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Everything posted by MsKreed

  1. I wonder how bad the quality would be tuning in on AM. I doubt as good as a good solid FM signal, but maybe no worse than the weak 106.5 FM that gets staticky or drops. Consider the options: 1) A really good quality FM stereo signal being wasted on blab or music you don't prefer 2) The Pirate with a sketchy FM signal that doesn't deliver the digital HD quality of (1), but good music with less blab 3) The Pirate with a solid AM signal that might not deliver the digital HD quality of (1), but good music with less blab
  2. From the age range in those recreations, I'd guess that he (and perhaps his parents) exploited the image as a kid, to enjoy the attention and pseudo fame. And I imagine as a kid, that would make him feel cool. If as an adult, he realized that if he had a nickel in royalties for each of the 30 million copies sold, he'd be rich. If he didn't have a legal standing to litigate the commercial use, this was the next best thing? For the most part I do feel bad for a lot of kids in the entertainment business. Even with newer protection laws, the more successful they are, the more adults are likely to be controlling their lives without 'informed consent' from child.
  3. PS...they do switch over to sports regularly. I never bothered to research what events or specific days/times
  4. Yes!!! We discovered it a year or so ago (after the local radio group switched up different channels and the genres weren't on the same old channels (and the blab seemed to be cranked up). The hubby said he remembered finding it on AM back in the 90's when he had long commutes. The signal is pretty sketchy at times, but I did discover that it has a LISTEN LIVE streaming button on their website. That's a good option, depending on where you're listen, if internet is more available than their FM signal.
  5. And that was the point of my revisiting this topic.....his order (which I can't find an official record of): Masking was excluded as an alternative, and weekly testing (which was specifically disallowed for healthcare workers), does nothing to protect (medically exempt) unvaccinated staff from being exposed to (mild) cases among vaccinated people.
  6. Shouldn't objections be distinguished from medical contraindications? As a side note, although TB intradermal is only going to produce a local reaction, rather than systemic (like the intradermal PEG test I just took)....I do know one corrections employee that did get a local reaction to "something" in the TB test that was not TB and had it documented what component she was allergic to so she could have an exemption from the yearly test.
  7. This It's been a month since he made this announcement in a press conference, yet I can't still find any official written documentation that explains the details (of this or his more recent "all healthcare" mandate). It seems weird that there's been no mention of how medical exemptions would be addressed. I'm not aware of anything that's been shared with state employees who are subject to the mandate......wondering if any private sector healthcare workers have received official guidance from the governor's office or DOH?
  8. Did Captain maybe refuse to go with him? Dogs are good judges of character
  9. I ❤️ this post..... This is even better than donating it all to a local charity. I think giving directly to family embodies the Libertarian principle of voluntaryism, and underscores the idea that people can often do a better job of helping each other independently than government.
  10. He might be more deranged than we realized. I really hope SOMEONE THIS DELUSIONAL can refrain from passing any dangerous EOs in the next 10 days. (Now tell me you can't 'hear' Trump's voice while you're reading that quote)
  11. I guess you don't need eyesight to spot "someone I would never trust."
  12. 😄 I doubt she had a lot of employers begging to get her on their team. But, it's possible that she was following through with an ultimatum and went back now because he finally did what she'd told him to do. I there is any truth to THIS ARTICLE , it seems that she saw the handwriting on the wall even before the AG report came out.
  13. I'mma bet money she's about the most googled person in the US right now 😆🤣 As for her politics, sounds like she's the type who "evolves" to appease constituents..... (SOURCE)
  14. Gov. Andrew Cuomo spends day with possibly his only friend left in Albany : I'm pretty sure he would would make a run for it, it he weren't fenced in.
  15. He doesn't seem to be heading in the direction of resigning....instead he plans to cooperate with the impeachment probe.
  16. This seriously needs to become part of the equation. When other vaccines have become "mandatory" for NYS schools, they were only for children who could not prove immunity from prior exposure. Somehow, there seems to be a concerted effort to omit this group (>35 million people) from all discussion on Covid.... it is mind boggling. The CDC's FAQ page that says we should rely on the vaccine for the very same reason we should not rely on natural immunity (because we "don't know") However, we have learned more about natural and vaccine-induced immunity..... There is strong evidence that says previously infected individuals are unlikely to benefit from COVID-19 vaccination, and vaccines can be safely prioritized to those who have not been infected before. Meanwhile, the CDC has recently observed outbreaks with significantly more cases (and hospitalizations) among fully vaccinated than unvaccinated. And yet more and more mandates are doubling down on vaccines and refusing to recognize natural immunity.
  17. I'd have to say that the "rescue" funds should go to places that had a direct negative impact from the pandemic and the governor's response. The nursing facility was on the edge before the pandemic....and already being evaluated. With that said, it should only be eligible for "rescue" funds if the county incurred extra costs due to covid (OT, PPE, etc etc) and not reimbursed through some other program.
  18. Similar to the airshow situation....if not enough are going to show up due to NON-weather reasons (low demand act, parking, overpriced, inconvenient scheduling, etc) certain improvements won't ever be cost effective. On the other hand, when venues are profitable enough, there is money to re-invest in that sort of thing (please see a small tavern a few miles away that used profits to build a Summer Stage and multiple buildings as the years have gone by). It's also important to remember that like restaurants and a lot of businesses, entertainment often runs on a razor thin (or even negative) margin.....But sometimes, savvy businesspeople understand running at a negative margin on one side.....in order to turn a profit elsewhere. They pay to offer a 'draw' that brings in sales for something else. Cover charge at a bar may not begin to pay the band, but the drink sales that band generate more than make up for it. The band is the 'draw' but drinks are the product. Why do we think concessions at theaters and stadiums are so expensive? Because the 'draw' (sporting event or movie) isn't usually a moneymaker in and of itself. And a product needs to be offered that the target audience for the 'draw' will want. We would expect higher ice-cream and pizza sales at a Youth League than a alcohol sales.
  19. His defensive 14 minutes of excuses is absolutely jaw-dropping...particularly in light of the fact that it's almost verbatim to the "justifications" that were cited as being rejected by courts.
  20. https://www.c-span.org/video/?513912-1/ny-governor-cuomo-denies-sexual-harassment-allegations-independent-report
  21. Unless we can identify (and remedy) why this wasn't happening before the shutdowns, ARP funds would be just an expenditure rather than an "investment". Were events offered that the public did or didn't show up for? Why or why not? Were those events poorly advertised, cut-rate [low demand, low interest] acts, high interest but low prices that didn't cover expenses, bad weather, parking/location inconvenient, scheduled at bad times of the day/week? Does anyone recall when Chemung County hosted a wildly successful air show every year? Where near-NASCAR sized crowds came from across the eastern seaboard to see the Blue Angels and Golden Eagles? And many local businesses boomed from the influx? And it made the news in Buffalo and Albany? Then we cut expenses and replaced the Blue Angels with a big Truck as the main attraction, and started charging out of state vendors to set up their concessions inside the fence. Then they changed dates around because they blamed plummeting ticket sales on the hot weather. Then we invested in The Wings of Eagles facility....because that would bring the crowds back. But never proposed to bring back the Blue Angels and see if the crowds might return for the event that they'd actually turned out for in the past.
  22. Personally, I don't want to see this pandemic become like the flood of '72 to be blamed for everything going forward. Other communities, equally devastated by Agnes, have managed to recover while we languished for 50 years. Many businesses were flailing (and some already receiving taxpayer bailouts) before the Governor's shutdowns. Covid shutdowns hastened their demise....but were not the the underlying cause. Some due to poor visibility/traffic flow, crippling taxes, licensing, codes and/or regulations....or simply lack of market demand. I think any lump sums of "Rescue" funds for any enterprise without considering whatever pre-existing challenge contributed to decline would be a horrible plan.
  23. I might add that we could perhaps be more discerning when using the word "tragedy". That word suggests an event that was inescapable or inevitable....as an unforeseen accident or natural disaster. On the other hand, when an event is the result of someone’s conscious and deliberate actions...then “atrocity” may be a more accurate description.
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