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Posts posted by Adam
11 hours ago, Twin Tiers Living said:to a degree i do believe the US has been at disadvantage when it comes to world markets, many governments subsidize businesses in order to export cheap goods to us but place high import taxes on our goods...there really has to be a middle ground where we actually can be competitive
11 hours ago, Chris said:I can't help but wonder what the motivation is. But hey, if it gets him out of the Hazlitt building, then so be it.
gives up his seat and gets the Mrs to run for his County seat and two Gov teets to latch?
course that would mean letting her put shoes on, leave the kitchen and give the womb a break.....
taking offense at something and being incorrect are not mutually exclusive
53 minutes ago, MsKreed said:I played it back twice because I couldn't believe how Netanyahu kept a straight face. Just barely raised an eyebrow.
Would not want to play poker with Bibi! LOL
hell he was likely barely containing his salivation response: palestine no more, the people gone, the mess cleaned up and ordinance cleared without spending a dime/soldier and just who does anyone think would profit most from all that cleared real estate
on this one, i dont believe there is any chess/checkers or even tic tac toe. to have pondered something as he said out loud in front of cameras would be slightly crazy behind closed doors, but on the world stage? that just begs a response from one extremist group or another, let alone OPEC responding to halving their oil output....not to mention to even think to involve our military in such matters is unconscionable.
IF getting other countries to get involved, he/we would have been better served to simply say: the Arab countries dont/wont take in Palestinians and want a two state solution, then put THEIR money where their mouths are, clean it up, rebuild it...otherwise every Palestinian child or civilian that is killed by israeli actions are equally the responsibility of those "brother nations" that refuse
its only two-weeks in, i'm willing to take a wait and see approach. likely, these tariffs are an opening bid, Trump is likely betting that( especially since he has no worry of another term) that "We" can wait the other countries and once they blink, there's room for getting illegal migration under control, same as with the Panama canal. i don't think he really wants it back, but it gets Panama thinking about cooperation a bit more seriously( though technically with two chinese firms managing sections within the canal system, there IS a technical breach of the treaty).
What id like to see is that in addition to these tariffs, a way of preventing or forbidding any companies from passing the costs on to consumers, particularly just to maintain their share-values.
it has been tiresome being the World's police, scape-goat, bank, etc while some other Nations, in some cases literally, get away with murder...China could give two cold dogshits about climate, fair-trade, or ripping off tech worldwide. They then turn around and undercut world economies because of the above points as well as heavy subsidies from the government, as well as dirt cheap labor. add in the amount of money the US bleeds annually to the UN, NATO, WHO, etc. and generally, instead of any real ROI these entities and Nations keep wanting more, further add in the grift here at home from politicians, lobby groups etc and its a wonder there hasn't been an armed uprising to date.
Whether Trump can fix any of this is seriously doubtful, but i think he got elected and some lee-way because at least it isn't more of the same we've seen these last 3 or 4 decades. I hope this DOGE endeavor brings to light the domestic waste( any findings should be made public sans redactions), that the federal workforce IS reduced safely, that the billions/trillions tossed around globally is reduces and accounted for, that our borders are taken more seriously....but with that hope comes a short leash and for what its worth, a watchful eye
8 hours ago, MsKreed said:If I felt the need to call 911 to deal with an unruly drunk that “I” couldn’t handle, why the hell would I want “me” to show up?!?!?
Biology and Physiology stand ZERO chance against ideology silly...
Because emotions and beliefs, being so much easier to manipulate than facts, are thereby easiest to use for political gain. Your opponent could be 100% correct in their stance on ANY subject, Hell, they could even have the cure for cancer; paint them to be a big enough asshole/bigot/ whatever-phobe and the narrative becomes yours to construct
disclaimer: yes him rambling about DEI hiring right after this event is pure grade-A D-bag material....( and this is not direct response to Andy/Chris btw)
its beyond old hearing every-single-negative thing occurring or ongoing in this Nation is because of Trump. Helicopter/plane crash=trump, egg prices=trump, TB in Kansas=trump, people HE pardoned had other prior arrests or committed crimes after pardon
Well blaming Trump for the crash with zero factual evidence is no better than him blaming DEI for it, as for pardons and TB; TB was an issue LAST January under the previous POTUS but no one really batted an eye then and has anyone looked into the histories of the pardoned under the previous POTUS? have any of them prior charges or have any of them returned to crime? Some folks only see what they are spoon-fed through their feeds or what fits their view of the world,
perhaps expecting metrics to be applied equally to whoever hold whichever office could stop this seemingly inexorable slide into idiocracy or perhaps thats just asking too much; but this henny penny sky is falling routine at the mere mention of trump is just beyond childish and tiresome.
let things shake out a bit, the system we've endured the last 3 or 4 decades isnt working( for the majority of people anyway) when/if he does actually commit some Democracy-ending bullshit, believe you me, ill be one of the folks calling for his metaphorical head
10 hours ago, Chris said:worst thing is: Kinkaid wasnt even the intended receiver, you watch the play again, you see Allen pointing up the middle and Hollins was being blatantly held. kinkaid was not originally in position to have a chance of a catch, given the effort he made and how close he came to scooping it up; id call it the " immaculate intention"....NFL really needs to clean up officiating, and start employing technology for spotting the ball
go figure! funny how those that were saying so back at the beginning were fringe conspiracy theorists
been interesting since Jan 20th all of the "sky is falling" from the left( for sake of brevity). Everything they do, say, think, try is the end of the world and Hitler-level evil. latest is the claim he is questioning/trying to remove Citizenship of Native Americans,
its so aggravating, the habit of the left to rely so much upon emotion, beliefs and opinion, despite how glaringly false they are proved through simple reading of fact based sources. even worse is that we've spent the last 6 years being preached to about how we must entertain the idea of "identifying as" and the sacred idea of ones culture, yet Trump has recently moved to formally recognize the Lumbee tribe in the Carolinas and don't ya know, many left leaning forums, sites and groups are bemoaning this move. from "he's pandering" to "just because they claim to be Indian, doesn't mean they are"
Next, its the new claims of election fraud, election interference, stolen election...yup, the exact claims they've been calling fringe and anti-American, is a growing refrain, even so far as now circulating a supposed letter from a HB-1 employee of twitter who claims to have been a part of a project where bots, ai and algorithms were used to feed readers pro-trump information and suppressing Democrat-leaning subjects...also that foreign actors were allowed to spread influence as well.
of course this person had no moral qualms WHILE doing this nefarious deed ( imagine, if truthful, it potentially could have swayed voter's choices if known before the election) instead we get the suspicious and credibility defying after-the-fact-pilings-on of an anonymous employee....taken altogether, it is again the very actions the Left scoffed and sneered at not but 4 short years ago
its the hypocrisy that flip flops territory every election cycle that is beyond disgusting and truly makes me hopeful the Apophis asteroid makes a last minute trajectory change
1 hour ago, Beekeeper said:Do you mean to create the ice rink under the parking garage like Corning? That actually would be a great idea! Let the people of Elmira have something to do in the winter..I do agree that First Arena was a great idea, but the community is not attending...The money to help grow our city should not be used every year to bail out the arena...What about putting garden share beds in somewhere? Fenced so the deer cannot get in. People would pay to have one of the beds and then would maintain it. Might be a good way to get people talking to others in the community.
wasnt my original intent to have rink like corning, but if economic feasible, then why not, more the point was Corning has a TON of parking for folks to use so they can walk around market street, ample and accessible parking is a huge advantage when trying to build/revive a downtown....something Elmira has been blind to for years
On 1/11/2025 at 7:48 PM, Chris said:The best part of the whole wildflower meadow movement is this: You just throw the shit out there and let Nature take its course. These plants have grown here for millennia, there’s no real science to it.
youll be wanting to get the peach trees pruned soon too
demo arena, create parking space like corning has, replace IDA board members( or at least install minimum 2 non political community members), use funds to rehab existing buildings on water street and encourage small/medium businesses to move in( no bars or clubs btw). better develop parks/greenspaces into what they used to look like in the turn of century, develop at least a portion of the river for sport fishing, stop depending on grants(municipal welfare) for survival
5 hours ago, Chris said:I strongly disagree. While I don't agree with what Biden did with pre-emptive pardons it's apples and oranges. These assholes were tried and found guilty, some by judges Trump himself appointed.
But hey, you know what? Screw it. No repercussions for anything anymore. It's all okay, do what you want and if it aligns with the asshole in charge and/or sticks it to "the other side", go for it.
In the case of Biden and Trump's recent pardons/commutations; each one of those affected WERE tried and found guilty. the upside is that at least the Justice system was allowed to do its job. With pre-emptive pardons, IF criminal activity were to be found, the system will have been subverted completely.
Perhaps along with Amending the Constitution regarding Birthright Citizenship, maybe the pardon clause should be amended as well ie: only in cases where miscarriage of justice is proven or gross negligence as reasons for pardon?
4 hours ago, Jim said:know people who have learned in no uncertain terms that they aren't invited to West Elmira.
lovely thing about public spaces, one doesnt need an invite to enjoy them, and IF they are being treated that way, they can either make official complaint or simply go to the two other public pools in the area.
4 hours ago, Jim said:Why do you need another splash pad? And why don't they take care of the one that is already there as well as the playground equipment? Do you find it acceptable that the City can't take care of the property belonging to the people of Elmira?
Honestly i DON'T think another splash pad is needed, id much rather see open spaces, pollinator gardens, re-enact, as it were, what the parks looked like 100 years ago, but the pads are the direction they are going which is a cheaper, more expedient path than the "pool" i certainly do not find it acceptable that the City does not/cannot take better care of its properties, to an extent though, residents can certainly take some responsibility/action to take care of some issues through clean up days, community gatherings in public spaces etc, but THEY need to take some initiative as well.
4 hours ago, Jim said:Regarding the NYSWIMS grant, if the City had applied and received it, they would have a new BPP, a new splash pad and playground equipment for less than what they have allocated to tear down the building and put up the other.
and when the grant money runs out, who foots the bill for the upkeep, insurance, employees? wont be so cheap then.
4 hours ago, Jim said:I call that a waste of money and irresponsible government. My request for the National Register
(Emphasis mine) throughout this discussion, terms such as the above appear quite often, perhaps if you focused more upon a "We" perspective, your efforts would be more fruitful/well directed.
4 hours ago, Jim said:By the way, the grant also includes free swimming lessons for our children. Will the City still pay for that, as you suggest?
Since they had to shell out for a study they already knew the results of( ie waste of money you mention above) likely not; but you could write up a funding proposal and submit it.
sorry, no worse than pre-emptive pardons...
13 hours ago, Kevin said:Here is a video that shows the condition of the pool on the inside. This was just posted a day ago.
On 1/16/2025 at 10:21 PM, Jim said:It's insensitive to suggest that our kids can go elsewhere to swim.
Is there a functioning pool in the immediate area we weren't aware of? if so, then the suggestion could be seen as insensitive; barring that, its pragmatism, and using resources available in a fiscally responsible way.
On 1/16/2025 at 10:21 PM, Jim said:By the way, anyone can apply to have a property placed on the Historic Register.
Just because anyone can do something, doesn't necessarily mean they should
On 1/16/2025 at 10:21 PM, Jim said:Those kids do not go to those pools.
know this for a fact do you?
Have taken our children there quite a bit over the years, and every time, there is quite a diverse representation of the area there without fail
On 1/16/2025 at 10:21 PM, Jim said:I had no such effect of the sort.
SMH.... the City planned to demo the "pool", YOU take issue with that decision, and YOU unilaterally(as quoted previously) apply for it to be on the registry knowing full well it would stymie demo efforts.
Now, how much money did the City spend on the study to tell the sane folks in the room what they already knew?
THAT money, could have been requested to pay for a continuing summer program to transport children to any of the 3 pools and pay their entrance
Wrestling Tourney last weekend, wonder if another loss or did it at least break even?
11 hours ago, Twin Tiers Living said:I understand that, but I think that if we look at it on a monthly basis, $7.54 is extremely doable.“
then by all means, cut spending by that same percentage....it should be extremely doable
i know im not in the City, but we just got our assessment, 142k, ive got two houses up road from me where folks living in a camper in backyard of one home, and sounds like someone else living in a school bus parked in drive of one above that, then you cannot enter town from either end of main drag without witnessing burgeoning landfills....no way we;d get that price! so now i have to draft a polite letter with pictures to present to BAR to get it lowered. much like elmira is crowded with exempt properties, we have many that are either incorrectly low assessed, or dodging taxes... so in a way 7.54 isnt so much the problem but for fact those getting hit continually do so while others skate
31 minutes ago, Jim said:Your statement doesn't make any sense
It does if you are interested in more than your own opinion but let me clarify: Your unilateral action of applying for registry of the "pool" forced the City to pay, out of its general fund, for a study whose results everyone already knew would be. The cost of the study could have been requested and used to bus kids/people to the other operating pools and pay their entrance fees, likely for a few seasons
43 minutes ago, Jim said:There are splash pads already in Elmira parks. Did you read my remarks about our kids going to pools in West Elmira or on Harris Hill?
how could i not? Those very kids your actions potentially screwed out of very viable and affordable way to enjoy swimming without having to rely on yet more Grants That are never guaranteed btw. And you obviously didnt read my last post very closely, nowhere in it did i mention splash pads....
i mean no disrespect but i get the feeling you are the type that, instead of actually listening to possibly learn something, you just wait for the other person to finish so you can continue on your point.
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from what ive seen, hes worth it and i hope they can make a deal