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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/10/2024 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    This topic began with thoughtful, reflective questions of how to get more black people involved in their community: It's unfortunate that, in two weeks’ time, it’s transformed into declarations that white privilege is so entrenched in the Twin Tiers (and presumably the entire country according to Rev Jim Wallis)....that black people are helpless in any attempt to elevate themselves. I’m hearing that you believe that white privilege is an immutable condition. That it’s the cause of all problems for all black people? And for someone not to judge others based on race, to not see color as a factor... is a “white trash answer”? It makes me curious why you’d try to brainstorm ideas to improve black communities (or even join an all-white church) looking for solutions, if the problem is insurmountably baked into everyone’s skin color (which none of us have the power to change). Let’s just rewind the whole conversation..... Unless the systemic racism you assert is the root cause of black struggles is somehow escalating over time (rather than being alleviated by the 14th Amendment, the Civil Rights Act, Affirmative Action etc), it doesn’t explain your observation how/why the sense of “community” among blacks has declined. If we want to revisit that discussion of comparing and contrasting various “communities” (past and present --because as I said before, white "communities" have suffered significant decline over the years as well) to identify helpful ideas, then I’ll be happy to weigh in. I really would like to talk about ways to revive lost sense of "community.....but I don't see how a white woman like me in the rural outskirts of the county simply "accepting" the idea that whites are bad will make much progress in getting black people in Elmira more engaged in their communities.
  2. 3 points
    short answer: yes and though you may not like the answer, the reason is this; there are behaviors amongst a percentage of the black community that, if displayed by others, would result in different reactions from the majority. there are loans, grants, programs, organizations open to the black community that are not open to others.. It might be nice for once to be automatically considered an aggrieved or oppressed person instead of the evil oppressor. But since melanin does not cross the blood-brain barrier, skin tone does not affect the choices some people make. Right/Wrong does not change between Black/White, nor does the ability to understand you cannot change how people treat you, only what you do in reaction to it as well as how you use it. Stop looking outside your community for what is rotten and look within it for what festers; Perhaps, as a demographic, stop voting for party and concentrate more upon the people that will help elevate expectations because no one will advocate for YOU better than YOU.
  3. 3 points
    And can we have a conversation without it turning to ,so called, white privilege or me being called a racist if you’re not willing to listen ? I will tell you up front though , I have lived around Elmira all my life , went to the Elmira schools , raised a family in what some would call the “projects “ . In my 70 years I have seen it all , heard it all and felt it all (yes physically) . So if you are here to speak of the downtrodden as being only or mainly people of color , no I don’t think a conversation can be had as there a whole lot of the white community in the same situation.
  4. 3 points
    No, I wouldn’t. I am who God intended me to be. I applied for a job, was hired for that position, then I was told I couldn’t have that job because I was the wrong color. I was a white woman and the organization had to hire a black woman. I can truthfully say I was disappointed but I didn’t get angry. I had already learned that life isn’t always fair no matter who you are. Another time, the President of the company I was with at that time once told me he didn’t want to hire me because I was fat and fat people were lazy but the Vice President saw something in me. People of color aren’t the only ones to experience discrimination because there will always be someone who has biases no matter who you are. What matters is how you handle those situations and yourself. You can’t let someone else’s ignorance be the deciding factor in how you live your life, you keep trying.
  5. 2 points
    I’m having on-going issues (since I shattered my right ankle and broke my tibia and fibia in 1978). Several surgeries and ankle fusion in 1990, I still deal with a great deal of pain and issues walking. Throughout the years I was told the joint is arthritic, which I have seen on x-ray but I wanted a new set of eyes. Now for the good news. Today I had an appointment with Dr. Sean Van Aken, an orthopedic foot and ankle specialist, for the first time. His office is on Roemelt Drive, in Horseheads, NY. While I had a rather long wait, once he came into the exam room he introduced himself and then thoroughly examined my fused ankle, asking questions all the while manipulating the joint, explaining what he saw in the x-ray and what he was seeing in his exam. He pointed out all the arthritic areas, one area I’m not having issues with yet. The good news? While arthritis is a definite problem, especially in the sub- Taylor joint which controls side to side movement, he showed me how my heel has shifted and is no longer under the tibia and fibia where it should be. He pointed out all the areas where I am have pain and explained why. He realigned my foot to show me how and where surgery would correct things with screws. He said it had nothing to do with my original ankle fusion surgery but was just a natural progression (34 years later) as a result of that surgery. He even examined my orthotics, which I thought might be the problem, and was quite satisfied with their construction. Still wondering about the good news lol? He told me he would not recommend surgery at this time. He suggested using my Arizona brace more which will limit movement in the joint. He also said he could also do a cortisone injection into the joint if I wanted. He told me going into that joint can be difficult but he’s pretty good doing that. He was. It took sometime for him to find the right spot between the bones but he got it done. He also explained a rare occurrence, cortisone storm, and what to do if that happens. That got my attention because that happened many years ago with a first injection but I thought it was just from the shot. I was exceedingly happy with my visit today and highly recommend Dr. Van Aken for any foot and ankle issues. I apologize for this lengthy post but it felt good hearing it’s more than arthritis.
  6. 2 points
    Start a community garden for example get everyone involved,help feed your block like we use to back in the day.
  7. 2 points
    The about one’s impression is that it’s often heavily weighed with one’s own biases. We’ve been listening, but we’ve also been responding. Perhaps not how you’d like, but that’s how a conversation goes. Otherwise it’s a lecture, and no one wants to listen to a lecture. This needs to get brought back on track. So we’ll start over using the following quote: What barriers to community involvement for blacks, here in Chemung County, are you referring to?
  8. 2 points
    I am willing to talk to anyone interested in running against him. I do not know if he is planning on running in 2026. I've heard conflicting information. I would love to see a page full of candidates for all seats at all levels. We passed the terms limits for Legislature and Executive and now we have to prove that quality candidates will step forward. One of the opposition arguments was no one steps up to run. I am talking with others to put together a candidate bootcamp type of program. Whatever level of government, we need to help candidates navigate running campaigns. BUT we also need recruitment at all levels. Finding those willing to run who may not have thought about it or who feel like they don't have what it takes.
  9. 2 points
    You all will need to excuse me from this thread as I have heard all this before, it leads nowhere but to a monologue of white guilt . Peace out , or at least until I see some forward movement .
  10. 2 points
    The problem with this statement is the belief that because one is white, they are immune to the effects of racism. A quick Google search gives the following definition: Racism-Noun - prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. To answer your question, yes, I have experienced racism for simply holding a young black man to the same standards as everyone else in the group. He didn’t like the rules, didn’t feel he had to follow them and immediately accused me of treating him differently based on his skin color. Not “whoops I’m sorry,” not “oh I should follow the rules like everyone else,” even as I tried to explain the reasoning for them. Nope, “I think you’re racist.” And then proceeded to do something that could have been both dangerous and disastrous for me and/or my family here in the community and I had to take actions to protect them as well as myself. The assumption was because I was white, I must be guilty of being a bigot. All because some young man didn’t feel like he should have to follow the rules like everyone else. Now, I understand your experiences with racism may be different than mine or other white folks here. But that doesn’t mean we can’t experience it in some way. Therefore it’s not unique to one ethnic group or another.
  11. 2 points
    In another topic recently ("Chemung County Asks For Public Input On Future Plans"), I posted some of my thoughts on the Medicaid mandate. Here's the gist of that: We frequently hear local officials lamenting that the NYS (constantly growing) unfunded Medicaid mandates are the costliest burden on the county budget (I believe over 55% of the County’s overall tax levy). The Legislature regularly passes resolutions “urging Albany” to reverse the economic damage these mandates create without more state funding. Obviously imploring Albany to stop the mandates just falls on deaf ears, so we need to find ways to reduce the impact of mandates at the county/local level. Plan for FQHC (one that’s run by effective management – which Arnot has proven not to be) would help alleviate the costs to taxpayers for Medicaid services. Hooray. However, instead of just focusing on ways to reduce the healthcare costs of Medicaid recipients.....it’s just way more logical to reduce the number of Medicaid recipients in the County.....by fostering solid "living wage" job opportunities (particularly at HS/GED education and/or entry levels). With that in mind, why do we allow taxpayers (through tax breaks, incentives, etc) to subsidize businesses that perpetuate the need for Medicaid and other assistance? Why do some elected officials continue to shower praise onto STEG/IDA and other ‘negotiating’ entities for securing deals that “create jobs”.....that are beneath subsistence level, instead of providing fulltime, living wages with health benefits that would bring residents off the Medicaid rolls? The retail/service jobs rarely offer fulltime. Even many employees at some of the “manufacturing” employers in industrial parks around HHDS/Big Flats (Demets Candy, CemeCon, etc) rely heavily on short-term employment and/or hiring through Addecco/Manpower temp agencies with no benefits. Unless it’s doctors, RNs or other positions requiring a degree.....most jobs that Arnot health has posted online at the HS/GED level (CNAs, Patient Asistants, etc) are at or below $16/hr. And if health benefits are offered, it’s often sort of pricey for the wages in question. At $16-17/hr, the majority with any dependents (or single individuals working less than full time) are eligible for Medicaid. So after we've thrown bundles of money at companies to "create jobs", the county still incurs the cost of healthcare for their workers. The economic development agencies like STEG and CCIDA need to be persuaded to recruit businesses that will offer wages/benefits above the Medicaid levels instead of subsistence level or below. Unfortunately, the boards of those agencies have members who are “business leaders” that may not want to face wage competition if they bring some higher paying industry to the area. For example: The CEO of Arnot Health is on the STEG Board of Directors. How would he retain the HS/GED employees currently working for them at $15.50/hr (and likely eligible for Medicaid) if STEG was able to bring a warehouse to the area that would pay $22/hr ?
  12. 1 point
    Man that’s pretty wild. Good find @command_prompt!
  13. 1 point
    Former sewage plant for the old AP plant been abandoned for decades
  14. 1 point
    Good question....zooming out on Google shows it's substantial in size (close to the sq footage of the Walmart building itself) Here's a postcard (circa 1970s) that I found of the original Ann Page Food Processing Plant. Amazing that the mystery structure (that's as big as WallyWorld) was dwarfed by the size of the old processing facility! Enlarged, it's somewhat clearer than current Google overgrowth, but still doesn't identify its purpose: Since it's across the RR tracks from the plant with what appears to be an access road from the rail line, could it have been used for a some kind of hub to load shipments (of incoming produce and outgoing canned food)? My gut says someone still around who worked at A & P would have the best answer.
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    Oh my, it's fantastic. I use it to make a Persian-y marinade for lamb. Lost and lots of coriander, half as much mint, some green chili peppers, salt and (yes) black pepper, lemon balsamic vinegar, pulverized in blender. Marinade the chops for two hours. Use the leftover marinade as a dipping sauce. I love their other balsamic stuff, perfect for making shrubs.
  17. 1 point
    While I know what you mean, take this above statement out of context ( like I did here ) and tell me, honestly, do you see how if I were to make that exact same statement about black people not being _____ "but I don't see otherwise", it would be a HUGE freaking problem for a LOT of people? I don't know what could be more... patronizing might be the word I'm looking for here: The assumption we haven't had these conversations with friends, family, co-workers, etc. who happen to be black* or; The idea of seeking out anyone for friendship based on skin color, sex, creed, etc. I have had these very conversations with people, Pvt. Snowball, and I think you would be surprised that they wouldn't agree with all of the points you are making here. * I don't have "black friends" or "black family" any more than I have "Jewish friends" or "gay friends." I have friends who happen to be black or gay. I have family who happen to be black and/or gay. But that's not how I would ever identify them. They are friends or family who happen to be _____, and it adds or detracts absolutely nothing from my view of them as people. So I wouldn't identify them as such. I don't know if you are new to, and if so,how long you've lived in this area but a bit of advicefrom a lifetime resident: Don't assume things about your white neighbor just the same as you wouldn't want them making assumptions about you based on your skin color. While there's a lot of Deep South redneck wanna-bes around here, there's a lot more to people around here than meets the eye sometimes.
  18. 1 point
    That question completely deflects from the argument I responded to. You made the statement that unless one is black, they cannot experience racism. That statement is patently false, as my example shows.
  19. 1 point
    Perhaps there might be better understanding of what you’re talking about if you could give examples of racism that you have personally experienced living in the Twin Tiers.
  20. 1 point
    That still isn’t the city government’s fault. Ask his constituents, they re-elected him, there must have been a reason.
  21. 1 point
    Let’s stay on the topic, which is the Elmira City Council and the most recent election results
  22. 1 point
    I strongly recommend that you read this book. Its author is black. https://www.amazon.com/Woke-Racism-Religion-Betrayed-America/dp/0593423062?tag=knoa-20
  23. 1 point
    Have you NOT been present the last 60 years? Since the MLK years in all the times those people that "have your back" have had their time in the majority how has black incarceration rates faired? The state of the black nuclear family? drugs and crime (particularly Black on Black)? and you yourself, in another thread, are bemoaning the state of black community.... so i repeat from previous post: Plantations still exist, the owners haven't changed, just the crop
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    by Michaela Estruth “When I grow up, I want to be a mom.” These are common words to hear from young girls; they aspire to be just like their own mothers. But all of a sudden, once those young girls become women, those words become less and less common. Has that maternal desire faded? Perhaps. But might there be another explanation? The question, “What do you want to do?” is a constant ask of every 18- to 22-year-old. College-aged adults like me are just beginning independent lives and discovering the world of opportunities while also discovering a culture of commendation or condemnation. Depending on where we go and what we do, others will either praise us or persecute us. And young adults know this. We can feel it every time someone asks us that question about our future plans. If I were to respond to that question with “I want to get married and be a mom,” the average American would stare at me and blink. Then they’d probably say, “Right, but what do you want to do before that?” This mindset is just one of the factors contributing to America’s declining birth rates. America’s birth rates reached a record low of 1.6 children per woman in 2023, below the necessary replacement rate of 2.1. The birth rate had been on a rise for the past two years, which many experts attribute to the COVID-19 pandemic. But the statistics now show the continued decline and the lowest rates since 1979. This decline cannot be reduced to one factor. The cultural “success message” that delays marriage and family, however, should take some blame. Last December, Statista reported on U.S. Census Bureau data showing that the average marrying age for men is 30.2 and for women is 28.4—a marked increase since the 1950s when men married around age 23 and women around age 20. Along with getting married later, men and women are also having kids later. Twenty percent of women have their first child after the age of 35, according to a July 2022 article from the National Institute of Health’s News in Health. The article opens explaining why women may postpone starting a family: “There are many reasons you might wait to have kids. You may want to focus on your career. Or save some money first.” These are some of the common arguments against getting married and starting a family at a young age. Shouldn’t young women like me first go to grad school, perhaps law school, or at least make a worthwhile living? Don’t we want to travel, let loose, and have fun? Of course, all these reasons aren’t inherently wrong or even necessarily unwise, but the point is that people are starting families much later, and often putting off doing so for the sake of perceived personal accomplishment or enjoyment. And therein lies the heart of the issue. The cultural sermon preaches “you first” to every young man and woman looking to start adult life. “Do what you want to do. Marriage and family will come later.” But here’s the blunt truth: Marriage and family doesn’t just happen to someone. They take time and intentionality. Dating requires patience and thoughtful consideration before making a lifetime commitment to another person. Marriage requires self-sacrifice, a love that is rooted in commitment, not mere sentimental feeling. And a child demands that same self-sacrifice every minute of every day. Being a father or a mother means putting the child’s needs above your own. It means instruction, love, discipline, provision. These are exhausting responsibilities, and yet the most fulfilling. But sadly, the exhaustion and selflessness of parenting causes many to postpone the joys and blessings that overwhelmingly dominate. On May 15, Evie Magazine posted an article on X highlighting actress Rachel McAdams as a mother. In the post on X, McAdams is quoted as saying that motherhood is the greatest thing she has ever done, despite years of living the independent dream. “Your life is not your own anymore,” McAdams said. “But I had 39 years of me, I was sick of me. I was so happy to put the focus on some other person. I waited a long time. I’m having more fun being a mum than I’ve ever had. Everything about it is interesting and exciting and inspiring to me. Even the tough days — there’s something delightful about them.” For McAdams, the famous actress lifestyle wasn’t satisfying. But motherhood was. Even though women are still having kids—something that will hopefully never stop—many women aren’t doing so until much later in life, instead pursuing immediate self-fulfillment and enjoyment. Unfortunately, this mindset is also often imposed on a family. One kid is enough work already, so why would two exhausted parents have another? Today, a family with more kids is stereotypically deemed Catholic in reference to the Catholic doctrine that opposes contraception. But maybe that family of seven just loves having a big family. One thing is for sure, though: That eldest child was born well before the mom turned 35. That mother wanted to prioritize being a wife and a mom. So no, I’m not advocating for every 18-year-old woman to go get her MRS degree. But I am saying that prioritizing marriage and family isn’t a waste of time, energy, or money. In fact, it is an investment in a bright future of laughter and love. So don’t let anyone tell you to not get married and have kids—starting a family is likely the best decision you can ever make. Michaela Estruth is a rising senior studying history and journalism at Hillsdale College, where she is the senior editor of Hillsdale College’s The Collegian and host of various radio shows. She is a 2022 graduate of WORLD Magazine’s World Journalism Institute and a writing and editing intern for the Colson Center. This column originally appeared on IntellectualTakeout.org, and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License Unsplash
  26. 1 point
    Beauty – we all admire the aesthetic and beautiful in both people and nature, though beauty is in the eye of the beholder they say. Often, as our young girls strive to look beautiful, they imitate the actresses and models they admire on the “silver screen” or magazine covers. But youthfulness fails to realize the images are a façade, made more beautiful and glamorous by makeup and the air brush. It’s not a true beauty. And a pretty face may not always have a heart of love and compassion. For “…man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (I Samuel 16:7b) So then, what is beauty? And how do we define it? There’s an old-fashioned philosophy which I believe still holds true today. “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as [elaborate hairstyles] and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.” (I Peter 3:3-4 NIV) With those wise words from Scripture in mind, when we give of ourselves to benefit others, a depth of beauty is seen through the glow of an unselfish act – the embodiment of genuine love for others. “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” (Proverbs 31:30) Living our life to please God reflects the unique inner beauty He has blessed each of us with. “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mothers’ womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful. I know that full well.” (Psalm 139:13-14) We show the beauty of true character by reaching out to help those in need, especially those who cannot pay us back for such a generous gift. Beauty is in a heart of humility, serving others with grace and gentle kindness. Beauty shines brightly when we don’t call attention to ourselves… as we quietly go about living a life of peace by showing honor and respect to all we meet on our path of life. For you will know when someone has been deeply touched by the beauty of your heart… Yet, the question must be asked… what is the opposite of love’s beauty? The generous airs or charms put on to cover that which is defiled… a self-proclaimed boasting in how humble one is… the disguising of a selfish attitude of pride filled with self-centeredness and greed… an indifference, or absence of emotion, caring, compassion, and love. Which brings us back to our initial question, what is beauty? Smiles to brighten someone’s day… a helping hand serving those in need... sharing truth with true humility… earning trust with acceptance and respect of others… generous acts of kindness strewn among friends and strangers… and an unfading gentle spirit of love and peace found within the selfless heart. Among these and more we find true beauty… For “[beauty] should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.” (I Peter 3:4) What is Beauty? Linda A. Roorda What is beauty if the heart is shallow What is glamor when rudeness takes charge And what is charm with selfish desire… For what is love but the giving of self? ~ What then are words when the mind deceives What is character with rebellious soul Or enticing lures to captivate hearts… For what is virtue but integrity’s truth? ~ What is kindness if the tongue reviles And what is honor without reputation Or the humble soul if boastful and proud… For what is grace but gentle elegance? ~ What is adornment when respect has fled What are principles if deceit is the core What is esteem when self is worth more… For what is honor but morality’s judge? ~ What then is beauty but innocence pure The charm and grace of respectful repute Humility’s stance with integrity’s honor… For what is beauty but the gift of self? ~~
  27. 1 point
    It should have been but it got to the point that it was getting ready to collapse into the building then it would. Cost millions more to demolish and replace
  28. 1 point
    I'm lost here... What power does the Elmira City Council have that overrides NYS abortion laws?
  29. 1 point
    My wife is a loyal customer there.
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