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Everything posted by Hal

  1. 🎵🎵 Get on your bikes and ride 🎵🎵in this case right on into nothingness !
  2. It’s definitely maddening but where the excitement is is coming off Jerusalem hill and merging with drivers just getting the green light. Sometimes they will let you merge , other times it a race to get over into the single lane . Coming off the hill doing 55 and merging when the driver just coming off the light goes from 0 to 50 , I don’t think they know there is someone on their right .
  3. Boomer … for the longest time I thought that term was in reference to a flatulence problem of people my age 🤔😆. But seriously, I do wish we had had the new retirement plans , 401k , IRA etc available in the working years . It was as stated that the norm was work for a pension , buy a house , raise the family then put away a bit for home improvements maybe a vacation… note vacation never came . So , now the boomer is retired , family has family of their own , house is paid off , good deal in savings and now what ? Your body is used up , and as for vacation phht ! Now, I will say that I would not want to be starting out raising a family, buying a home in this economy, much less looking toward the future to retirement, especially with the uncertainty of SSRetirement and the stock market . I would be in a panic when looking toward retirement as well I mean , damn its mind boggling to this boomer how a lot of these plans work these days . Okay did i just say “these days “ geez I sound like my grandfather . 😆 damn I sure hope I have a point in here somewhere , if not please forgive .
  4. As to the money they send home maybe you could help me out with some statistics on that to help maybe change my mind . But in the immediate I will maintain that if they would fight to make changes in whatever situation they find themselves living they could stay with their families at home and not have to “ send “ their money, however its gained , back to that home .
  5. Yes , statistics … of all statistics most are disproven if a person opens their eyes and sees what actually is happening instead of counting on half baked studies , but by then its to far too late to remedy a given situation as it is now far too late to stem the tide of increased illegal Immigration . I would disagree that U.S Citizens are “ stuck “ with what we have got . Remember that even the longest fuse eventually ignites an explosive. But as I stated earlier you have the right of rigorous discussion ( thank you for that ) and to voice your opinion , and your Welcome by the way .
  6. Then you agree ( somehow I doubt ) these men should fight to survive and maybe turn their bad situation around to something even a little better ? I could respect and get behind them if this were the case but most just run leaving women and children to suffer and that to me is just Cowardice not seeking asylum.
  7. So you have been to these places then like Port-au-Prince and others , cool then . Yes they do quite well with the hillside cardboard condos all tucked together with just enough space between to use as bathroom’s . But more to the point of the amount of young men of age coming in illegally… I Governments or the Dictatorships are so corrupt ( which i’ll not argue ) and making life miserable why are these young men not pushing back instead of fighting the corruption ? What have young American men and women done when faced with corruption in Governments or Leaders ? Hey there you go you got it … We Fought Back even in / for other Countries ! so please don’t try to push that crap on me ! Out of these young men looking for “ work “ how many , can you hazard a guess , are already “ making bones “ in a gang or doing smash and grabs ? And the context of my question was , how forgiving and sympathetic are you going to be when one or more of these illegal immigrants come to take your hard earned belongings or worse ? Didn’t answer that , no instead you turned it back on me ! So I will tell you what will happen in my case . I will again fight for what is mine , my family , my home , whatever I have worked hard to call mine in my Country , you know , the place where we , well most of us , abide by the law ! And as to the housing provided for these illegals, have you not seen the endless pictures shown on News Media of the trashed hotel rooms and other housing in the onslaught of all these poor and downtrodden who were greeted by a Sanctuary City , welcomed with open arms … until they were bussed out of the Five boroughs to more affluent areas ! Boy did the “ not in my backyard “ attitude kick in . So I will once again leave you with a question. How many of these folks are you willing and sympathetic enough to take into Your home ?
  8. Yes , I would as they are American Citizens not Illegal Immigrants . Reading your prior posts I can see you are sympathetic to the plight of those that don’t have an “ influential local company “ to expedite their paperwork , visa ,whatever and thats so very generous of you . Look , I get it , there are children involved here , mothers desperate to make a better life for the little ones my sympathies to them . But , look at the other side of that coin . Do you not see just how many more males , younger and older are mixed in with said mothers and children ? Do you take a quick count or even have a rough guess at how these males are the majority of the illegals . These males and females alike are going to be the ones coming for the things you may have worked hard to get ! How are you going to feel if that happens , are you going to forgive and forget so readily should the unspeakable happen to you and yours … yeah sure you are ! I have been to some of these third World shit holes ( thanks to Uncle Sam ,) that these people are claiming asylum from . I have seen up close how these people exist, the things they do , their way of life , you need to believe that they Are and Will bring with them what seems normal to them but would be unthinkable to the average American. Need proof , just look at some of the living spaces that are / were totally trashed … this is living high on the hog to them . So , call it what you will , call them / see them as you will , they are coming here , by definition , Illegally . You are welcome to your opinion of course but my opinion will not change rest assured.
  9. Umm … yeah okay 🤔? To whom it may or may not concern in the Country music Industry . True Country Music is THREE CHORDS AND THE TRUTH ! And thats why you don’t know what to make of it ! This monotonous drivel we are being served up is for marketing only , no heart put into it at all . This song and this young man bothers not just the Industry but probably is getting some political interest as well because he is singing aloud what a large amount of people are thinking and this is why its gone viral so fast !
  10. I wouldn’t wipe my ass with Rolling Stoner if it was all i had available while standing in poison ivy and having diarrhea !
  11. Loved it in your earlier post , and now even more with the way its going viral ! But will the message get through to the swamp … nah !
  12. 🧐🤔 needed to ponder on it a bit apparently … 🤔
  13. And to think he got that much milage , what , four pages from my one paragraph?! 😳😂
  14. Realistically your employee count is on the money . But even more realistic is the sad fact is that there would be more , lets call them “ social employees “ involved here . Just keeping it real here folks … we all know it happens . And I believe this is a major part of the reason for public pushbacks .
  15. I’ll just defer to MsKreed on this one . 👇🏻👍
  16. It was stated by Whitney Houston in a radio interview that “ music is beyond and not about any color “ when in said interview was told her fans were saying her music was not black enough . The race baiters were jumping up on Luke Combs over his rendition of Tracy Chapmans “ Fast Car “ . Chapman was actually happy , residuals, he did . Houston also covered Dolly Partons “ I will always love you “ with great success . Point being if the song being covered by another Singer bothers or triggers one then one has options … turn it the Hell off !
  17. It was all too clear to myself as I expect a candidate to come into a debate with a good knowledge of the concerns of the constituency. This is how you prepare for the questions that may be posed . The Incumbent in this case has as much advantage as any other holding the office and the Candidate should have countered the Incumbents answer “ we’re already doing that “ with “ can you elaborate on that please “ . But hey … I would be the first to agree with any constructive criticism of the current Mayor if I thought it just that , constructive.
  18. The Beefsteaks will be ready next week and the Cherry tomatoes at anytime . I kind of take my chances in picking as far as timing goes . The Cherry tomatoes are loaded and will also be ready next week for me , the guy who up till last year hated tomatoes, to munch on ( sans the seeds ) while cutting grass or just cruising by . I just wish I had started some Green Goddess Xanadu heritage tomatoes this year , picked green when the top portion turns purple it’s the only full size ‘mater i enjoy right off the vine , and yes you eat them green … so sweet and delicious !
  19. Yep … leave his punk ass right there ! Two years in and he just up and goes sour , nope , guaran-damn - tee you he was trouble from day one . And yeah , he is looking at spending time in the brig up to and including equal time served in civilian jail . Plus any “ legal hold” time , then looking at at a Legal Discharge . So yeah , heres a good idea … I’ll just Defect , run across the DMZ and give Kim Chee Ugh some crap to throw at the US ! Then if Uncle Sugar doesn’t meet the chubby little guys demands to please take my sad ass self of his hands ( think “ Ransom of Red Chief “) I’m going to slap down the race the card , shame the Military into a Medical , PTSD generated ,Discharge and then i’m going to apply for SSD … And there ya have it folks … thats the plan !
  20. Looking real good Chris ! I had to muster the energy to get the last four heads of cabbage out of the raised beds and into the crock for Sauerkraut today . Only got about 15 pounds but that should be plenty . Garden to crock super fresh and I was munching on the part not going into the crock . I put too many cabbage plants on one half of the bed (6) and Brussels Sprouts in the other half (6) , kinda crowded but growing great . I will change planting plans next year . And definitely picking up anther of these new beds !
  21. Remember , it was Reagonomics that drove the down economy when he made it no longer possible to claim interest payments as a deduction on Federal income tax returns thereby virtually stopping any purchases on credit cards , housing , new cars etc . Reagan was a decent President but put the screws to a whole generation ( mine ) with his playing with the economy at that time . It will not get better we will only play along , pay out more and wait until the next Great Freaking Idea comes along … if we survive Bidenmentia .
  22. Methinks the residents / taxpayers of the County should not think this reconsideration by the CCIDA is going to be the end of the matter . The reconsideration from these folks is , as in the past , been just a ploy to proceed to the long game after the stink has worn off . I would ask that the County Executive NOT agree to sign over this piece of County ( us ) owned land to the CCIDA as it seems they are already elbow deep in trying to keep the bulldozers away from that ( the Arena ) other boondoggle this Committee has hung around the necks of us taxpaying Resident“ cash cows “ in the past !
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