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1 hour ago, TTL News said:


"Someone" missed a button when managing the permissions for that one. 

"Someone" - LOL

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14 minutes ago, command_prompt said:

"Someone" - LOL


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I've been doing a little tidying up in here this morning. I moved a bunch of older or less used posts to the archives. At some point I'll go in there and organize that but for now I felt it best to have less dated topics ( often with no responses ) for people to sift through. 

I've also added a "Health and Wellness" section. 

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As you go along you may notice that something has changed about a post you made or perhaps it's in a different location than you remember it being. 

There's a reason, and it's not anything you did wrong. Or as the old saying goes, "It's not you, it's me." 😁

Sometimes the font may be bigger than like what you're reading now or there's a spacing issue. I'll usually change those simply out of my own sense of aesthetics. Again, nothing you did wrong, just me being a little uptight LOL

Sometimes we'll get a little off topic. It happens, but when there's multiple off-topic posts, I'll try to move them to a thread that already exists for that. For instance, if homelessness comes up under a thread for the Arena, I'll move them to a thread which is dedicated to the issue of homelessness. A year or two ago we decided to start having more long running thread over a period of time rather than dozens of smaller ones scattered across the site. 

Again, no one did anything wrong, but sometimes people, myself included, find it frustrating to read about something they're interested in but have to wade through a page of posts that have nothing to do with it. 


Something else to keep in mind is, when you're responding to a post, be clear and concise. If you're making an argument, back it up with facts or reasons why you think the way you do. Citing sources is always good as it allows others to perhaps learn something new. Or shoot down your argument, whichever... LOL. Whatever the case, if you think something, explain why. One sentence, drive-by posting may work on Facebook ( it actually doesn't, I'm just being generous ) but it's not much help here. 

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1 hour ago, Chris said:

 One sentence, drive-by posting may work on Facebook ( it actually doesn't, I'm just being generous ) but it's not much help here. 

I’m guilty of that, I just did it in the article about extraterrestrials being already here in the form of ancient super humans.  

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There’s a difference.

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You may have noticed some slight changes to the site. I got to thinking that for someone scrolling on their phone, there's a lot of website here. So I tidied some things up. 

  • The more "fun" day to day topics are in their own section now. 
  • Regional and State news are now one section. 
  • I've added a World News section.
  • "Hero Of The Day" and "Hobby Chat" have been sent to the "paused" section of the archives for now. I think sports may end up there as well and we'll have a Buffalo Bills/ NFL Chat in another section because, well, I want to. 😀
  • I was considering a "Science" section, but will hold off on that for now. 

That should satisfy my unexplicable urge to tinker for now. 


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The "Community Calendar" is back. You'll find events on the sidebar or you can look at ( and add your own events ) by clicking on it in the menu at the top of the site. 

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The sidebar feed is set to show events up to 10 days in advance. This helps keep things from getting tedious for people viewing the site on mobile. 

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You might notice a few subtle changes as I'm sprucing the place up a little. 

In addition to changing the background pic, I also changed the names of a couple forums to give them a little more color. One borrowed from iElmira and another borrowed from the early days of this site. With help from @AndyI'm also sprucing up the way the site url shows up when shared on social media. I'm just waiting for the internet to catch up with the change. 

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You're going to start seeing some different types of articles in their entirety. I spent a considerable amount of time yesterday looking for websites that offer articles written and shared under the Creative Commons licensing  which will be a huge help to this site. 

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I've split the upcoming election stuff into a subtopic of it's own. I was searching all over for a topic this morning and it'd been lost in the shuffle. 

Screen Shot 2024-07-09 at 9.59.45 AM.png

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The "Sports" section has returned. I've put the Bills superthread there as well as started one for the NFL season in general. 

Additionally, I've added a "Tech News" section where you can find Command Prompt's tech help section. I encourage people who need help to ask her, she has a vast knowledge of computers and related things. 

I've added a seasonal section you can't see yet, but am adding to it as time goes by. You'll get it for Thanksgiving 😉

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Sometime here in the next week I’m going to trim out some of the categories and things that aren’t getting a lot of response and/or create more work for me. This will likely include the calendar, “Sex Offender” listing, Tech News and most likely Health & Wellness.

This will also help cut down on the amount of scrolling folks will have to do when using the site on mobile.

They won’t be gone, they just won’t be visible, and therefore can always be brought back in there’s a resurgence in interest. 

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