certainly isn't absorbing the knowledge they are supposed to gain. They're ticking off boxes as fast as they can to get through it and be done. Aside from all of that, I also think that it's beneficial to an adolescent's health to have activities away from the opposite sex. Hell, I think it's healthy for adults! Injecting both sexes into activities for kids that are already hopped up on hormones isn't a good idea and is a distraction for both.
  2. If you have a Twitter account, it's worth following this guy: He puts out short videos about the sun's activity and what we can expect as a result. He has some theories about climate change being linked more to solar activity, but honestly that stuff is a little over my head. It's one of those things I wish Tony was here to explain better.
  3. And those grocery carts often end up dumped along side the street somewhere. And while the homeless population in Elmira is a large cause of the problem, it's not the sole cause. I see people walking or riding their bicycles all the time just drop thewrapper or whatever they have in their hands without a thought. A large segment of our population are pigs, pure and simple, though that comparison is being kinda unfair to our porcine friends.
  4. I took a look at the 10 day forecast: I don't see any threat of frost between now and Memorial Day weekend, when I planned on planting in the field. I think we'll go ahead and prepare to do so, one, so I can get it off of my to-do list, but also to take advantage of the spring rains. I've already got lettuce, peppers, tomatoes, and some annuals planted as it is, may as well keep planting!
  5. If the police did a few hours of speed enforcement on Chruch and Water streets in West Elmira I'm pretty certain the Town of Elmira taxpayers wouldn't have to pay taxes anymore. Both are like a drag strip, particularly in the mornings and on the section between Coleman Ave and where it turns to 55 mph on 352 ( officially, not the people in a hurry ).
  6. She said “ the downtown area” which you could r take as the entire area or she’s referring to the area they cleaned. Either way, I have no problem believing it.
  7. It's back. Also, in the most recent newsletter, River Friends director Elizabeth Zilinski wrote the following: So it seems that it's not a matter where one walk was taken and suddenly the litter was discovered, but they had taken the time to do a clean up only to have the area trashed again.
  8. Apparently there's now six.
  9. You're right of course, I forgot all about that.
  10. I've never really viewed the stock market as a solid indicator of how the economy is going. That's only good for people who have the time and money to manipulate , uh, invest in it.
  11. “They have the money to spend,” is the new “Let them eat cake.”
  12. Allegedly the sun has been cranky:
  13. Yeah that's how I was told it had to be in the car before I had my concealed carry. My argument was, someone breaks into my car and finds it, it's gone.
  14. Oh my God, can these people just f--k off.
  15. When I wrote to get my concealed carry years ago, I told the judge that in my opinion, the safest place for a firearm when not locked up at home is concealed and with me, not locked in the car while I'm inside someplace. Of course there are people who are careless and leave firearms in cars unlocked, in sight, etc. There should be consequences for that, because it's irresponsible.
  16. I'd just like to brag for a moment that I managed to not only keep rosemary alive indoors all winter, but it did well! That's all.
  17. I've been growing, drying, and cooking with our own herbs for a couple years now. Especially since I've learned to properly prune basil so it doesn't get too leggy. I plan to grow even more herbs this year.
  18. I was going to use this in the goat barn for the issue with mites. I was looking at a bag of it, and even sealed, that crap was getting all over me. I decided I didn't want them breathing even the food grade stuff. I know it has its uses, but you have to be careful with it.
  19. This has been going on at that place for years. What's amazing to me is some of their neighbors defending them.
  20. What I got a kick out of was another news report saying it was the first time people in that region had witnessed it. And I was like, “Where do you think humans learned to use that plant as medicine in the first place?”
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