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The city of Elmira raised taxes 1% in 2023, as you all must know. Did you also notice that, right after the recent elections, the mayor and city manager announced another tax increase of 2% for 2024.

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And the county is raising taxes another 2% I think I read?


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2% is the maximum increase without having to go to voters so often many who either do not attend meetings or at least read the minutes wouldnt necessarily notice it...of course you could just do like some and claim no increases over last 4 years; you'd be surprised how many don't question it

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Yeah I understand all that. My question was, or is, didn’t the county say there was a 2% increase in taxes on the county side.

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So to answer my own question, the city wants a 2% increase and the county wants another 2.8%

A nearly 5% property tax hike is gonna go over swell I’m sure. 

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Speaking of taxes......Here’s something I have long contemplated: An option of monthly “budget” payments for property taxes would greatly reduce default for non-payment.

There is a reason why mortgage lenders prefer tax escrow. Paying 1/12th each month is easier for most people than being hit with a couple of large bills right before and after the Holiday season. They are less likely to fall behind and risk tax foreclosure.

I also suspect there is a reason why taxing entities have historically stuck with the lump sum tax bills. Because delinquent taxes were a huge revenue grab before this year’s SCOTUS ruling (HERE) that overturned “full forfeiture” laws that allowed tax collecting bodies (in 13 states including NYS) to keep the entire equity of a property....not just the amount of taxes/fees owed.  

Thankfully, that scheme is gone. So why not allow property owners to pay a monthly amount (even with a small processing fee) and help ensure that more people are able to keep up with their tax bills?

Edited by MsKreed
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The city also spent nearly $30 million in grant money and is trying to get more. You'd think they could budget a little better. My guess is that they need to raise taxes again because of their waste on frivolous projects and their incompetence.

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