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Everything posted by MsKreed

  1. The River Friends are 100% correct. The disrepair, garbage and creepy elements downtown do keep people away. Not just tourists, but those of us in other parts of the county (and likely even residents from other neighborhoods in Elmira) feel safer parking and walking in Corning, Waverly or one of the shopping centers up the road. I'd love to hear a statement from the new Tourism Manager on what she thought of the walk they took.
  2. Source So, it seems that the primary objective of these 'protestors' is not to bring about "change in University policy to divest from Israel, etc. That goal would include civil negotiation....like I dunno....relocating to comply with the campus rules to show good faith to the other party. But nope! They clearly prefer disrupting campus operations over engaging in adult conversation.
  3. It’s pretty common throughout human history for life-altering challenges to be “revelatory” experiences. Having to fight for oneself tends to inspire appreciation for what they have, as well as instilling a sense of "reverence" for self-reliance. And I am happy to see the change in him. Granted, it’s also becoming much more common for people to be encouraged to claim victim status and veer toward an entitlement mentality when faced with challenges. Fetterman “could” have that. Lots of people do. (“Whoa is me! I was dealt a shitty hand. Now the world owes me!”). But fortunately for him, it seems he may have discovered that, instead of “gimme” (because I’ve suffered) handouts that might make his handicap existence more tolerable.......his own motivation and perseverance has been far more effective in improving his circumstances.
  4. For the record.... Although I believe it’s wrong for Moss to shirk the ACFR reporting, I tend to agree with the other point he made in his letter: If the County taxpayers are stakeholders (“owners”) of any facility or venue that has operating expenditures and revenue, the operations and financials of said facility need full transparency and accountability. This has been the case since.....forever. The Airport, Park Station and the Nursing Facility are county-owned "operations" that draw revenue from utilization. And all of their personnel decisions and expenditures are transparently reviewed and approved by the Legislature. Their revenue/expense books are transparently included in County financial reporting. Example: The Aviation Director's appointment (and his salary) are approved by the Legislature, and if he wants to pay someone to wax the floors at the Airport.....that process is subject to oversight and approval. The same premise should apply to the Arena (as well as the Fairgrounds Community Center, once it comes to fruition). However under CCCR, we don't know who appointed Robert Kramarik Marketing & Sales Director for First Arena. Is the “operating team” made up of volunteers or are they salaried positions? We also don’t know how events like “Cabin Fever” are funded. We know they had “carnival activities” (like inflated attractions and giant games). But no idea if those attractions were donated by a sponsor, or if the Arena put out for bids.....or if the Marketing Director has the authority to hire Bobby K Entertainment if he wants. On a final note: Just as Moss seems determined to clash with the Legislature, there are also a few Legislators who continue to look for reasons to clash with Moss. I think most of the public has had enough of the bickering and tit-for-tat attacks between the local branches. And we do appreciate those Legislators who don't engage in that petty power struggle.
  5. Yes....he definitely seems to be looking to provoke Public Servants. This (and some of his other videos) highlight a lot of examples of civil servants inappropriately reacting to his (First Amendment protected) goading. As long as they are a threat, members of the “public” are within their rights to probe and/or express disapproval of Public Servants’ actions (even in an irritating and/or disrespectful manner). And employees are expected to remain professional at all times, even in the face of “provocative” public scrutiny.
  6. So, the County can still prepare/submit an ACFR report for the sake of transparency/accountability......even if ineligible to receive the “gold star” COA? Yeah.....This sort of makes me wonder if the decision to “likely not continue” could be reaction to the suggestions (made 2 days earlier during Monday’s meetings Monday’s meetings HERE), by Legislator Sweet that the Legislature should have the Exec’s actions scrutinized by lawyers and auditors. Around the 2hr23min mark, the Multi-Services Committee discusses an earlier tabled resolution ("Resolution renewing agreement with ClearGov Inc. on behalf of the Chemung County Department of Information Technology") This was tabled at last month's meeting for lack of Budget Committee approval. And tabled again this month because the Multi-Services Committee still "wasn’t sure" whether it had been addressed by The Budget Committee yet. The answer is yes....The Budget Committee did vote on (and pass) the renewal agreement for this software in their April 1st meeting HERE . However, it was noted that payment for this (unauthorized) renewal agreement had already been disbursed to the vendor in February. These are legitimate concerns.... the Legislator approved this software in May 2023 HERE, with the clear expectation that it was a “trial basis”, and the Executive team absolutely would need additional approval before renewing this agreement:
  7. This week’s Standing Committee Meetings HERE, committee proceedings were preceded by several presentations (From Public Health lead poisoning to Wastewater Treatment, to the services of Cornell Cooperative Extension) Around the 1hr25min mark.....The Ag Society’s new President had the a presentation. He began by highlighting plans for this year’s Fair (sounds very promising!). Then he discussed infrastructure projects they have done on the Fairgrounds recently. As well as appealing for County Funding ($100k) to facilitate infrastructure grants that the County can’t apply for itself (they can only be awarded to the Ag Society). And that rolled into a discussion about the value of utilizing the Fairgrounds year round. It sounds like there is interest from outside (regional) organizations (like Monster Truck rallies, etc). However, it doesn't seem that the County any staff (as the property owner) to promote coordinate. There wasn’t any specific mention of the Building that was proposed with ARP funds approved...but it sounded as if the Legislature could be hearing a more complete plans (hopefully in the near future). While the gentleman from the Ag Society seems very motivated, sincere and capable.....it isn't quite clear to me who would be responsible for bringing events to the the Fairgrounds if the County eventually approves a multi-use facility. I understand the Ag Society has deep ties to the Fairgrounds, but they are really only a "tenant", that doesn't control the property. But I doubt that would be any worse than having the Fairgrounds "operated" by the IDA/CCCR like First Arena.
  8. MsKreed

    Brand Park Pool

    I copied your letter into Word and it counts 790 words. If you submit an edited version under 500 words, perhaps they would publish it then?
  9. There is no designated bike lane, and the sections where a bicycle could "fit" outside the fog line looks like it's clearly striped to show it's not a bike lane. When I worked in the DOT building in Hornell, I had a conversation with the boss in the Traffic Department and was told the only time it’s OK to cross the fog line is to pass on the right.....in the case where there is not any turning lane, and the vehicle in the traffic lane is making a left turn, and is stopped waiting for oncoming traffic. And, although you wouldn’t know it from what LEO ignores around our area, the laws say that bicyclists are required to follow the same rules of the road as motor vehicles. So, regardless of whether the bus width partially crossed that line -- if the bicyclist was intentionally fully occupying that illegal space they are violating the "don't cross the line" law much more than the bus. I have long felt that local LEO are fomenting a serious safety risk by not citing cyclists for their constant violations of traffic laws.
  10. MsKreed

    Brand Park Pool

    Exactly! To tell us what anyone (even laypersons) can clearly see. And what if the mandated study believes there is some chance that it 'could' be salvaged? Where do the funds come from to take immediate action for it to stay in a 'salvageable' condition (before further decay requires....another study)?
  11. MsKreed

    Brand Park Pool

    Just need a little paint over the graffiti and some TLC. Pay no attention to the full grown trees growing in the pool floor (foundation of the structure), it's nothing that a few volunteers with a couple bags of Sakrete can't spiff up good as new.
  12. Good point! But, unlike the current “forgive everyone by EO” policy, at least the PSLF required them to find some sort of worthwhile public service employment to be considered. In my case, my degree was incomplete, but still had student loans. My state employment during the PSLF repayment wasn’t related to my educational work, but were public service jobs. I started as a mail clerk in prison, and then I transferred to IT work for 10+ years. However -- According to this statement on the official White House Page, pursuing a trade or a field of study that has no practical use in the job market is a specific reason for someone to have their loans discharged:
  13. Since eliminating gluten, I no longer eat macaroni salad......but any ‘mayo based’ salad (macaroni, potato, egg salad, or even tuna salad) should have some crunch in it. Otherwise its just a mushy pudding texture. Like baby food. 🤢🤮 Never had carrots, but it would be worth trying. Celery and/or onions – absolutely necessary. But they must be raw/fresh. because the only thing worse than having an intentionally mushy texture is mushy ingredients that are supposed to be crisp.
  14. Rather than action to “reinvent” the concept at the whim of the Executive branch, the existing program for public sector workers should have been made permanent and advertised as an option to invite and encourage more participants. All of the pearl-clutching that vital, essential jobs like teachers, healthcare professionals, social workers, etc are unable to escape “forever debt” from student loans was a myth. Any of those people willing to dedicate 10 years to public sector or non-profit employment while keeping up 120 payments (even income contingent reduced payments) had the choice to have the remainder of their loans “forgiven”. In addition.....even borrowers with incomplete or unrelated degrees could have their debt “forgiven”. Instead of working at Starbuck’s and whining about “forever debt”, an Art Studies major could have debt forgiven after working in a school cafeteria or food bank for 10 years. I am very familiar with the details of that existing Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program - that was passed by Congress during the GW Bush administration. It was a good premise, but flaws in the intent/interpretation of eligibility requirements were not discovered until the 10 year mark (2017) when the earliest borrowers qualified to have their remaining debt ‘forgiven’.....and found that many banks and loan servicers had not counted their 120+ payments as "eligible". Congress and Trump acted to introduce the Temporary Expanded Public Service Loan Forgiveness (TEPSLF), which clarified and corrected much of the program’s failings. It took a few years for the corrected data to be processed.....but by 2021, most of the erroneously rejected borrowers were in the clear. Their remaining debt was erased, and any overage beyond 120 payments that they'd paid during the 2017-2021 "correction" interval was refunded (I was one of those people). Instead of continuing the program in its amended format....the “temporary” correction was allowed to expire and Biden went full force on his plan to “forgive everyone” without Congressional action.
  15. I like to dip my fries in sour cream or French Onion dip.
  16. And, as if to balance the Margy Taylor's guano loco on the far right......e have The View's Sunny Hostin saying the eclipse, earthquakes and the life cycle of cicadas are due to Climate Change.
  17. Read the rest here. So, looks like this lady was correct....the last 1% was a significant change after all. Perhaps we sometimes underestimate how much light the sun put out if 1% provides that much illumination. LOL
  18. OK...I was able to compress it and it worked
  19. 435694575_7805824439451897_6824755807989031448_n.mp4
  20. Well that sucks. It only allowed the shorter (3 sec) video. The 36 second one said file too large.
  21. 20A around Warsaw was steady, but not too bad Sunday when I drove in. But this morning was a shi-ite show. Dozens of troopers that must have been deployed to Buffalo/Niagara paraded back, along with the tourists. I left there about 11:30 after the traffic stream on 20A slowed. But hit it serious bumper-to-bumper at Mt Morris around Letchworth. Then 390 and 86 were still heavy for midday on a Tuesday. We had dense cloud cover that obscured the corona, but 4 solid minutes of eerie dark. It was surprising that at 3:19 it was "dull" like a huge hail storm was fixing to hit, then really dark. And it happened very suddenly. How dark did this area get? I'm wondering if 98% only got to the "eerie gloom" that preceded the full dark totality I saw? The clouds cleared out a lot and by 4pm, we could see the waning partial clearly with glasses, but no one could get the silhouette to show up on a camera. (I took a short video on my phone panning the horizon during the totality. It isn't as dramatic as the "live" view was, but I will see if I can post it here from my phone.)
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