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After a couple years of complaining about them overtaking things, i finally moved the hostas to a section of the yard where I don't care how big they get. In their place will likely go some perennials or something, I don't know. I think I'm going to have to re-plant the black eyed susans that were there; last year's freeze seems to have done them in, they never came back at all. 

I need to spray the fruit trees for fire blight, and will, just as soon as I get a day that isn't too windy or there's no rain in the days right after. 

Also, I have WAY more seed potatoes than will fit in the garden bed. So what I've been doing is piling used/dirty hay in a section of the yard we don't even see. There I'll just stick whatever is leftover in the hay and see what happens. We may end up with nothing, or we may end up with a bumper crop, only time will tell. 

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I'd just like to brag for a moment that I managed to not only keep rosemary alive indoors all winter, but it did well!

That's all.  

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🤔… we will be starting over on the herb garden ! 
As for potatoes, yeah , it will be one row this year . I have a root cellar full of them sprouting to the point of my fear that if I stay down there too long they may get violent and drag me in … 

Edited by Hal

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I took a look at the 10 day forecast:

Screen Shot 2024-05-13 at 9.35.31 AM.png

I don't see any threat of frost between now and Memorial Day weekend, when I planned on planting in the field. I think we'll go ahead and prepare to do so, one, so I can get it off of my to-do list, but also to take advantage of the spring rains. 

I've already got lettuce, peppers, tomatoes, and some annuals planted as it is, may as well keep planting!

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This fresh turned dirt really struck me as pretty this evening.


I need to get this planted so I can move on. Problem is it’s all I can did to keep up with the mowing lately. I turned this dirt in a light sprinkle, just to get it done and kill some grass trying to come up through.

Hopefully this weekend. 

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So today I started picking rocks in preparation of planting these damned wildflower seeds. I got a little less than 1/3 of the way in and suddenly remembered that picking rocks is arguably the most miserable task in all of agriculture. How I ever did it for two full days at $5/hr years ago is beyond me. ( Although even years later the farmer told anyone who would listen, "He picked rocks all day and never complained." And as I told her, I did, she just didn't hear me. )

So realizing that I was ona fast track to complete destruction of my back for the forseeable future, I decided to hell with it. They're wildflowers, they should be able to grow with some rocks in the ground. Seed goes in, or rather on, the ground tomorrow. 

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On 5/18/2024 at 6:36 PM, Chris said:

So realizing that I was ona fast track to complete destruction of my back for the forseeable future, I decided to hell with it. They're wildflowers, they should be able to grow with some rocks in the ground.

This turned out to be a false statement. 

Screen Shot 2024-05-20 at 10.55.00 AM.png

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I was a little concerned about the chickens foraging through there and getting some of the seed. Of course in 5# of seed even if they do, it shouldn't be a big deal. But watching them, I think they passed over most of them while in there this morning. I believe tamping the seeds down into the soil has something to do with that.

Unlike some seeds, wildflower seeds need to remain uncovered to get the sunlight. But they also need to be tamped in a little for good seed to soil contact. 

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On 5/15/2024 at 8:01 PM, Chris said:

This fresh turned dirt really struck me as pretty this evening.


I need to get this planted so I can move on. Problem is it’s all I can did to keep up with the mowing lately. I turned this dirt in a light sprinkle, just to get it done and kill some grass trying to come up through.

Hopefully this weekend. 

I’m believing them thar drags was well werth the moni , yepper !? 


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LOL , so much easier pulling them around with the 4wheeler , in fact it was downright  hypnotizing! Next thing I know my I pod is yelling in my ears “ battery low “ … oops time to stop . But yeah , its ready for planting , might even pick up more seed . 
I have a unlimited supply of Lupins and other perennials thanks to my next door neighbor Lady who adds plenty of different bulbs and such to our communal compost heap every year . But I will be keeping these in separate beds dotted within the main plot . I’m even making plans for expanding the plot next year ! 

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23 minutes ago, Hal said:

 I’m even making plans for expanding the plot next year ! 

I was saying the same thing up until about a week ago. Maybe I will still, once the memory fades and I see what results I get over there. 

The elevated flower bed we have on our patio seems to be in bad shape, which I didn't notice before planting. I went and got some new containers to re-pot those flowers in and then I'll empty the bed to see if it's salvageable. It's a composite material and if the breaks I suspect happened did, then I have some doubts. 

I also picked up some seeds for the garden, though not a lot because I have a bunch from last year. Exactly what I have, I haven't a clue. 

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LOL I was thinking more along the lines of extending the plot … in smaller increments ‼️👍. But yeah , lets see how this first plot pans out . 
This week is putting in Butternut Squash and just one row of taters ( Lord knows I have enough gone to Sprout in the cellar for 20 rows ) . In the raised beds are , insert here because damned if I know yet ! 

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A week after I planted the flowers, our elevated garden bed appears to have broken, presumably under the strain of wet woild. I suspect the drain was plugged, adding to the problem So we removed it for later repair ( I think I can fix it ) and may cut the legs to place in on the ground. Or it'd be great to fill with ice for parties. 

Anyhow I redid the patio, and am pretty happy with how it looks. Abby said she actually likes it better:

Screen Shot 2024-05-22 at 10.21.40 AM.png

I plan to wash those steps just as soon as I know I won't be tracking mud anymore. At least for a while. 

The only thing I am concerned about is those metal chairs marring the patio stone. So we'll put some heavy duty end caps on them to help with that. 

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Yesterday was for buying plants , soil prep in garden , seed bed and raised beds  ( which almost became deadly * ) today is going to be a planting marathon woo hoo ! 
* while on the bigger tractor I figured i would just go get the mail before putting the tractor back in the barn . As always looking behind before making a turn ,  down the road , a 30 mph zone , comes this idiot doing at least 50 . One of those times when you look , nothing right … then there he was not slowing down , swerving around me by ( not by much ) crossing the double line then cutting back in and just slowing for the stop sign at the corner . Hmmm , ton and a half of tractor versus a little rice burner , 🤔 . Damn , how much i wanted him to turn and come back but my words went unheeded … except by the neighbors lol . 
Anyway going to be a great day to plant the Taters , eggplant , Butternut squash ( vile vegetable as per Abby ) cukes , zukes and maters then the pollinator plot , give it all my blessings over a beer and call it good . 
Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend All ! 

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Lol , well it was a close finish , everything but the pollinator patch is in . The beer was drank , drunkin’ ? Though I seriously tried to squeeze it all in today ! My 30 year old brain said lets get it done , but my 70 year old body knew better lol ! 

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Don’t make no difference to a seed, one day or the other. 

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3 hours ago, Chris said:

Don’t make no difference to a seed, one day or the other. 

True , so true ! Sunday is looking pretty good . 1000 sq. Ft . And need 4 more pkgs but we’ll git er done . 

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Today I'm going to try and get the rest of the garden planted. I'm going to try to plant more corn and less beans this year. It seems like we never have enough corn ( if it produces ) and I end up with a lot of beans we never actually eat. 

Also going to do my usual pumpkins, just ONE zucchini plant ( maybe ) and a couple Delicata Squash. I think I got some cuke seeds too, I don't even remember anymore. 

I'm still thinking about some more basil to replace the lettuce when things get too hot for it. Or just let it go and have that much less to water, we'll see. 

I know it's a holiday weekend, but I'd like to see some rain along the way. I see the forecast has more chances in the coming work week, which gives me hope for the wildflower plots.

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Okay, the damned garden is planted finally. I scaled back my plans just a little.

I also dug up a spot and planted more wildflower seed, the majority of which is Black Eyed Susans.

After that I was spent. Still need to get to the raspberries. 

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Just one last gardening item ( Right !  ) to be done today . The pollinator plot needs seeding down and rolling , going to take a page from Chris’ book and use the mower since the tread is flat it will just make the seed contact the soil . But wait … I have Heritage seeds in the greenhouse / milled lumber drier / extra tractor storage area and a bit of space left in the raised beds . Here we go again ugh SMH ! 

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7 minutes ago, Hal said:

I have Heritage seeds in the greenhouse

I have a bunch of thsoe heirloom tomato varieties I just found yesterday. I think they're from 2020? I had no luck with them, maybe another time. 

10 minutes ago, Hal said:

Just one last gardening item ( Right !  ) to be done today

I never did get those berroes planted, but I'm out of commission for the day. The plan is to add them to the patch of raspberries that's been growing all these years on our southern hedgerow. It's surrounded by other weed plants and I plan to cut those out, a path around the backside of the patch, and then take down a couple sumacs. All for easier access to those berries. 

Maybe tomorrow. 

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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Chris said:

Maybe tomorrow.

Yep … maybe tomorrow 😆
mind and body were once again conflicted today . I knew the pollinators plot needed to be prepared for seeding so I got all the tools and machinery around and there I stood again with a 30 yr old mind trapped in this busted ass 70 yr old body . Mind to body , really , I mean really ? Body to mind … hold my beer ! Picked all rocks that would hinder germination , used the shit fork to rake and pick up old dry sod then leveled the ground with a chain link gate behind the four wheeler … worked nice ! 
Now to seed it down , yeah baby almost done ! Mixed my seed from a bunch of pkgs and got to spreading , hey this is great … until , what the hell , I ran short on seed , like 2/3 short ! Of course my math seemed to be the problem when I got to adding it all up . 
Sweaty , tired and pissed at myself , sitting on the four wheeler in the shade , mind says to body …. Want your beer back 


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I have about 2/3 a bag of play sand here you're welcome to. What you do is mix the seed with that to not only help ensure an even planting, but to see where you've planted. 

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Thank ya Sir ! I’ll be ordering more seed today. My plot is probably a third the size you did , I was just cheaping out on seed is all . 

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I took a gimp on over to the wildflower plots this morning and I'm seeing the beginnings of green. Some of that is regular old grass and some plants that refused to die, and I expected that. But with this rainy/sunny weather I expect to see an explosion of green soon. 

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