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  1. Past hour
  2. I would not worry about it becoming anything but an abatement situation with the City holding the demolition bill !
  3. He knew that when he bought the building. It doesn't seem as if he has any interesting restoring it. Probably plans to develop the property into some mall-like venture. Yuck.
  4. That airport is disastrous money pit. How much money was put into expanding the terminal building? For three flights a day.
  5. Today
  6. I'm not sure that anyone talked about addling more levels.
  7. Yesterday
  8. I agree, I hate to see historic buildings torn down. But if the owner does not maintain them the city should not be responsible for fixing it. What drives me nuts is a certain business everyone loves that was destroyed in a flood she tried to rebuild and found contaminated soil so she left the property to reopen down the road. The property reverted back to the county who paid to have the rest of the building town down and cleaned up before the auctioned off the property at a low price. All while the former owners business is more popular than ever and she didn't have to pay anything while getting awards for being a great business person.
  9. You don't need a no trespassing sign to be visible. You can be charged with trespassing without signs. If you don't own it or have permission to be on it, it's not legal to be there. I know a few people that have gotten tickets for trespassing while hunting because they took a wrong turn and ended up on the wrong side of a property line with no signs on it.
  10. Since it's no longer an active church it should be back on the tax roles. If I remember right that's what happened with the old Ernie Davis school now Finn Academy. Since it was bought by Edger or whoever it went back on the tax roles. When Finn Officially opened it may have been removed.
  11. That stinks about your trip, but hopefully once you kick the cancers ass you can get over there.
  12. The owner was told he'd have to follow the historic building restoration laws, which are significantly more costly. To compare; when all the windows in one of our houses had to be replaced after years of neglect (complicated story), we were told that because of that house's location we should repair the frames - at that point mostly splinters and rotting wood shards - than have them replaced. It was not easy to convince The Mighty Code otherwise. That's another example of how NYS expresses its love for you. I am sure that if we had more government oversight, this church would have been rehabbed long time ago, tho.
  13. Good day everyone! I have to go to Falck's Center to pick up my treatment schedule and my diagnosis; the trip overseas had to be canceled, and in order to be reimbursed for the tickets I need to file a claim and provide the ticketing agency with that info. Then, heading to the bank to find out how people from Europe can wire money to my account. There's more than just an account and a routing number that's required. IBAN/swift code, etc. YLSNED. Have a good day, folks.
  14. I am... trying... not to imagine all the apartments with no (or extremely limited) direct sunlight, because... just a mere thought... gets me giddy with anticipation. Seriously: That church is does not have a front facade that can be preserved, with the rest of the building torn down and constructed from scratch (I have seen it done in the US and overseas). Punching holes to allow more light can seriously compromise its structural integrity, ditto for addling more levels. It would turn a "let's prevent the thing from collapsing" into a multi-million dollar investment. Who would pay for it? Elmira is not Ithaca, and this kind of stuff would not fly even in the "ten miles surrounded by reality" community. It's doubtful it'd even pass in NYC. Let's befriend the reality for once.
  15. Like a really local or County tax bill , in a township perhaps🤔!
  16. Apartments is the first thing that comes to mind. Boutique shops on two levels is another. With a bit of time, I'm sure I could come up with others. Use your imagination.
  17. What else can this building be repurposed as, considering its size and shape?
  18. up front, yes, but they will attach the cost to any other property tax bills the owner might have. as long as he is current on his taxes seizure is moot
  19. apologies then, though my response is valid, it isnt a relevant to reply to THAT quote and for the record i agree with you on the clock tower
  20. No snark intended … do you really think a No Trespassing sign is going to keep these people from living under the bridges? So they get arrested , they will be back on the street and living back under the bridge before the ink is dry on the arrest report . They don’t care , they have nor want responsibility for anything , at least a good portion of them that is .
  21. All due respect to you for caring. But in this case the owner , term used loosely , is known by some of us here locally and was last located out of State with an unknown and iffy tax status . The owner ( cringe ) is almost guaranteed to not to really care if it is seized or under abatement by the City .
  22. Last week
  23. No, absolutely not. And the city is suffering because of that. I only lived in Elmira for a short while, but got to know it very well. (Two political campaigns). The City has two options - preservation or "mallification". It seems to be going for the latter. A once-great city is becoming increasingly ugly.
  24. Nobody is suggesting that it be re-opened as a church.
  25. Has the city of Elmira done anything in the past 25 years or so that shows they value history? One need only look at the abomination of a former Walgreens now Dollar store where a historic church once stood on the southside. The bottom line is, so long as the owner is paying taxes on the property, there’s not a lot the city can do as far as seizure. And I’ve made my feelings clear on that idea. Same with Brand Park pool ( but let’s keep that topic in its own thread ). As for the clock, we agree on that.
  26. School is a limited public forum totally different no sign saying no trespassing under the bridge also
  27. I rather think that demolishing privately owned property without permission is just as "unconstitutional" as putting it up for auction. Then there is the as yet unasked question of what would happen to that property. Another Dollar Store? A parking lot? A replica of Langdon Plaza? One could make mirror images of modern commerce replacing history. Wouldn't that be an asset for the city?
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