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Everything posted by Hal

  1. I’m cutting way back on taters this year as we still have close to 50# left in the cellar. When i get to feeling better i have to prune the orchard and maybe catch some nice warm sunshine ( anyone remember sunshine) on my back .
  2. I’m not so sure it was a wise idea to have aired a tutorial on how this works or how to install one in a Glock . Then to demonstrate the firing power this brings to the handgun as the Glock will now become very desirable to the criminal element .
  3. At those prices they should have a really high germination rate ! I would suggest looking closer to home and maybe starting by cultivating the area then trying a small variety of seed to see which ones thrive best in your soil / location . The County Soil and Water sometimes has specialized seed they advertise.
  4. As I understand it the ruling reads “ in some cases “ . Kind of leaves it up in air doesn’t it ?
  5. And …. back to the same old pissing match they go ! While some Legislators are out doing the business of the People the others are busy fighting like children over who gets the bigger cookie .
  6. LOL , as one of those that drive a “ Plug in Hybrid “ to which the only drawback is the cost and the way the batteries are produced, I was feeling slightly bad for them as well . But its a lease and we are going back to being fossil fuel addicted , lower income , full blooded Neanderthals in two months . The plug in as you know generates its own juice but still as I said the cost of the battery alone with how the Lithium is mined and produced is more damaging to the Earth than the benefit of the fuel savings . Full disclosure. When our previous lease was due there was a shortage of gas powered Rav4s so they put us in this Hybrid at a good price . 2025 Rav4s will all be hybrid so we will be getting a gas powered one this time around . And yes I did get a laugh out of your post … honest ! Because you are spot on with the description of EVers …
  7. Hal

    First Arena

    Yep , I am a “ Naysayer ! Also a “ Taxpayer “ in my own mind at least , so I have skin in the game with this First boondoggle Arena that we the County taxpayers got Stuck With many years ago ! WTH … “ its not any taxpayer money”? Ultimately just where does Any IDA Monies come from ? Federal , State, County , pick one , It’s All “ taxpayer money! Cabin Fever Carnival … dollars to donuts that will be a Free event ! Look, some great events have taken place at the Arena … In the past ! But that idea mine has played out over the years ! Combined with lack of safe , clean and secure parking , other than the decaying structure of a parking garage where the Cities homeless “ park “ their butts … and shopping carts , the Arenas time to shine has come and gone ! So many locals have fronted some great ideas utilizing the Fairgrounds, why are we not being listened to? Because we are only of no use ( except in election cycles) to most of the Movers and Shakers of the area who seem , over the years, to have had a firm grip on their Positions in politics and the committees that make decisions for us “ Naysayers “ .
  8. Joe the burger flipper reacting to their minimum raise hike … 😃😁woo hoo ! Bill the burger muncher on seeing the price of the turd maker he just overpaid for 😳😤! Leads back to Joe when he see’s his hours have been cut because the cost of doing business after that great minimum pay raise 😩😭! But hell Goobernor , lets just keep throwing “ buy the vote “ money out there to sucker more votes because , well , ol’ Joe the burger flipper soon forgets the results of the last pay hike , throws his vote behind whoever is promising another … then its rinse and repeat ! PS , I know a lot of folks don’t like emojis but they make for shorter posts between coffee’s .
  9. I would come out of my usual spot in the periphery and add my opinion here . Those that are in the position of just what to call a violent act seem afraid to just come out and call these “acts “ just what they are . They cannot seem to call this car bombing in Rochester an act of domestic terror nor can they bring themselves to call the murder of an Imam outside of a Mosque an assassination , sorry the timing and World temperament lead me to this conclusion . I’m going to go out on that seemingly weak limb by offering that these so called acts of whatever will continue and escalate with the increase in the hoards of Illegal Immigrants invading the Southern Border .
  10. Hal

    Local News Bites

    Exactly what a large portion of Any of area representatives seem to overlook! Elmira does Not need more “ low or no income housing “ . Rather than income based housing how about “age based “ housing? To explain my point a bit … At one point our family lived in the Eastgate homes . At that time ( mid to late seventies) the complex was owned by a local contractor with their own person managing. She would attempt , most times successfully, to keep people of like mind or ages or family types in the same buildings. It worked well for years until it got caught up in the whole Section 8 thing and they were no longer allowed (thanks to Government subsidies) to place residents as before . As can be seen now the whole area went to hell in a hand basket since over the years since ! Point is this , as stated previously income based housing and private residential areas do not mix at all ! Representative's … listen to your Constituents not your own ideals , if not , step aside !
  11. So … exactly what is Brennans definition of “work” ?! Wouldn’t it be great if us plebes could be paid fairly for actual work … we could if we were allowed to arbitrarily give ourselves raises !
  12. Hal

    Local News Bites

    Depends on when and if you can get Code Enforcement to issue one . And did they apply for a Variance to sub let the space .
  13. Hal

    Local News Bites

    I have to wonder two things . Did they do their due diligence when it came to the permitting process as its more involved than some would think . Also were they getting any help wading through the zoning ordinances from the Code Enforcement department.
  14. Same here … yep , Some old Stuff In it for the money and or future benefits.
  15. Cracked corn , field peas , millet some unknown pellets and maybe a bit of black oil sunflower seed , etc ? Even looks expensive …
  16. The way some Democrats are backing away from him we may get lucky . I just don’t see him up to the rigors of the campaign trail and wonder if other voters will see through other candidates jumping in for him .
  17. There has been talk of Newsom running as a surrogate campaigner for Biden . I haven’t picked a horse in this race as of yet but if that particular swayback nag can’t make the starting gate then don’t send in a ringer for him !
  18. Hal

    First Arena

    Question answered . Thank You Ms Morse .
  19. Hal

    First Arena

    Respectfully, I am ever so slightly confused here . “At current, the arena is owned by the IDA (not the county) “ . So , the IDA is a County sanctioned private entity or a straight up part of the County Legislature itself ? Who funds the CCIDA to run and maintain the Arena ?
  20. None whatsoever! But i’m sure we will be told , and I quote “ what people need to understand “ once again ! Really tell me please what do I not understand about voting Yourselves a pay increase… rest assured we know full well why , BECAUSE YOU CAN .
  21. Strange … I saw term limits and other crap on my Ballot , but nothing about a Pay Raise for Legislators ! Weird how that works …
  22. Hal

    First Arena

    Key words… Touted as a Civic Center . And 25 years later , still Touting and we are still Doubting … 25 years later !
  23. Hal

    First Arena

    What Mr Margeson “ Needs to understand “ is , we as the Owners …( Chemung County Taxpayers ) are just about sick and tired of the same old crap coming from the CCIDA ! We the Owners … yes remember us ? We have waited too long for a return on Our investment, now its time to quit with the blame passing onto former operators , they each in their turn were touted as the best in the business , but here we are with the same millstone around our necks that was foisted on us year ago by the City because they couldn’t make it work either ! So , CCIDA it’s time for you to get out of the Promotion business , bring in the bulldozers and turn the space into something more useful and less of a money suck . It was ill conceived from the very start by the City of Elmira and County Taxpayers have had their / our pockets picked for long enough !! That Mr Margeson is what we “ Understand “ all too well !
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