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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. Most of the schools in this area were built before A/C was available. The district is retro fitting the buildings, but it takes time because it is so expensive and requires so much work to a building.
  2. Amazon sells a thing the attaches to your mask that holds it away from your face. It makes it easier to breath for those having issues. It gives a little bit of room so you don't breath right onto the mask. You can get them here. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08GNX8KZP/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_NVAHQYRHQJJY6TN2MK1T?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
  3. When your conditioning them you are feeding a ton of nitrogen rich fertilizer (29-0-4)once the 10 days is up you feed a balanced (10-10-10) fertilizer. I just checked toad and it is still in the mid 70s. Since it is no longer getting the high nitrogen food it may heat up back to the 90s, but that is okay. It won't go back in the dangerous high temps.
  4. Just checked it when I got off work and the cold rain and temperatures did its job. It is now down to 90⁰, so I will be planting on Sunday.
  5. Went to check the Straw bales while on break and they are still at 110⁰ in the middle and have now developed mushrooms. The book said mushrooms are a good thing, it means the inside is breaking down. With the cold day, I should be able to plant this weekend.
  6. Also the placement of the Pepsi cups on top of the piano.
  7. The last day of conditioning of my straw bales was this past Saturday. I have not been able to plant anything in them because the thermometer I have in them shows the internal temperature is hovering at about 120⁰. It needs to be about 105⁰ or lower. It did get down to about 113⁰ yesterday and then the rain from last night reactivated everything, so hopefully I will get the peppers and onions in this weekend.
  8. Check previous weeks, they are there.
  9. SNL seems hit or miss on comedy depending on who the current cast is. They have it it with Michael Che and Colin Jost on the news desk. They have a new skit where they write jokes that the other one has to read without seeing it first. They have been doing it a lot this season and they are always hilarious. I have included a link to the one from this past show.
  10. https://www.theintelligencer.net/news/top-headlines/2021/05/ohio-vaccinations-jumped-33-after-vax-a-million-news/
  11. I don't have poultry so maybe I am missing something. Is this an issue and does it happen a lot?
  12. I heard about a new website called getchipdrop.com. You sign up to get wood chips delivered for free or you can opt to pay a small fee. When an arborer is in your area and needs a place to drop them they stop by and drop them. You can choose between just chips, chips and a little wood (>10%), chips with a lot of wood (<10%) or just logs. You tell them where to drop them and then they drop them there. The only downside is: You must take the whole load so it could be a 20yd truck. You don't know when they will be dropped off, once you sign up it could be a few days or a few months. It doesn't cost anything to sign up to get the drop, it does cost the arborer $20 to access the website, you can opt to pay that $20 via the site and it says you will probably get them quicker. I wanted to do, but I have a narrow driveway and would not use 20 yds in a few years. Looking at the map it doesn't look like to much has been done in this area, but if you need chips and are not in a urgent need it may be worth signing up. Moderator, if this needs to moved to a different topic feel free.
  13. That's my problem, I am limited by space. I have never been to successful in starting from seed, so this year I started way more than I could use figuring I would get what I need. Well I ended up with a 85-90% success rate. The only change I made was heating mats and grow lights.
  14. I have a bunch (like 30) of extra pepper plants if anyone wants or needs some. I started most from seed myself. Most are Jalapeño or a variation, but I do have some Habanero also if your interested. Pickup on the Southside of Elmira near Parley Coburn. Free for the taking, just let me know and we can arrange. I am looking for 1-2 pepper plants that have heat between Jalapeños and Habanero if someone wants to trade.
  15. In the next week or so I will get everything planted. I mainly grow peppers, because I like to make hot sauce. This year I decided to try something different and I am growing loofah for the heck of it. We will see how it turns out.
  16. I would not be surprised if you had the chance to vote for that team again.
  17. Kevin

    Bad Batch

    If those people woke up and didn't find something to complain about, they would complain about that. I didn't even realize the skin tomes were lighter. Must be I was seeing with my privilege glasses on.
  18. This article explains it a lot better. https://decrypt.co/70031/mark-cuban-dogecoin-will-hit-1-and-become-a-stablecoin?amp=1
  19. With actual cash if the Govt. needs more they just print more. With Crypto only so many coins of each Crypto is available for mining.
  20. Kevin

    Bad Batch

    I agree, I finished it this morning and enjoyed it.
  21. It is backed by support. In theory it could bust, some people think of it as a world currency.
  22. Kevin

    Bad Batch

    I am watching it now and it seems like a good show. I enjoy watching Clone Troopers so we will see.
  23. If you don't want to get into crypto than don't. I have put money into Doge coin. It was about $.005 when I bought it and now it is at about $.50. So if I cashed it in right now, the profit would be good. My son has gone bigger and owns like 18,000 coins, as of this morning he is up about $6,000. Like all investments it has risk, don't invest more than you can loose. I also own stock in actual companies and my Doge coin right now has a higher rate of return. I would listen to Mark Cuban and Elon Musk over Bill Maher when it comes to investments. Crypto is a buy it and forget it investment. If you bought 1 bitcoin for $.0008 in 2009, it is now worth about $55,000.00. I regret not buying a couple thousand coins back then, but the wife wasn't going for it.
  24. 5 of the top 15 are from Southport or Elmira Correctional Facility. The hours works show that most of them were working 80+ hours a week all year. Really building up that retirement. I can't say I blame them, but how productive can someone be working that many hours every week? What's the saying, Don't hate the player, hate the game.
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