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Chris last won the day on February 16

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  1. We’re watching the show now and right out of the gate they start with a completely idiotic, unfunny sketch. The kind that made me stop watching SNL in the first place.
  2. I always thought those anglerfish that live miles down in the ocean were huge. Turns out their actually quite small. Someone got one on camera that came to the surface for some reason ( to die I guess ).
  3. Rep. Tenney will just have to stand in line to kiss The Donald's ass like everyone else has.
  4. These mandates are completely unrealistic but by the time anyone figures that out, the people who made these laws will be long gone from office. They'll have made their money on it though, you can bet on that.
  5. This doesn't surprise me. And it's a very real possibility for any backyard chicken owner. Any poultry that are allowed to go outside will be exposed to wild birds, it's just that simple. And of course keeping them locked inside isn't possible, so...
  6. The only thing Mitch is "free" from is concerns about re-election. And go figure, he suddenly develops a conscience when it's something that matters to him personally. Screw him.
  7. I know it’s not unusual, but I still don’t care for it
  8. I’d like to see them keep Cook for sure, but this tactic of deleting all team presence from his socials as a negotiation tactic leaves a bad taste in my mouth. We got rid of a diva already, we don’t need another one.
  9. Well at this rate there won't be much left of the city when they're done. They'll burn it down one building at a time. Then we'll see how soft-hearted some people feel towards them.
  10. I wouldn’t doubt it. And still their defenders are quick to defend.
  11. Well, no one has to worry about that abandoned Baptist Church there by Winer Park much more. Source
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